Monday, December 22, 2008
When Should You Get Rid of Your Mistress?
You and only know the dynamics of your relationship with your mistress, and therefore you and only you can make the call when its time to give her the boot.
But there are a few tell tale signs that you can look for that will let you know that your relationship has ripened and its time to get out.
It’s Time to Dump Your Mistress When:
1. When she starts getting clingy and starts acting like your girlfriend.
- Increased volume of calls
- Increased volume of text messages
2. When she is demanding to spend more time with you, and infringes on your time with your girlfriend.
3. When she starts costing you as much or more than your girlfriend financially (dates, presents, etc.)
4. If she doesn’t know you have a girlfriend but starts getting suspicious and begins asking questions or snooping around.
5. When she asks to be your girlfriend, or asks you to dump your girlfriend so she can take her place.
6. When she starts showing up unannounced to:
- Your home
- Your work
These are all good rules of thumb to go by to let you know that your escapade with your other woman has probably run its course.
Now actually executing a successful breakup with your mistress is another proposition all together, and you have to play it carefully.
In my next blog I will cover Breaking Up With Your Mistress.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
Friday, December 5, 2008
Cheating During The Holiday Season
Not to mention the upcoming New Year’s Eve conundrum of which woman you will spend it with, you obviously cannot be with more than one woman, so a choice has to be made. One of them will be disappointed greatly and be very upset with you. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.
It’s a stressful time for a cheater, I know I been there. The best option at this time of year is to cut your secondary women loose before the Holiday Season begins, preferably before Thanksgiving. This will allow you to concentrate on only your girlfriend without any of the ancillary problems created by additional women in your life.
You only have a finite amount of time during the holiday season, and a secondary woman will encroach upon that tremendously.
If you’ve navigated through the Christmas minefield with multiple women without getting caught, now is the time where you must make a bold move… New Year’s Eve. Use whatever legitimate excuse you can to disappoint your secondary women, in fact if you can break up with the temporarily that would be the best option since that would provide you an inherent excuse to avoid her for that night. But if you want to keep her, try to use an all guys poker party or a friend that lives some distance away who is having a get together as an excuse.
But if you were smart, which you should be to play this game, you would have devised an action plan for this event weeks ago.
But remember whatever you do, try not to go to a public party at a club, restaurant, bar, and so on since everyone is out that night and your chances of getting recognized increase dramatically.
This is a busy time of year for everyone regardless. But it’s an especially frustrating and busy time for cheating on your girlfriend. As a cheater you now have to worry about duplicates for everything; buying multiple Christmas presents, disposing of multiple gift receipts, keeping track of what you bought for whom, going to multiple holiday parties, trying to avoid all the holiday photos that might get you caught, etc.
Not to mention the upcoming New Year’s Eve conundrum of which woman you will spend it with, you obviously cannot be with more than one woman, so a choice has to be made. One of them will be disappointed greatly and be very upset with you. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.
It’s a stressful time for a cheater, I know I been there. The best option at this time of year is to cut your secondary women loose before the Holiday Season begins, preferably before Thanksgiving. This will allow you to concentrate on only your girlfriend without any of the ancillary problems created by additional women in your life.
You only have a finite amount of time during the holiday season, and a secondary woman will encroach upon that tremendously.
If you’ve navigated through the Christmas minefield with multiple women without getting caught, now is the time where you must make a bold move… New Year’s Eve. Use whatever legitimate excuse you can to disappoint your secondary women, in fact if you can break up with the temporarily that would be the best option since that would provide you an inherent excuse to avoid her for that night. But if you want to keep her, try to use an all guys poker party or a friend that lives some distance away who is having a get together as an excuse.
But if you were smart, which you should be to play this game, you would have devised an action plan for this event weeks ago.
But remember whatever you do, try not to go to a public party at a club, restaurant, bar, and so on since everyone is out that night and your chances of getting recognized increase dramatically.
Take Care,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Use The Economic Downturn To Stay In With Your Mistress
There are a however a few benefits that that a shrewd cheater can take advantage of during these turbulent times.
This is the final installment a three part series that will help you keep cheating while other players are sitting on the sidelines.
Using Economic Downturn to Stay In
If you already have a girlfriend and mistress, or an established rotation of other women, then you can use these weak financial times to reduce your risk factor.
Tell your women that you want to safeguard your money since the future is very uncertain and you never know what future costs or issues (job loss) might rear its ugly head. You are concerned for her as well and she should probably do the same.
Therefore, its probably best if both of you conserve together by going out less and staying in more. This course of action will reduce the chances of being caught in public with another woman, while simultaneously increasing the number of times you have sex since you will have to find a way to kill time.
Ordering in and renting movies is a good suggestion, and a timeless classic.
I also recommend having a private cocktail party with just the two of you, allowing you to mix drinks you’ve never tried before which leads to intoxication, which inevitably leads you to the bedroom. You win again.
Remember, even though times are tough for everyone right now, there is always a way to take advantage of a situation for the shrewd cheater.
Take Care,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Women Look For Financial Security During Financial Crisis
We’re all feeling the effects of the financial crisis and economic downturn of the last couple of months, and going forward there is little hope if it abating anytime soon.
There are a however a few benefits that that a shrewd cheater can take advantage of during these turbulent times.
This is the 2nd installment in a three part series that will help you keep cheating while other players are sitting on the sidelines.
Looking for Financial Security
Women will seek out men that give them the feel of financial security during times of monetary crisis. They want to feel safe with a guy that can take care of them if they desperately need it.
You can appear to be that guy.
Make sure you talk about how financially solid you are right, how the economy isn’t affecting you, and more importantly will not affect you going forward.
This will separate you from the other men in her life that she knows more personal details about (coworkers, friends, ex-boyfriends, etc.) who might be struggling financially.
She will compare them to you and measure that you are in a better position and therefore a better catch.
She will drift to you just for the financial safety aspect since you will seem far more secure then other men in her life, and you will become the Alpha male in this respect.
Take advantage of this and establish yourself as “The Man” and she will act accordingly by accepting your advances.
Sooner than you know, you will be able to add her to your rotation, and she will stay in line from worry that she might alienate or lose you if she puts the usual relationship pressures on you.
Remember, even though times are tough for everyone right now, there is always a way to take advantage of a situation for the shrewd cheater.
Stay tuned for part 3 of this series: Use the Economic Downturn to Stay In With Your Mistress
Take Care,
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Exploit the Heightened Emotions of Women During The Economic Downturn
There are a however a few benefits that that a shrewd cheater can take advantage of during these turbulent times.
I have created a three part series that will help you keep cheating while other players are sitting on the sidelines.
Exploit the Heightened Emotional State of Women
The economic crisis is probably affecting women emotionally much harder than their male counterparts, putting them in a heightened emotional state. They are probably far more worried about their credit card debts, monthly expenses, and the potential of a job loss then men are.
