Thursday, November 20, 2008

Women Look For Financial Security During Financial Crisis

We’re all feeling the effects of the financial crisis and economic downturn of the last couple of months, and going forward there is little hope if it abating anytime soon.

There are a however a few benefits that that a shrewd cheater can take advantage of during these turbulent times.

This is the 2nd installment in a three part series that will help you keep cheating while other players are sitting on the sidelines.

Looking for Financial Security
Women will seek out men that give them the feel of financial security during times of monetary crisis. They want to feel safe with a guy that can take care of them if they desperately need it.

You can appear to be that guy.

Make sure you talk about how financially solid you are right, how the economy isn’t affecting you, and more importantly will not affect you going forward.

This will separate you from the other men in her life that she knows more personal details about (coworkers, friends, ex-boyfriends, etc.) who might be struggling financially.

She will compare them to you and measure that you are in a better position and therefore a better catch.

She will drift to you just for the financial safety aspect since you will seem far more secure then other men in her life, and you will become the Alpha male in this respect.

Take advantage of this and establish yourself as “The Man” and she will act accordingly by accepting your advances.

Sooner than you know, you will be able to add her to your rotation, and she will stay in line from worry that she might alienate or lose you if she puts the usual relationship pressures on you.

Remember, even though times are tough for everyone right now, there is always a way to take advantage of a situation for the shrewd cheater.

Stay tuned for part 3 of this series: Use the Economic Downturn to Stay In With Your Mistress

Take Care,


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Unknown said...