Having a MySpace page makes it easy to meet different types of women, and a lot of them. Like online personals, you can browse through and select which women you want to contact in minutes. Essentially you can create a great way to break the ice with a woman, or just direct her to your MySpace page to let her get to know you better after you’ve met her somewhere else.
But don’t let all the positives fool you, there are several detracting factors to having a MySpace page, factors that can surely be “rotation killers” as described by one of my dedicated readers... Percy Boy (He gave his okay to cite him for suggesting this particular blog, otherwise I would have left him anonymous as I have done for numerous readers in the past who did not want it known they read the theories disseminated here).
The same thing that makes your MySpace page a great tool for meeting and promoting yourself to women, can also serve to get you caught, which is the information on it, whether put there by you or someone else. This also applies to Facebook, Friendster and most other social networking sites.
Remember, once your picture is on your page it identifies you as the owner of that page legitimizing whatever information is there since it was either put there by you or approved by you.
This is where the problems can arise. Most likely you will have a set of alternative truths you’ve told to your mistress about yourself, but if she happens across your MySpace page she can quickly cross check them. If you told her you were single yet you have pictures of you and your girlfriend plastered all over your page, well you know what will ensue. Even if you’re smart enough to refrain from the previous scenario your mistress can still gain a vast amount of information about you that you probably didn’t want her to know which could lead her to figuring out you have not been fully truthful.
Another issue that could occur is your mistress leaving a comment on your page, whether intentionally to get you caught or accidentally just to thank you for the date the other night, which then could be read by your girlfriend. You would have some explaining to do, and even if you got out of it most likely you girlfriend would have contacted your mistress (social networking sites are beautiful aren’t they) through the aforementioned comment, and verified that you had been cheating on her.
I have some solutions that can help you avoid getting outed on MySpace, but as always you need to implement beforehand, in fact probably right after you get done reading this blog.
Don’t Use You Real Name on Your MySpace Page
This way no one can do a search by your name vastly increasing the effort and difficulty in locating your page. Use some sort of nickname in the URL instead which does not have any derivative of your real name in it. Closely monitor all comments posted to ensure your real name is not written in there by any of your friends, and never use your own name on anything you post like your blog or bio.
Don’t Use a Photo of Yourself as Your Main Image
This will vastly reduce the chances of the wrong woman finding your page. If you post a picture of your favorite sports team, band, or car it will make you much less identifiable since most people will not take the effort to click on the link to your page if they don’t recognize who it belongs to.
Create a Second MySpace Identity/Page
Seems pretty elementary but most people do not go through the trouble or have the forethought to do this. Obviously this page is for your mistress. If you provide her with your (secondary) MySpace page she’ll have no reason to search the site, thus eliminating that problem. This page should be set up with a nick name also, and follow all the rules of not using your real name or your photo as the main image on this page. Now you can customize this page with all the alternative truths you’ve told your mistress synching it all up and making it all seem that much more legitimate.
Avoid Participating Groups, Forums, and Blog Comments
When you participate in a group, forum, or comment on a blog you’ll leave your digital footprint. You never know if your mistress could be reading or participating as well and all of a sudden realize that you have another page that she didn’t know about. If you don’t use a photo of yourself as your main image (as recommended above) you can reduce the chances of getting caught this way, but If you really feel the necessity to participate you probably want to create another page/identity for this purpose only.
Following the methods I described will go a long way to keeping your infidelity under wraps (the theme song for this blog, check out the link to the song from a couple of blogs ago).
If you have any methods to hide your infidelity on MySpace I might have missed, please add in your comments.
MySpace like most social networking sites are easy ways to add women to your rotation, but also great rotation killers if you’re careless, don’t ever forget that when you’re contacting a new woman you’re planning to cheat on your girlfriend with.
Take Care,
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Friday, March 21, 2008
MySpace Is An Infidelity Killer
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Also have your "real" page be private and your mistress page be public (this way new women can also see you)
This is the author of the up coming book "The Proper Care and Feeding Of A Mistress."
I would like to point out that if you are conducting a "proper" affair and followed the "rules" to the letter than you will not have any problem with your mistress and your myspace (or facebook...or whatever).
The major rule not to break (this one is free) is:
You can lie to your mama, you can lie to your friends, you can lie to yourself...but never, Never, lie to your mistress.
Why? If you are in a relationship that is important to you than you will not compromise it by introducing a future negative into your secondary relationship (that's technical for the mistress). Women are not stupid and they know what they are doing. If they enter into a "secondary relationship" with you knowing that it is secondary and not thinking that it is "primary" than they will never be upset to see your "primary" promoted on your sites.
Hope that helps fellas...I'll post back later with more info on the book.
Love the blog
You people are fucked up, be happy you have a woman, if she isnt satisfying your needs break up dont cheat.
Wtf? R u kidding me???!!? Thats the fucking lowest thing u faggit nerds cud do. Thats pathetic. Especially u fags who commented saying how incredible it is. Morons...
How pathetic! I caught my boyfriend cheating on myspace by making a fake page of a gorgeous girl and because of it he lost me his daughter and is now paying for child support. If you're not happy leave the relationship on good terms, It's not worth it!
Ya you guys and this cheating thing need to just stop think for a little bit. Think of who your hurting. Think of what if a girl did this to you. Put yourself in her shoes. The comment before this one is right, its not worth it. Don't cheat. Even if she has cheated on you and you forgave her or something similar to that, revenge is not a good thing to want. Just break up with her, don't be a complete dick. Matt go suck a Dck.
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