If you have a girlfriend then you initially will view this as a negative since she will be more irritable and bitchy than usual.
But they are also distracted by their own personal issues allowing you more time and leeway to engage in your infidelity.
The more women are concerned by their personal fiscal crisis, the less time they spend scrutinizing you, what you’re doing and snooping around your stuff, that’s always a plus.
If you’re working on adding a new woman to your rotation, this is an advantageous position to be in. Most women don’t like to address their problems directly (rather hoping the issues will resolve themselves) and easily fall prey to distraction, and you can be that distraction.
They would much rather focus on a new guy in their life showing them attention, making them feel good about themselves, than figuring out a way to alleviate their stressful financial predicament. This makes them much easier to fit into your rotation as your mistress, since they will be far less likely to concern themselves with normal relationship issues and just look forward to seeing you and forgetting about their troubles.
Remember, even though times are tough for everyone right now, there is always a way to take advantage of a situation for the shrewd cheater.
Stay tuned for part 2 of this series:
Women Look For Financial Security During Financial Crisis
Take Care,
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Mistress of an Indifferent Type
Today I will continue with the last personality features in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways, the Indifferent.
Last but not least, the one that just doesn't care, and one of my personal favorites.
This type of woman is probably trying to kill time until her boyfriend or husband gets out of jail, or gets back from an extended business trip.
She is generally disillusioned with relationships at her present moment in time, putting her in a state of mind where she could just as easily take it or leave it, no big deal to her, either way.
Regardless of her mindset, these types of women are good to stick in your rotation for a few weeks.
Since she doesn’t have much vested interest in a relationship with you besides the entertainment value, free meals, and sex, she will not become a big burden in your life. Keep her as one of your secondary women or relegate her to booty call status and you’ll be just fine.
Hope you enjoyed my series on female personality types that enable Cheating On Your Girlfriend and Not Getting Caught. If you know of any more that I might have missed feel free to comment or contact me.
A. C.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Your Slutty Mistress
In my previous blogs I was addressing the issue of choosing women by personality types. I discussed the Oblivious, Trusting, and Scandelous personality traits to look for in women you plan to cheat on your girlfriend with and how they can be beneficial when choosing a mistress.
Today I will continue with another personality feature in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways; The Slut.
The slut is the one that all of us have come across from time to time. This type is essentially out only for the sex, whatever her reason might be.
Maybe she receives the emotional sustenance that's missing from her life, maybe she is a sex addict, or maybe she thinks this is the way to a man's heart. It doesn't matter, she's offering and you should be taking.
The slut type is easily identified by her actions, her reputation, and by the way she flirts incessantly with any man that gives her the time of day.
She’ll have a tendency to sleep with a high volume of men, but never really have a good reason for doing so. She won’t be able to explain to herself, or her friends why she gave it up to some guy she met earlier that afternoon at the gas station.
She’ll go from guy to guy like a butterfly from flower to flower, until some sucker weds her for a lifetime of heartbreak and infidelity since her behavior will continue well into matrimony.
Don’t be that guy.
Be the guy that beds her not the one that weds her.
This, again, is the type you want to relegate to a booty call. Definitely under no circumstances do you consider this one as you girlfriend, and if you currently have a girlfriend that fits this description, then by all means give her the boot.
Or better yet, get a real girlfriend and keep this one just for the sex, and when she cheats on you, she’s not really cheating on you.
But you want to be careful, if it gets around that you frequent sluts it will cast you in a bad light. If you’re seen having drinks with a girl that's a notorious slut it will be hard to explain away that she is only a friend to anyone that might see you.
By her very reputation you will be associated with her in a sexual regard, and therefore if your girlfriend gets wind of it, she will surely assume you two did the deed, which you probably did.
There is one more personality that you should look for, the Indifferent type, and we’ll cover this in my next blog.
Stay Tuned.
A. C.
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Your Scandalous Mistress
In my previous blogs I was addressing the issue of choosing women by personality types. I discussed the Oblivious and Trusting personality traits to look for in women you plan to cheat on your girlfriend with and how they can be beneficial when choosing a mistress.
Today I will continue with another personality feature in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways; The Scandalous.
Scandalous Type:
This personality type can encompass a wide variety of women; married, with or with out boyfriends, dating multiple partners like yourself, and even some that are accepting of the fact that you have a girlfriend.
Usually you will want to keep this type as one of your secondary women, or maybe even just a booty call. They do not make good girlfriend material by nature, but they make excellent cheating on your girlfriend material.
The scandalous ones that already come with a husband or a boyfriend, yet manage to find their way into your bedroom speak for themselves on why you wouldn't want them as your number one.
If she does have a significant other, usually she will be more paranoid about getting caught than you are, so she will make it incredibly easy for you.
It will usually entail discrete visits to your house or you to her location of choice (friend’s house or apartment, parents house, ect.) while their significant other is not around.
Yes, women do cheat as well; you'd be surprised at how many. Don’t question it, just learn to take advantage of it when they come your way.
The scandalous women that don’t have a significant other, but know you have a girlfriend, are the ones that you have to filter a little more carefully. They can be broken down into two distinct types.
The first kind just want have their fun with another woman's man.
This is the type that you want to shoot for. They are only looking to have a good time and have sex with a man they find attractive with no strings attached. They realize ahead of time that they are getting into something that will lead nowhere, and they are obviously fine with that.
But the second you have to be more wary of, since they entertain notions of stealing another woman's man.
This type focuses on causing you problems for their own personal benefit, by intending to break up your main relationship. You can weed these out with just a few conversations to figure out if they are more into you than just a good time. Ask them questions about how they feel about you having a girlfriend, and more importantly how they feel about you. If you start getting some long and detailed responses about how they wish you didn't have a girl and they eventually want to be your lady, wash your hands of them as quickly as possible.
Essentially the Scandalous type just likes the thrill of doing something that they know is not proper, just for the fun of it. Sleeping with another woman’s boyfriend is ample fun in that regard. Once you realize that all they want to do is break social boundaries and not really engage in any type of long term relationship, take advantage of it while you can.
In the next blog, everyone’s favorite… The Slut.
Stay tuned
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Trusting Type
In my last blog we began to discuss the personality types in women that you can exploit for your infidelity. Some women are dominated by certain personality traits that make them easy to cheat on, and identifying those traits can be key to making your infidelity easier to hide and to help you avoid getting caught.
Today, we will look at the trusting type of woman, a wonderful characteristic in both friendship and romantic relationships. However, it also a something that can be exploited to the benefit of the cheater when properly manipulated.
The Trusting Type:
The trusting type is easily taken advantage of, a sad truth. The quality that is valued greatly in a monogamous relationship is the one that can be exploited exceptionally well when being unfaithful.
This character trait in woman will led them to trust their man because that's what they are used to. What their man tells them is the truth and there is usually not much debate.
