Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Recently Divorced Older Woman Is Easy To Cheat On

In my past blogs I addressed a series of lifestyle situations of women that can be exploited to the cheater’s advantage. Sometimes, through no fault of their own, women experience these predicaments that make them much more susceptible to (unknowingly) playing the other woman, or getting cheated on if she happens to be the girlfriend.

A few readers mentioned a couple more lifestyle circumstances that they wanted me to discuss, which I will in a mini two part series.

Recently Divorced Older Woman:
She is slightly older, in her late 30’s to mid 40’s, with children that are older or already out of the house, better known as the infamous MILF (Mother I’d Like to Fuck). Although a MILF can also still be happily married, she can also fall into the category which I am about to address.

Our MILF is just out of a divorce and either thinking of entering the dating scene or hell bent on making up for the lost time she spent unsuccessfully with her now ex-husband. In either case she is eager to be in the company of another man, and this is where a cheater can take full advantage.

With her kids not fully in the picture, since they are either older, out of the house, or the father has part time custody, she has some free time to spend, but not an overwhelming amount. Also this time is probably heavily regimented since she probably has a new job, the time she has to spend with her kids, and other new aspirations she wants to undertake now that she is free from her oppressive relationship. This will enable to anticipate when she will be busy and provide plenty of opportunities for other women.

Another benefit is that more than likely this woman is not looking to jump back into another committed long term relationship for some time, thus allowing you more freedom to do what you want.

If you can find an attractive recently divorced older woman, try to add her to your rotation. She will fit in very nicely, not cause you too many problems, and more often than not will only be looking for your affection temporarily making her easy to get rid of when you become disinterested.

Stay tuned for the next reader suggestion the always interesting and dangerous Unhappily Married Woman.


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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Postponing the Inevitable: The Monogamous Relationship

What if a woman wants you to get more invested in the relationship in order to continue the sexual aspect of that relationship?

Recently a reader asked me how I would handle this situation, which in fact I had already faced personally, so I had a little advice to give.

In some cases a woman will use sex to draw you further into a relationship with her. Wow, surprising huh? That woman will have an ulterior motive, imagine that.

But we can’t be mad, speaking from a male perspective, since we have our own purely selfish motives as well; sex.

Essentially men are playing offense (trying to score in a non monogamous exchange), while women are playing defense (trying to prevent you from scoring as long as possible until they get you in an exclusive relationship).

One option, which I have used personally, is letting her imagine that some type of commitment is impossible, but never actually making any.

How is this possible? Well it’s a lot like a magician’s trick; slight of the hand, slight of the impression is more accurate.

The best way to make a woman think that a commitment is not impossible is to hint at it with little comments inserted in conversation that women can read into, which they naturally will. Give her the impression that a relationship is on the horizon.

If you talk to them about what you two should name the kids, in joking manner of course by choosing a outrageous baby name that you can both laugh at, or allude to how certain aspects of your relationship would be if you two lived together such as leaving the toilet seat up, going out whenever you pleased, or who would do the laundry. This would give her the illusion that you are contemplating a longer commitment than you actually are, assuming that you’re talking about those issues for a future commitment, between the two of you.This will temporarily satiate her need to openly discuss any exclusive bond between the two of you, since she will think it’s already on your mind, resting her qualms at ease and not forcing her to rush you prematurely

But eventually she will call you on it, to which you can say you were just joking around since you addressed all those issues when you two were having a good time playing around. Then she will have to realize she read too much into it, which you should emphasize.

After this however you can be sure that conversation regarding a serious relationship will rear it’s head, do be prepared with your next course of action; either tell her you’re not interested in that and break up with her, or promise to enter a the monogamous relationship with her. Whether you uphold your end of that bargain is up to you.

The method I have just described is in no way a permanent solution, but it will buy extra time without actually having to say the words that lead to an exclusive, long term relationship. It’s worked for me. But sooner or later you will have to make a decision.


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Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Day After Valentines Day. A Relief For Cheaters

The day after Valentines Day brings relief to most men. The frustration of frantic last minute buying of chocolates and roses at outrageous prices aimed at taking advantage of our wait to the last second mentality dissipates into soft gentle blur of last night.

If you heeded my advice about relinquishing you unnecessary relationships before the 14th , then you’re V-Day date probably went off without any major complications and the only hurt you’re left with is the one in your wallet.

But if you tried to make two women your Valentines then most likely your morning isn’t quite as relaxed. Nevertheless, if you managed to pull it off; much kudos to you. But it probably entailed an exurban amount of effort and work to enable you to make two women happy and you must be exhausted.

