Friday, May 9, 2008

Ending Your Dates Early

Tell-Tale Signs Women Look For To See If You’re Cheating On Them

In this multiple part series I am discussing some common signs that you as a cheater might exhibit which will tip off the women in your life that you are cheating on them.

These are not inadvertent clues left behind (receipts, strands of hair or lip gloss left behind in your car), but more recurring things that a cheater has to do to create time for their multiple women

Ending Your Dates Early
Cheaters have a tendency to end dates early with their other women. It can be for a multitude of reasons; perhaps a cheater lives with his girlfriend and he has to get home by a reasonable hour otherwise she will get suspicious. Or they have a demanding girlfriend that constantly is monitoring his activities so he can only get away for a few hours at a time, never for a full day.

Ending your dates early will work only for a very limited amount of time, and most women will have alarm bells going off in their heads when you’re dropping them off on a Friday or Saturday night at 9pm and calling it a night. They will wonder what else you have going on that you’re not interested in sticking around later through the night, forgoing romantic situations.

It doesn’t really matter what excuse you might give, you have work the next day, you’re feeling sick, or you have to get up early the next morning. If you make it a habit (often times you only need to do it twice) and they’ll be onto you, and eventually they will test you by creating a date scenario where you can’t leave early. If you agree to the date and you pull you’re same old tricks then that’s confirmation in heir minds that you’re up to something, and so is if you decline the date altogether.

To get around this you’ll have to figure out ways to go on a date without leaving early, period. There is no way around this.

If you have a habit of leaving early you will have to have more dates where you stay as long as the date dictates, rather than wrapping it up early so you can get with your other woman. Even this solution is only a band aid since the woman will be suspicious about your activities, but hopefully you have had already had the fun you were hoping for and cut her loose before she causes problems.

Stay tuned for part 3 of this series coming soon.

Take Care,

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