This type of girl most often avoids conflict at all costs to avoid having to initiate interrogations and awkward confrontations. Even if there are obvious clues, sometimes this type of woman will tend to ignore them on the basis of her blind trust.
As with the Oblivious Type, don't get sloppy and you won't have too many problems in this situation. You can get this type of woman to fill the #2 role in your rotation quite easily, just remember that she will most likely think that she is your girlfriend so you will have to spend more time with her than a normal mistress.
In my next blog we will discuss the next set of personality traits that you can exploit in women for your cheating ways, they will be: The Scandalous Type.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Oblivious Mistress
An important determining factor in choosing women to cheat on your girlfriend with is personality. This is paramount since personality cannot be changed or altered in most cases. There are many different personality types; most are detrimental to infidelity. However, there a few traits that can be exploited. Let’s explore one that will allow you to cheat more freely, the Oblivious.
The Oblivious Type:
The oblivious personality is pretty self-explanatory. She is too preoccupied with herself, her career, family, or hobby to even consider the fact that her man might be cheating on her.
The more time her man doesn't spend with her allows her more time to concentrate on herself and her activities of choice. If you are involved with a woman of this type, she will make it very easy to cheat on her. She is to wrapped up in herself to notice that she is neglecting your needs and providing you ample opportunity to stray.
You probably want this woman to play the role of your #2 girl since she has no clue of what's going on, but is still probably under the assumption that you and she are exclusive.
She wouldn’t consider you her boyfriend, but would in most cases consider the two of you dating. She will give you a lot of leeway due to her distraction with her personal issues which you should take advantage of, just don’t get overconfident or sloppy.
In my next blog we will discuss another personality trait that you can exploit in women for your cheating ways: the trusting type.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Treat Your Girlfriend Like A Princess
The title of this blog is what I tell guys that ask me how to keep their women from being suspicious.
If it doesn’t make any sense initially, then give it some thought. Sometimes the best offense is the best defense.
It’s very simple; just treat her like all women fantasize about being treated, like a princess. Romance her and pay her generous compliments often, buy her little tokens of affection to let her know you are thinking about her, call her to say you just wanted to hear her voice, and when you two are together focus only on her without any distractions.
Keeping her in fantasyland will accomplish many things that are beneficial to your hidden agenda.
She will become totally enamored with you, and be more willing to give in to little things such as letting you go out all night with your friends, she might not even mind if you don’t call her till the next day.
She will be less likely to worry about other women or become overly suspicious of your activities since you are continuously showing her that she is the main focus of your life.
You can start to see the line of reasoning; if she is happy she will let you do things that she might not otherwise. If you keep her in princess fantasyland she will have no reason to suspect anything, leaving you free to cheat on her as you desire.
This is an indirect way of reinforcing your way of keeping your girlfriend in check. Instead of accomplishing this directly by telling her what you want or forcing your philosophy on her, you let her do it to herself.
This method will take more creativity and manipulation, as well as more work and effort on your part, but when executed correctly the rewards far outweigh the labor involved.
Keeping her happy means keeping her mind occupied with romance and satisfaction of your relationship. Keeping her mind occupied means fewer chances for her to be wondering what you might be getting into.
It works, trust me.
Happy Cheating,
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A College Student Makes A Great Mistress.
A woman’s lifestyle can be a great indicator whether she might be ripe for infidelity. If she is preoccupied by certain aspects in her life that demand her attention more than a romantic relationship, then they might be a prime candidate to either cheat on or to become your mistress.
In my previous blogs, I talked about Single Mothers and Workaholics as women that fit those categories. In today’s edition I will analyze another lifestyle choice that you can exploit, if you so choose.
A student’s time is consumed by academic endeavors thus leaving little time for romance. So when the moment of opportunity arises they will jump at the chance to spend some quality time with you.
This works a little better for a woman who has a career and is working on a degree at the same time. Her time will be dedicated to her job during the day, while studying and classes will dominate her schedule in the evenings and weekends. Thus you will have ample time to pursue other women while she is writing papers or going to classes.
A woman attaining her undergraduate degree as a fulltime student will have time for a more conventional relationship. But nevertheless her schedule will still be dedicated to her studies but not as much as a woman that has both a job and academic endeavors.
Note that there is certain calendar cycles associated with the school year. During breaks and holidays these types of women might want to make up for lost time by spending every waking moment with you, putting an immense burden on your other relationships. To play it safe you will have to either terminate the relationship heading into long breaks such as summer or winter, or have a very difficult schedule during those times.
If you can somehow find a combination of both a student and a workaholic you might have hit the jackpot, since most of their free time spent with you will be for sexual encounters. Keep your eye out for these types of women. You will be well rewarded.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s Lifestyle Series. If I missed any lifestyle aspects that you think should be included feel free to contact me or post a comment and I will address it in a future blog.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Workaholic Lifestyle Makes Any Woman Easy To Cheat On
Whether it’s their own choice, or if their career dictates it, when they spend too much time at the office that directly plays to your hand. Any woman who falls into this category will make an excellent secondary woman.
The reasons are self-evident and parallel to those of the single mothers; their time is committed to something other than their boyfriends. This, however, does not exclude them from seeking out a relationship, but it has to be on their terms. Meaning that the man they date has to be willing to tailor his time around her work schedule, which the shrewd player should turn to his advantage.
Since her work schedule will usually be predictable, you can easily weave a couple of other relationships around women who are engrossed in their careers. You just have to show up when they have time for their relationship and most likely they will want to dive right into the affections that have eluded them.
Another benefit of the workaholic is that their careers often take them out of town, allowing for more time to spend with your other women, as well as reducing the chances of accidentally bumping into them when you’re out on the town with one of your aforementioned women.
A workaholic is an ideal woman to cheat on. Her time is frequently allocated to her career, out of town often, and a predictable schedule will allow a copious amount of free time to pursue other avenues of interest.
Stay tuned we will continue the Lifestyle Series in my next blog.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Single Mothers Make an Attractive Option for Infidelity
There are lifestyle choices women make, whether intentional or not, that make them an attractive number two or three option in your repertoire because of exactly that; their lifestyle.
Their current circumstance really skews the advantage in your favor allowing you far greater latitude with your infidelity than you would have in a normal relationship. Unfair advantage or not, capitalizing on such conditions can make for really easy opportunities to expand your infidelity.
Single Mothers:
At the first mention of this you might think, “How is this beneficial to me?” But, you have to dive beneath the surface and analyze the situation. Most men see the child, think of the added responsibility and aggravation of dragging the little rug rat along everywhere, and having to constantly work around that annoyance. However, if you take a moment to turn this situation to your advantage you might have found a diamond in the rough.
First, single mothers have a harder time finding men that will enter into a relationship due to the obvious complications, so when a guy offers interest they’ll be far more receptive than under usual dating conditions.