Or if you managed to push one of the Valentines Day celebrations to one of the following days, then it looks like you’re still on the hook, good luck.

However, if you’re finished with Valentines Day, then you can take a breather for a few months. V-Day is the last day in the turbulent hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season for Cheaters. I have added V-Day to the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years since its very close to the real holiday season in time frame.

Starting with Thanksgiving and ending with Valentines Day there is this dreaded 3 and a half month block of time when life becomes extremely complicated for men in regards to their relationship with their woman, or women. This becomes exponentially so for anyone who is dating multiple women simultaneously. You have to multiply everything by the number of women you are dating; gifts, time dedicated to researching and buying gifts, parties, excuses, lies, at times it seems endless.

That is why I always recommend ending any extra relationships during that time and focusing only on your main girlfriend. The other women are not worth all the additional complications and frustration that accompany it.

So after the 14th of February a welcome sense of relief and downtime is well deserved.

Take the rest of February to relax and collect yourself before diving back into the pool of infidelity. From here on out there should be smooth sailing until November with only a couple of hiccups (Memorial Day, July 4th) but those days don’t require that much investment in time and effort as the past few months.

Congratulations if you made it through this Holiday Season unscathed. But if you got caught due to your over ambitious plans then you learned your lesson.

Either way the relative future will be the prime time to expand your repertoire of women and your infidelity.


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Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentines Day and Cheating on Your Girlfriend Revisited

Since this is probably the most significant day in the year for cheaters I thought I would re-post this blog from a couple of weeks ago in case any of you missed it.

The ominous day fast approaches… fellow cheaters. It’s the worst day in the year for anyone cheating on their girlfriend or dating multiple women… Valentines Day.

February 14th!

This is a busy time of year for every man regardless. But it’s an especially frustrating and busy time for cheating on your girlfriend. As a cheater you now have to make a decision, for this is one day, an occasion that cannot be split in half to accommodate two women.This day has been built up by retailers of flowers, candy, jewelers and everything else gift related towards women, as HER special day.

It has been engrained in women that this is THEIR SPECIAL DAY, and unfortunately there is no way around this.

You only have a finite amount of time during the Valentines Day season, and a secondary woman will encroach upon that tremendously.

As a cheater you have to make a choice, period.That’s why I am writing this blog concerning Valentines Day two weeks in advance, so you have time to plan out your strategy and make a decision.On holidays, especially Valentines Day, you have to be remorseless towards the secondary women in your life. No matter how much they whine (which they will), cry, make a blatant attempt to guilt you, get angry, threaten, and yell at you, do not give in.

As I mentioned before you can only have one woman on Valentines Day, so you will need to either break up with your secondary women, or come up with one hell of an excuse why you can’t spend Valentines Day with her.But under no circumstances should you try to get out of spending Valentines Day with your girlfriend in favor of another woman, this is a certain tip off that you have something going on behind her back.

Not to mention, she will be tremendously upset with you, and making up for it will entail weeks of work. This usually forces unnecessary strain on your relationship with your girlfriend which would have never existed if you weren’t dating other women, so I strongly recommend against it. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.

The best option at this time of year is to cut your secondary women loose before Valentines Day begins, preferably before February starts. This will allow you to concentrate on only your girlfriend without any of the ancillary problems created by additional women in your life.

Don’t ever forget that you’re using these secondary women for only physical reasons, but you have an emotional attachment to your girlfriend. She comes first. You can always find more like them, but you cannot find another like your girlfriend.

I urge you to initiate your break up with your secondary women as soon as possible, so all the drama and heartache can play out a couple of weeks before Valentines Day. There is nothing worse than an emotional, spurned woman a day before Valentines Day. With all the hoopla and build up on TV and in the stores it will only contribute to her disappointment and anger. That’s something you should definitely avoid.


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Friday, February 9, 2007

A College Student Makes A Great Mistress

A woman’s lifestyle can be a great indicator whether she might be ripe for infidelity. If she is preoccupied by certain aspects in her life that demand her attention more than a romantic relationship, then they might be a prime candidate to either cheat on or to become your mistress.

In my previous blogs, I talked about Single Mothers and Workaholics as women that fit those categories. In today’s edition I will analyze another lifestyle choice that you can exploit, if you so choose.

A student’s time is consumed by academic endeavors thus leaving little time for romance. So when the moment of opportunity arises they will jump at the chance to spend some quality time with you.

This works a little better for a woman who has a career and is working on a degree at the same time. Her time will be dedicated to her job during the day, while studying and classes will dominate her schedule in the evenings and weekends. Thus you will have ample time to pursue other women while she is writing papers or going to classes.

