Monday, December 22, 2008

When Should You Get Rid of Your Mistress?

I get this question quite frequently, and my answer is always “depends.” There is no set time frame that is applicable for any one woman or relationship.

You and only know the dynamics of your relationship with your mistress, and therefore you and only you can make the call when its time to give her the boot.

But there are a few tell tale signs that you can look for that will let you know that your relationship has ripened and its time to get out.

It’s Time to Dump Your Mistress When:

1. When she starts getting clingy and starts acting like your girlfriend.
- Increased volume of calls
- Increased volume of text messages

2. When she is demanding to spend more time with you, and infringes on your time with your girlfriend.

3. When she starts costing you as much or more than your girlfriend financially (dates, presents, etc.)

4. If she doesn’t know you have a girlfriend but starts getting suspicious and begins asking questions or snooping around.

5. When she asks to be your girlfriend, or asks you to dump your girlfriend so she can take her place.

6. When she starts showing up unannounced to:
- Your home
- Your work

These are all good rules of thumb to go by to let you know that your escapade with your other woman has probably run its course.

Now actually executing a successful breakup with your mistress is another proposition all together, and you have to play it carefully.

In my next blog I will cover Breaking Up With Your Mistress.

Stay Tuned.

Take Care,

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Anonymous said...

Ok, my mistress is starting to get suspicious and now that Valentine's Day is around the corner, I'm running into serious problems. Do I break up with the mistress even though I'm not sure I want to get rid of her permanently? I really need that next post, preferably with some options on keeping the door open.

Anonymous said...

Me too, whens the next installment coming in!

Anonymous said...

Actually, forget my previous post - she broke up with me - nature took its course!

Anonymous said...

hey man im in serious trouble can you help me out i need some help..plss..can i email you or something?

Mrs. E said...

Seriously, How to cheat on your girlfriend and not get caught. Try some counseling. You must have a real fear of committment.

Anonymous said...

Where are you man?!?! We need you! Did you get caught, or married?

my boyfriend ignores me said...

Permanently broke up with her..

the magic of making up said...

if you're not serious with a girl then stop pursuing honest vs be truthful choose one only.

how to talk dirty said...

no way!! my bf is not going to do that to me.

Anonymous said...

I need some help here please. I cheated on my gf with another woman and I'm not proud of that! My problem is that I am trying to end it and she is threatening me to tell my gf if I do. I am being blackmailed to keep seeing her. How do I break it off for good? - Jason.

smarter than him said...

omg, this man is a genius! from all us ladies who are suspicious of our men, thank you for the info!knowledge is power and you've opened my eyes to how a man rationalizes and accomplishes cheating. you should do a series for us women on how to catch your man, thanks bro!

cheating spouses said...

Should I re-post this to my Facebook account? :D I would love to. Anyway, mistress are simply pain in the ass for married men. They even act as if they're like legal wives. Poor unfortunate souls.

Anonymous said...

If you feel you are not that good into getting girls, try this guide . It is a really good guide written by a well know author. I hope this works for you.

Anonymous said...