Second, just the fact that you accept her with another man’s child, she’ll think of you as different and far more understanding than the other men. So right from the start you’re already elevated to a slightly higher esteem due to the fact that you are willing to make a “sacrifice” and explore a relationship with her, regardless of her child.
Now, let’s discuss what natural advantage this situation provides you. Her first commitment is to the child, never to you. How is this beneficial? Her main focus will always be upon the child, spending time with the child, caring for the child, taking the child places, feeding the child, and so forth. That requires a huge investment of her time, leaving you free to pursue other avenues of entertainment without having her constantly in your business. She doesn’t have that much available time to be checking up on you, most likely she won't.
An wonderful side benefit is that when she does find some free time, she won’t want to waste it, knowing full well that those moments are few and far in between. So taking advantage of this she will usually take you right to her bedroom to make up for all the lost affection she has been craving. You reap all the benefits without having to go out on many dates, which will reduce the chances of getting seen in public. She will invite you over on weekdays after she has put her child to bed for the evening, between 8 – 10pm depending on the age of the child. This will give you a good two to three hours of time alone with her with nothing to do but give her the attention she has been missing.
Having a single mother in your rotation is an excellent idea, they are low maintenance and for the most part preoccupied, making them that much easier to cheat on. If you can manage to find an attractive single mother I sincerely recommend adding her to your repertoire.
Stay tuned we will continue the Lifestyle Series in my next blog.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Infidelity On the 4th Of July
In honor of Independence Day, I just thought that I’d throw in this public service announcement for all my devoted cheaters as a reminder.
Even though the 4th of July is not as stressful of a holiday as Valentines Day, Christmas, a or New Year’s Eve, it’s still a pretty difficult day for the gentlemen player who is juggling numerous women at the same time.
With multiple balls in the air you have to be quick to make sure you don’t drop the ball with any of your women during this summer holiday.
Like I mentioned earlier the 4th allows you some leeway in making choices regarding which women you will spend time with, as opposed to the other aforementioned holidays that every woman will demand to spend with her man.
With that said, your women will all still try to plan something with you on Independence Day so you have to calculate accordingly.
First you have to decide what you actually want to do and which one of them you want to do it with (if any of them at all). After all you can always just have a barbecue at your buddy’s house or what not.
But if you decide to have a girl along for the ride on the 4th make sure you have a viable excuse for you other women. If it’s your girlfriend that you’re planning to hang with then your excuses can be family related since you shouldn’t be bringing your secondary women around your family anyways, so you can use that. Just tell them that your family spends every 4th of July together and it’s just the immediate family, which should get you out of any obligations with any women where the relationship is just casual.
But if you’re trying to shake your girlfriend to spend time with another woman then you better have a good alibi that you set up in advance of the 4th. Then know exactly what you’re girlfriend is doing and make sure your plans are in the opposite direction. Nothing worse than running into your girl at the fireworks show when you’re with your other woman… that will definitely lead to some pyrotechnics.
Sloppiness on a lesser holiday such as Independence Day has tripped up many would be players who didn’t give his game enough forethought.
Remember to stay disciplined, plan ahead for any holidays, and to keep your game tight.
This is nothing you didn't already know, but a reminder can't hurt.
Take Care,
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Friday, June 27, 2008
Keeping A Distance Between Your Women
The distance separating your women is a significant weapon in your arsenal. Many would be players and cheaters usually make the mistake of dating women that reside in too close of a proximity to one another, which can result in a multitude of issues.
Yes, I realize that dating women that live closer to each other also has a couple of advantages, slight as they might be, these advantages do not outweigh the negative repercussions. Sure there is less driving time between the two women so you have less time to account for when your girlfriend wants to know where you’re at, as well as saving you money on gas, with prices around $4.60 a gallon (I live in LA) that’s a significant consideration.
However, both of those benefits are trumped by the fact ultimate end game, which is getting caught, and dating women that live in the same town, city, or county definitely can get you caught.
Everything is relative though, so you live in a large metropolitan city such as Los Angeles or New York then you can afford to date multiple women in the same city, since the chances of getting caught are miniscule. Since the population cross section is so large most often times you will get away with it, but the chance still remains. This problem is accentuated in smaller more enclosed cities and towns since you have more opportunity to be in the same place at the same time with a particular person than in a larger metropolitan area. This obviously brings certain issues into the forefront if you are with your girlfriend and your mistress just happens to be there as well.
But if you’re dating a girl that lives in LA for instance, you could greatly reduce the chances of getting caught if your other woman lives in Orange County (25 to 30 minute drive depending on traffic). This distance is just great enough to eliminate you accidentally running into your other woman at the mall, a restaurant, grocery store or some other random location since they would usually be going to those places in their area of residence. Thus leaving you free to hang out with your girlfriend in LA without having to look over your shoulder and worry about running into your other woman.
Another problem eliminated by incorporating distance between the women in your rotation is that they are less likely to “drop by,” or be “in the neighborhood,” allowing them to check up on you when you’re inaccessible to them. It’s amazing how a 20 – 30 mile buffer will eradicate this behavior since most women will not want to make the effort. This in itself is worth the added distance, peace of mind is necessary to help you focus on getting away with all the other aspects of cheating.
Let’s get back to dating multiple women in large metropolitan areas. Like I mentioned earlier, this situation allows you more leeway but you still have to keep in mind of the location of your women. Obviously you don’t want them to be in the same neighborhood, probably not even in the same side of the city. If you are dating a girl from the South side, then it’s probably a good idea for your other woman to be from the North side. This also brings in other factors that will help keep your women apart such as the difference in cultures on different sides of the same city.
You can easily say that a girl from the South side of Chicago would be different than a girl from the North side; therefore their lifestyles would vary as well adding another layer of security for you. Different lifestyles equal different interests, hobbies, employment, etc. This applies to any region you live in. Its safe to say that a girl from Los Angeles has a different lifestyle than a girl from Orange County (the reason I refer to Orange County rather than a city in Orange County is that the OC is more renown as a county than as individual cities), as there is a difference in the lives of a woman that lives in New York and one from New Jersey.
So ensure that you keep a safe buffer between your women, and you can drastically reduce the chances of running into one of them while you’re with the other, and vice versa.
Take Care,
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Friday, June 13, 2008
Time To Communicate
This means that you have to do all those things that you usually do when you’re first “courting” a candidate for dating or to eventually fill the role of your girlfriend.
So after you’ve made the initial introductions and got her contact information, you now have to try to “get know her,” but what you’re really trying to do is say all the right things to get her to go out with you… we’ve all played that game.
Unfortunately, you have that pesky little problem of already having a girlfriend that impedes your ability to talk to the potential mistress at any given time. So you have to plot in advance how you will go about it without your girlfriend catching a whiff of your plans. This is even more imperative if you live with your girlfriend since you’re time is even scarcer in that situation.