A woman attaining her undergraduate degree as a fulltime student will have time for a more conventional relationship. But nevertheless her schedule will still be dedicated to her studies but not as much as a woman that has both a job and academic endeavors.

Note that there is certain calendar cycles associated with the school year. During breaks and holidays these types of women might want to make up for lost time by spending every waking moment with you, putting an immense burden on your other relationships. To play it safe you will have to either terminate the relationship heading into long breaks such as summer or winter, or have a very difficult schedule during those times.

If you can somehow find a combination of both a student and a workaholic you might have hit the jackpot, since most of their free time spent with you will be for sexual encounters. Keep your eye out for these types of women. You will be well rewarded.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Lifestyle Series.

If I missed any lifestyle aspects that you think should be included feel free to contact me or post a comment and I will address it in a future blog.


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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Workaholic Lifestyle Makes Any Woman Easy To Cheat On.

As I discussed in my previous blog, Lifestyle Choices Women Make Can Make Them an Attractive Option for Infidelity, you can take advantage of a woman's, if you so choose, and be very successful at cheating on her.

Unfair advantage or not, capitalizing on such conditions can make for really easy prospects to expand your infidelity. You just have to be able realize these opportunities when they appear, and I am here to point them out to you.

Whether it’s their own choice, or if their career dictates it, when they spend too much time at the office that directly plays to your hand. Any woman who falls into this category will make an excellent secondary woman.

The reasons are self-evident and parallel to those of the single mothers; their time is committed to something other than their boyfriends. This, however, does not exclude them from seeking out a relationship, but it has to be on their terms. Meaning that the man they date has to be willing to tailor his time around her work schedule, which the shrewd player should turn to his advantage.

Since her work schedule will usually be predictable, you can easily weave a couple of other relationships around women who are engrossed in their careers. You just have to show up when they have time for their relationship and most likely they will want to dive right into the affections that have eluded them.

Another benefit of the workaholic is that their careers often take them out of town, allowing for more time to spend with your other women, as well as reducing the chances of accidentally bumping into them when you’re out on the town with one of your aforementioned women.

A workaholic is an ideal woman to cheat on. Her time is frequently allocated to her career, out of town often, and a predictable schedule will allow a copious amount of free time to pursue other avenues of interest.

Stay tuned we will continue the Lifestyle Series in my next blog.


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Monday, February 5, 2007

Lifestyle Choices Women Make That Make Them an Attractive Option for Infidelity

There are lifestyle choices women make, whether intentional or not, that make them an attractive number two or three option in your repertoire because of exactly that; their lifestyle.

Their current circumstance really skews the advantage in your favor allowing you far greater latitude with your infidelity than you would have in a normal relationship. Unfair advantage or not, capitalizing on such conditions can make for really easy opportunities to expand your infidelity.

Single Mothers:
At the first mention of this you might think, “How is this beneficial to me?” But, you have to dive beneath the surface and analyze the situation. Most men see the child, think of the added responsibility and aggravation of dragging the little rug rat along everywhere, and having to constantly work around that annoyance. However, if you take a moment to turn this situation to your advantage you might have found a diamond in the rough.

First, single mothers have a harder time finding men that will enter into a relationship due to the obvious complications, so when a guy offers interest they’ll be far more receptive than under usual dating conditions.

Second, just the fact that you accept her with another man’s child, she’ll think of you as different and far more understanding than the other men. So right from the start you’re already elevated to a slightly higher esteem due to the fact that you are willing to make a “sacrifice” and explore a relationship with her, regardless of her child.

Now, let’s discuss what natural advantage this situation provides you. Her first commitment is to the child, never to you. How is this beneficial? Her main focus will always be upon the child, spending time with the child, caring for the child, taking the child places, feeding the child, and so forth. That requires a huge investment of her time, leaving you free to pursue other avenues of entertainment without having her constantly in your business. She doesn’t have that much available time to be checking up on you, most likely she won't.

An wonderful side benefit is that when she does find some free time, she won’t want to waste it, knowing full well that those moments are few and far in between. So taking advantage of this she will usually take you right to her bedroom to make up for all the lost affection she has been craving. You reap all the benefits without having to go out on many dates, which will reduce the chances of getting seen in public. She will invite you over on weekdays after she has put her child to bed for the evening, between 8 – 10pm depending on the age of the child. This will give you a good two to three hours of time alone with her with nothing to do but give her the attention she has been missing.

Having a single mother in your rotation is an excellent idea, they are low maintenance and for the most part preoccupied, making them that much easier to cheat on. If you can manage to find an attractive single mother I sincerely recommend adding her to your repertoire.

Stay tuned we will continue the Lifestyle Series in my next blog.


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