Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Use The Economic Downturn To Stay In With Your Mistress

We’re all feeling the effects of the financial crisis and economic downturn of the last couple of months, and going forward there is little hope if it abating anytime soon.

There are a however a few benefits that that a shrewd cheater can take advantage of during these turbulent times.

This is the final installment a three part series that will help you keep cheating while other players are sitting on the sidelines.

Using Economic Downturn to Stay In
If you already have a girlfriend and mistress, or an established rotation of other women, then you can use these weak financial times to reduce your risk factor.

Tell your women that you want to safeguard your money since the future is very uncertain and you never know what future costs or issues (job loss) might rear its ugly head. You are concerned for her as well and she should probably do the same.

Therefore, its probably best if both of you conserve together by going out less and staying in more. This course of action will reduce the chances of being caught in public with another woman, while simultaneously increasing the number of times you have sex since you will have to find a way to kill time.

Ordering in and renting movies is a good suggestion, and a timeless classic.

I also recommend having a private cocktail party with just the two of you, allowing you to mix drinks you’ve never tried before which leads to intoxication, which inevitably leads you to the bedroom. You win again.

Remember, even though times are tough for everyone right now, there is always a way to take advantage of a situation for the shrewd cheater.

Take Care,


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Anonymous said...