With technology these days you can substitute texting and email for actual phone conversation, so it’s to your advantage to use it. A couple of text message exchanges throughout the day (when you’re girlfriend is not around) can easily take the place of what used require a half hour conversation on the phone. As long as you maintain the contact, staying in her mental focus you have achieved your goal.
Another easy way to maintain her interest is through email. If you have access to external email applications (Yahoo, Gmail) from work, and she has the time to email during working hours, then you can maintain a conversation throughout the day without much effort.
The same goes for online messaging (Yahoo Messenger, etc.) where you can enjoy a nice conversation without the worry of your girlfriend finding out, or trying to fit in the time for a phone call around your girlfriend’s shopping habits.
Just remember to erase all your text messages and emails from your Inbox and sent messages folders (On your phone and email),, so there is no proof for a snooping girlfriend.
But even with these alternative communication opportunities, you still have to slip in a phone conversation; otherwise things will start to fizzle. No other means of communication can really take the place of a phone conversation where you can get the instant response of the other person’s voice.
This is where you will have to get creative to be able to create the time and place to have these conversations, even more so if you live with your girlfriend.
If you live independently of your current significant other you’ll just have to account for the time you spent talking to this new woman, but only if your girlfriend asks. Obviously you can say you were watching a movie or sports, but you better make sure you can give a quick synopsis of the plot, or the accounts and score of the game.
But for those of you who aren’t as lucky then getting out of the house is your best bet for an uninterrupted conversation. Offer to go to the store to buy groceries, go to the gym, shoot hoops, visit your parents, or whatever can get you a half an hour of free time. Then go park somewhere and do your thing. Just remember to vary it and not always do it on the same day at around the same time, this will keep both women from noticing a pattern.
You can also have quick conversations on the way home from work, or if you’re out running errands.
Obviously you can also just wait for your girl to leave the house, which if she has a set schedule is worth waiting for, to go shopping or whatever. But this also makes her arrival unpredictable and you should be aware of the time frame she will be gone so you can start wrapping up your conversation before she gets back home.
In the end there are many ways you can communicate and create time for conversation, just plan ahead and you should be alright.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Leaving Early on Special Occasions and Holidays
Tell-Tale Signs Women Look For To See If You’re Cheating On Them
In this multiple part series I have been discussing some common signs that you as a cheater might exhibit which will tip off the women in your life that you are cheating on them.
If you have read my previous three blogs (Predictable Pattern of Date Scheduling, Ending Your Dates Early, and Day Time Only Dates) in this series, then you already have a sense of what women look for.
Recently I was talking to my girlfriend and she told me a story about her friend who has been getting cheated on for two years by the same “boyfriend.”
But after hearing the recounts of her friend’s travails, I realized that her friend wasn’t really the girlfriend at all, she was the other woman. The girl in the story didn’t recognize it, neither did my girlfriend (lucky me), but I sure did.
I chuckled to myself though, wondering how they missed the obvious signs.
Regardless of their naivety, there are women out there that will not overlook the following tell-tale sign of a cheater, so pay attention.
Leaving Early on Special Occasions and Holidays
That’s right, this guy in the story (and I’ve met him personally at a barbecue, he’s the complete definition of the word; chump, but I still have to give him credit for having the balls to try it) dropped her off at 9pm on New Year’s Eve claiming he got sick from dinner and had to go home.
Yea, I’m laughing right now too.
Nevertheless, the girl bought it, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this blog. He obviously had plans with his real girlfriend for New Years Eve but knew he couldn’t avoid a date with his #2 girl on that important day, so he scheduled her early and faked his way out of the date. It was a sad excuse, and to anyone reading this… I in NO WAY RECOMMEND THAT APPROACH.
Most of you know my theory of breaking up with all your women except your girlfriend during the Holiday Season to maintain your sanity. That’s the way to do it, and you avoid having to buy multiple presents.
Now, to address the issue at hand; Leaving Early on Special Occasions and Holidays.
If you develop a habit of leaving early from a date, party, or a get together that one of your women has planned for your birthday, special occasion (i.e. Graduation) or national holiday that everyone celebrates, she will inevitably get suspicious.
Seriously, if you think about it; who goes home on New Year’s Eve with a sick stomach? You stick it out till midnight, or try to sleep it off at her house. Same thing with the July 4th barbecue, you have to stick around for the fireworks after. As well as on Christmas Eve, your birthday, and so forth.
Maybe you can get out of it once, but if you make it a habit it will definitely stick out in the girl’s memory since it happened on an important day.
The best way to avoid this problem is to plan ahead. Figure out which girl you want to spend it with and make up an excuse why you won’t be able to hang out with your other women a few weeks ahead of time and let them know. This way they can plan their day and there will be no drama concerning why you have leave early.
When it comes to your birthday, I have a blog dedicated to just that situation, take a look.
Take Care,
Friday, May 16, 2008
Rotate Your Women Between Day Time and Evening Dates
Tell-Tale Signs Women Look For To See If You’re Cheating On Them
In this multiple part series I will be discussing some common signs that you as a cheater might exhibit which will tip off the women in your life that you are cheating on them.
If you read my previous two blogs (Predictable Pattern of Date Scheduling & Ending Your Dates Early) in this series, then you already have a sense of what women look for. Here is another predictability trap that cheaters often fall into when they are preoccupied with juggling too many women.
Rotate Your Women Between Day Time and Evening Dates
You have two choices when you go on a date; day or night. Most likely your girlfriend will demand most of your attention in the evening, after all who else are you going to spend it with, at least that’s what she’s thinking. This leaves only your day time hours free to spend with your other women.
This scenario is plausible for the first few dates with your secondary women, but soon they will want to go on a “real date” at night. From a woman’s perspective the day date lags behind the evening date in stature, women simply find the nocturnal rendezvous more appealing. Plus if you’re not taking them out at night, they are wondering what you’re doing (just like you’re girlfriend), who you might be with, and if you’re really serious about them.
What an experienced cheater has to do is mix up the dating scheme. Alternate between day and night dates within your circle of women, and incorporate the lessons from the previous blogs in this series as well and rotate weekday and weekend dates into the mix. Keep a schedule of what day and time frame you spent with which girl, and make sure to change that the next time you see her.
This will keep them from recognizing a noticeable trend and you stress free.
Stay tuned for part 4 of this series coming soon.
Take Care,
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ending Your Dates Early
Tell-Tale Signs Women Look For To See If You’re Cheating On Them
In this multiple part series I am discussing some common signs that you as a cheater might exhibit which will tip off the women in your life that you are cheating on them.
These are not inadvertent clues left behind (receipts, strands of hair or lip gloss left behind in your car), but more recurring things that a cheater has to do to create time for their multiple women
Ending Your Dates Early
Cheaters have a tendency to end dates early with their other women. It can be for a multitude of reasons; perhaps a cheater lives with his girlfriend and he has to get home by a reasonable hour otherwise she will get suspicious. Or they have a demanding girlfriend that constantly is monitoring his activities so he can only get away for a few hours at a time, never for a full day.
