Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Trusting Type

In my last blog we began to discuss the personality types in women that you can exploit for your infidelity. Some women are dominated by certain personality traits that make them easy to cheat on, and identifying those traits can be key to making your infidelity easier to hide and to help you avoid getting caught.

Today, we will look at the trusting type of woman, a wonderful characteristic in both friendship and romantic relationships. However, it also a something that can be exploited to the benefit of the cheater when properly manipulated.

The Trusting Type:
The trusting type is easily taken advantage of, a sad truth. The quality that is valued greatly in a monogamous relationship is the one that can be exploited exceptionally well when being unfaithful.

This character trait in woman will led them to trust their man because that's what they are used to. What their man tells them is the truth and there is usually not much debate.

This type of girl most often avoids conflict at all costs to avoid having to initiate interrogations and awkward confrontations. Even if there are obvious clues, sometimes this type of woman will tend to ignore them on the basis of her blind trust.

As with the Oblivious Type, don't get sloppy and you won't have too many problems in this situation. You can get this type of woman to fill the #2 role in your rotation quite easily, just remember that she will most likely think that she is your girlfriend so you will have to spend more time with her than a normal mistress.

In my next blog we will discuss the next set of personality traits that you can exploit in women for your cheating ways, they will be: The Scandalous Type.

Stay tuned.


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