Ending your dates early will work only for a very limited amount of time, and most women will have alarm bells going off in their heads when you’re dropping them off on a Friday or Saturday night at 9pm and calling it a night. They will wonder what else you have going on that you’re not interested in sticking around later through the night, forgoing romantic situations.
It doesn’t really matter what excuse you might give, you have work the next day, you’re feeling sick, or you have to get up early the next morning. If you make it a habit (often times you only need to do it twice) and they’ll be onto you, and eventually they will test you by creating a date scenario where you can’t leave early. If you agree to the date and you pull you’re same old tricks then that’s confirmation in heir minds that you’re up to something, and so is if you decline the date altogether.
To get around this you’ll have to figure out ways to go on a date without leaving early, period. There is no way around this.
If you have a habit of leaving early you will have to have more dates where you stay as long as the date dictates, rather than wrapping it up early so you can get with your other woman. Even this solution is only a band aid since the woman will be suspicious about your activities, but hopefully you have had already had the fun you were hoping for and cut her loose before she causes problems.
Stay tuned for part 3 of this series coming soon.
Take Care,
Friday, May 2, 2008
Falling Into A Predictable Pattern With Your Dates
Tell-Tale Signs Women Look For To See If You’re Cheating On Them
In this multiple part series I will be discussing some common signs that you as a cheater might exhibit which will tip off the women in your life that you are cheating on them.
I’m not talking about the inadvertent clue left behind (receipts, strands of hair or lip gloss left behind in your car), but more about the recurring things that you have to do to get time with your other women.
Falling Into A Predictable Pattern With Your Dates
Establishing a routine with your women might seem like a good idea, allowing you to get some normalcy into juggling multiple women. You go out with your mistress on Friday and your Girlfriend on gets the weekend, giving you some predictability.
However, most women will start to wonder about this rigid schedule you have established. Your mistress will begin to wonder why she has to be relegated to only a Friday night date, and your girlfriend will occasionally want to go out on Friday night and grow curious why you always turn her down.
After a certain amount of time you will have to change up your schedule a bit to rearrange which days you spend with which woman. I recommend that you don’t fall into a particular pattern for longer than three weeks, and avoid it all together if you can.
Try to set up the schedule with your women early in the week paying strict attention to varying the days you spend with them. This allows you to plan ahead, keeping your women from noticing your pattern, and still allowing you to have normal schedule in your life.
Stay tuned for part 2 of this series coming soon.
Take Care,
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Vacation Infidelity Part II
Hooking up with multiple girls while on vacation is a likely opportunity that will present itself. You just have to know how to take advantage of it.
There are a few things to consider which will help guide you along your path. Once you hook up with a girl who is also on vacation you will probably exchange hotel contact info and things of that nature. Keep this with you but only use it in case you're having bad luck hooking up with a new girl the following night. After all, you already had your fun with the woman from the night before; there is no reason to spend much more of your precious vacation time with her. Also, try to find out where she is going to go party the night following your initial encounter and try to schedule a different venue to ensure she doesn't catch you hooking up with a new girl. Even on vacation women are very possessive and hate it with a passion when they are screwed over for another girl.
Remember you have no need for a vacation girlfriend. We’ve all known the guy that hooked up with a girl on the first night of the vacation and spent the rest of the week with her, ignoring his friends and all the other available women. Leaving him with a sad heart when the vacation romance ends and the girl eventually goes back home, as well as a sketchy story to his girlfriend back home about why he is in hardly any of the vacation photos. You are there to have fun, sample different women, and not to settle down with a vacation girlfriend, stick to that idea.
Try to make sure you do not hook up with women that live in the same general geographical area as you. This could lead these women to attempt to seek out a relationship with you after the vacation is over in your home area. If you feel that you have to pursue a girl that lives two blocks away from you, simply lie and say you're from somewhere else, making your life much easier in the long run.
If you take pictures with women that you hook up with, always try to use your camera, allowing you total control of the film and negatives. You can tell these women you’ll email them copies, which you have no intention of doing. Don't ever let one of your buddies carelessly take pictures of you hanging out with these vacation women, since you never know how or where these photos might end up. Maybe your buddy’s girlfriend will accidentally show them to your girlfriend at a social function in the future. To be safe, use your own camera and that way you won't have any questions down the road. If the vacation women take pictures they will most likely want to send you copies so have them email it to one of your non existent email accounts.
Vacation Infidelity Tips
1. If one of your vacation honeys gives you a parting gift that seems like a token of affection you would only receive from a woman, ditch it before you get off the plane. It will save you the headache of trying to explain to your girlfriend why you have teddy bear that says "I'll miss you” in your luggage. If for some reason you neglect to rid yourself of this paraphernalia, just tell your girlfriend you bought it for her, if it’s applicable.
2. Always dispose of any condoms and other sexual paraphernalia before you get off the plane. Also when packing for your trip, remember to pack your condoms after your girlfriend has finished helping you pack, for obvious reasons.
3. Don't come back with any marks on your body such as scratches on your back, etc.
4. Make sure that everyone on the trip who knows you had a romantic encounter understands that silence is golden, and know not to say anything to their own girlfriends. This rule is vital to uphold, since women have this need to divulge information to one another, most often to their buddies’ girlfriend about the indiscretions that might have occurred on a given vacation.
Take Care,
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Friday, April 11, 2008
Vacation Infidelity
I went on a short vacation last week and I thought it would be a good idea to refresh everyone on the good practices of Vacation Infidelity. Plus with the vacation season fast approaching, I thought I’d get you ready for summer with a few vacation infidelity tips for you to think about.
Going on vacation without your girlfriend can and should be considered a free for all, for the very reason that you are without supervision with an abundance of opportunity all around you. The women you will meet on your holiday will have their guard down, looking for a good time, and be far less scrutinizing of the guy they hook up with. This is a direct contradiction to normal circumstances under which women are far more protective and hesitant to go just with the flow.
Women on vacation will be much more prone to engage in questionable activity due to the fact that they are in a vacation mindset. You will be meeting ladies that you will, in all honesty, never see again after your vacation is over, making it far easier to cheat than when you are at home.
However, there are a few items that should be discussed before you taste this guiltless fruit.
1. Avoid giving the women you hook up with your contact information, but if for some reason you do, make sure it’s one of your ancillary email addresses that your girlfriend has no idea exists. This allows you to strictly filter your correspondences with these women without fear of discovery.
2. Whenever possible ask for their contact information first making it appear as if you're genuinely interested in contacting them, which will lead them to wait to receive your contact information when you “supposedly” will call or email them in the future.
3. Under no circumstances should you give out your address since you never know when you're girlfriend will decide to help you with the mail. Do not to give out your phone number since most of the women you meet will probably be from different geographical regions than you, meaning different time zones. This is important because different time zones could result in odd hour phone calls that might make your girlfriend wonder why all of a sudden you’re getting calls at strange hours or why unfamiliar area codes are showing up on your caller I.D.
This will be a two parter, so look for the second installment in the next blog.
Take Care,
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Friday, March 28, 2008
Infidelity on Your Birthday
With my birthday coming up soon I thought I would address a much overlooked issue for cheaters; their respective birthdays.
When dating multiple women one of the first facts they all usually inquire about is your birth date. Not to determine how old you are, but to derive the actual day so they can file it away in their memories, and plan something for you on that day.
They are trying to show that they care about you, planning something sweet. But unknown to them they are planning to cause a great deal of stress.Obviously it would be hard to celebrate your birthday with multiple women on the same day, going from one date or party to another would not only be tiring but a easy way of getting caught. Most likely they would want to spend the entire day with you making it exceedingly difficult for you to get away to another birthday celebration.
I have personally faced this dilemma numerous times and devised only one real strategy to avoid the problem; I lie.
I only tell my girlfriend, my number one girl, my real birth day. I usually tell my secondary women a different day in the same month. That way if they ever get a look at my ID I can tell them the DMV made a mistake/typo on the date and I never went back to change it. I usually try to space it out about a week apart, so if my real birth is on the 15th then I tell my mistresses that my birthday is on the 5th or the 25th (which backs up my claim that it was a DMV typo on my ID). The real trick is to remember which girl you told which date to, that’s just something you will have to make a mental note of.
Once you have your alternate birthdays established you have to make sure that your women stick to that time frame, and they don’t plan to celebrate your birthday the weekend after because they couldn’t get tickets, book a hotel room, or whatever reason might postpone it. You have to let them know early enough (1 month before) that the week after and before your birthday you have plans just so you can constrain their plans to that week that you have allocated for them.
This method works best and arouses the least suspicion. In the past I have tried to have my other women celebrate my birthday a week after or before the actual date and they always made a big deal and asked questions about why they couldn’t spend the actual day with me. They were upset that they weren’t important enough in my life to spend my birthday with me that my friends were more important, or they just accused me of having another girl I was celebrating with. They were right, about all those things but I didn’t need the headaches.
Once I decided to lie about my birth day all those ancillary issues stopped, and they will for you too. You just have to remember when your alternate birthdays are.
Take Care,
Friday, March 21, 2008
MySpace Is An Infidelity Killer
Having a MySpace page makes it easy to meet different types of women, and a lot of them. Like online personals, you can browse through and select which women you want to contact in minutes. Essentially you can create a great way to break the ice with a woman, or just direct her to your MySpace page to let her get to know you better after you’ve met her somewhere else.
But don’t let all the positives fool you, there are several detracting factors to having a MySpace page, factors that can surely be “rotation killers” as described by one of my dedicated readers... Percy Boy (He gave his okay to cite him for suggesting this particular blog, otherwise I would have left him anonymous as I have done for numerous readers in the past who did not want it known they read the theories disseminated here).
The same thing that makes your MySpace page a great tool for meeting and promoting yourself to women, can also serve to get you caught, which is the information on it, whether put there by you or someone else. This also applies to Facebook, Friendster and most other social networking sites.
Remember, once your picture is on your page it identifies you as the owner of that page legitimizing whatever information is there since it was either put there by you or approved by you.
This is where the problems can arise. Most likely you will have a set of alternative truths you’ve told to your mistress about yourself, but if she happens across your MySpace page she can quickly cross check them. If you told her you were single yet you have pictures of you and your girlfriend plastered all over your page, well you know what will ensue. Even if you’re smart enough to refrain from the previous scenario your mistress can still gain a vast amount of information about you that you probably didn’t want her to know which could lead her to figuring out you have not been fully truthful.
Another issue that could occur is your mistress leaving a comment on your page, whether intentionally to get you caught or accidentally just to thank you for the date the other night, which then could be read by your girlfriend. You would have some explaining to do, and even if you got out of it most likely you girlfriend would have contacted your mistress (social networking sites are beautiful aren’t they) through the aforementioned comment, and verified that you had been cheating on her.
I have some solutions that can help you avoid getting outed on MySpace, but as always you need to implement beforehand, in fact probably right after you get done reading this blog.
Don’t Use You Real Name on Your MySpace Page
This way no one can do a search by your name vastly increasing the effort and difficulty in locating your page. Use some sort of nickname in the URL instead which does not have any derivative of your real name in it. Closely monitor all comments posted to ensure your real name is not written in there by any of your friends, and never use your own name on anything you post like your blog or bio.
Don’t Use a Photo of Yourself as Your Main Image
This will vastly reduce the chances of the wrong woman finding your page. If you post a picture of your favorite sports team, band, or car it will make you much less identifiable since most people will not take the effort to click on the link to your page if they don’t recognize who it belongs to.
Create a Second MySpace Identity/Page
Seems pretty elementary but most people do not go through the trouble or have the forethought to do this. Obviously this page is for your mistress. If you provide her with your (secondary) MySpace page she’ll have no reason to search the site, thus eliminating that problem. This page should be set up with a nick name also, and follow all the rules of not using your real name or your photo as the main image on this page. Now you can customize this page with all the alternative truths you’ve told your mistress synching it all up and making it all seem that much more legitimate.
Avoid Participating Groups, Forums, and Blog Comments
When you participate in a group, forum, or comment on a blog you’ll leave your digital footprint. You never know if your mistress could be reading or participating as well and all of a sudden realize that you have another page that she didn’t know about. If you don’t use a photo of yourself as your main image (as recommended above) you can reduce the chances of getting caught this way, but If you really feel the necessity to participate you probably want to create another page/identity for this purpose only.
Following the methods I described will go a long way to keeping your infidelity under wraps (the theme song for this blog, check out the link to the song from a couple of blogs ago).
If you have any methods to hide your infidelity on MySpace I might have missed, please add in your comments.
MySpace like most social networking sites are easy ways to add women to your rotation, but also great rotation killers if you’re careless, don’t ever forget that when you’re contacting a new woman you’re planning to cheat on your girlfriend with.
Take Care,
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
On Vacation With My Girlfriend and Still Cheating On Her
I went on a short trip to Las Vegas last week with my girlfriend.
Cheers to all of you who were there and I saw you but didn’t know you.
While there I decided to try out a method of cheating on my girl that I had been thinking about for while, but haven’t had the chance implement; Cheating on her while we’re on vacation together.
At first it sounds too far fetched for it to be true, or better yet, for it to actually work. At least that’s what I thought when it first occurred to me.
But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see if it could be done, and I came up with a plan that I carried out last week.
First a little background on my current girlfriend; she likes to gamble, takes gratuitous advantage of the free drinks, gets tired early, and likes to be in bed by midnight.
My ability to cheat on her revolved exclusively on the previous description, otherwise I would be out of luck, quite common in Vegas.
What I was banking on was to make sure she had a long day walking around from hotel to hotel, spending the evening playing the slots, encouraging her to keep ordering the free drinks hoping all that would take its toll around midnight.
My scheme worked to perfection, she was lights out closer to 11:30 than midnight. I walked her back up to our room; a gentleman I am, and made sure she got tucked in.
But how do you get out of the room, aren’t you worried she’ll wake up and you’re not there?
Yes, that is what up my plan for a few months, the trick of getting back out. Now the thought of just letting her go to the room by herself and staying in casino gambling had crossed my mind. But that’s too flimsy, dependent on my choice that could be altered by a whiny or angry girlfriend who wants you to go to bed with her.
I simply couldn’t take that chance.
So to address this specific problem I decided that I needed help. What I did was have one of my buddies meet me in Vegas so we could go out. This was a reasonable way to get out of the room, letting her know that my buddy was arriving late and wanted to get couple of drinks when he got there, knowing that she would be too tired to join us, all I had to do was to tire her out.
The plan worked like a charm, my buddy arrived around 12:45 a.m. and we hit a couple of hotel bars by 1:00 am, just in time for the women who are looking to hook to start filtering out of the clubs.
(Full disclosure, we went to a different hotel just to make sure we didn’t run into my girlfriend in case she wandered down to look for us, also made sure that my buddy booked a room in a neighboring hotel, just for another degree of separation).
You have to make sure that if you follow this plan that your friend that arrives late is trustworthy and knows how to keep his mouth shut. Fortunately, my buddy has been keeping my indiscretions quiet since junior year of high school, he’s tested and true.
As for the rest of the evening…
My buddy and I met two women, dressed scantily I might add, at the first hotel bar we hit. We chatted them up making sure that they were staying at a different hotel than the one my girlfriend I were calling home, exchanged numbers (my buddy’s phone, not mine), told them we’d call them later to heighten their anticipation, then headed to another hotel bar.
The second bar had a mediocre selection of women to chose from but we still hung around and had a couple of drinks. Eventually, the two scantily dressed women texted us and we met them back at the first bar. Instead of buying them drinks there (Vegas is outrageously expensive) we invited them back to my friend’s room, who just happened to have a nice selection of liqueur in his room, imagine that.
They agreed to join us without much debate, and we spent most of the night partying there, good thing he got a room with two beds.
Around 5am I headed out, back to my trusting girlfriend, leaving my buddy with the two girls fast asleep. Sneaking out of one girl’s bed in the morning, only to sneak back into another one’s a little while later, it never gets boring.
I made sure to wash up in my buddy’s bathroom before I left, smelling like another girl’s perfume would have been a fatal mistake.
On the cab ride back to my hotel, I was getting worried about what I would tell my girlfriend if she happened to be awake waiting for me. On the elevator ride up to my floor, and the long walk back to my room my trepidation built. Had I gone to far, would this be the gambit that finally gets me caught?
Fuck it! I opened the door quietly, walked in and saw my girl still sleeping soundly. A wave of relief washed away my worries. Damn I slept well.
Take Care,
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Beware of the ID Bracelet
I was out on date last week with a girl that I’ve been working into my rotation, and after a few drinks she decided that we should go bowling. I didn’t see much harm in this suggestion since my girlfriend does not bowl, nor do any of her friends, so it should be relatively safe venue to continue the date with little worry of getting caught.
I took her to the only bowling alley I knew of in the area, being prime time Friday night all the lanes were occupied. I made sure to use her name for reserving the next available lane, which would be a minimum 45 minute wait. Since they announce it over the loudspeaker and in a crowded place like that you don’t want any added eyes drawn to you as you go up to claim your reservation. After all you never know who is there to notice you, that wouldn’t have if you’re name wasn’t being called out on a speaker.
To pass the time we headed for the small bar located at the far end, I made sure we got a table towards the back, it’s far less conspicuous that way.
We were engrossed in our conversation when we realized that we needed to go up to the bar to order our initial drinks. It was my turn to buy so I went to order our drinks.
They asked for my ID and without giving it a second thought I handed it over for their inspection. But to my surprise, instead of just reading it and giving it back the woman behind the bar dashed off with it to the corner of the bar. I watched her slide my ID into a machine that looked like a credit card scanner at a grocery store checkout line.
She waited a few seconds, and nothing happened, so she scanned the card again. This time judging by the approval in her body language, the action she was expecting the first time from the machine was occurring. Suddenly a short strip of paper printed out, like a receipt. I had to check my wallet to make sure I didn’t give her a credit card rather than my ID (I’ve had a few drinks throughout the night so I was wondering how buzzed I actually was). But I was right; she had my ID not a credit card, so what the hell was she charging?
I eagerly anticipated her return since I was curious to what just transpired.
The woman walks up to me with this strip of paper and explains that it’s an ID printout that I have to wear as a bracelet to get served alcohol. Then she proceeds to put it on my wrist, branding me for the rest of the evening there.
I was annoyed by this since now not only do I have my name for the entire world to see on my wrist, it’s also labeled with the bowling alley’s name, and the date. This breaks one of my standing rules when you’re out on a date with your mistress; never do anything that might create a written record of your whereabouts (Regular readers have heard me espouse this topic numerous times).
So here I am breaking one of my own commandments, just to get a couple of drinks, and my mind is running about the possible consequences of this oversight. My main concern was not only my identifying bracelet, but the fact that my date would want to look at it to see what it was. The dilemma with was that she doesn’t know my full name, she only knows me by my middle name (she assumes it’s my first name and I never felt the need to correct her, the less she knows about me the better). This might initiate a conversation that I’d rather not have, so while the bartender is pouring our drinks I discreetly cut the bracelet off with my car keys.
I should have been more careful, should have watched the other patrons and noticed that they are wearing ID bracelets. Well, hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
I went back to the table, we had our drinks, then we had a few more (Thanks to the same bartender I didn’t have an issue with the ID bracelet again), never actually bowled, went back to her place and finished the evening properly, if you know what I mean.
But the moral of this story is this; Beware of the ID bracelet. I’m not sure how prevalent these ID scanning, bracelet making machines are (It’s the first time I have ever come across one), but you should make sure you keep an eye out for them, whenever you go to a venue that you’re unaccustomed to.
They are dangerous when you’re cheating, not only for the reasons that I described, but also for the fact that it leaves an electronic record of where you were on the scanner. It might not be important at the time, after who will have access to it right? But if for some reason your whereabouts of that night are questioned, somewhere this electronic record will exist, which could potentially cause you problems.
This is just another way to get caught, if you’re not on your toes.
Take Care,