Friday, January 12, 2007

To Be A Good Cheater You Have To Be A Good Liar

To successfully carry off your exploits, you will have to become a liar, or at least a better liar than you are now. You have to be able to look all your women in the eye, including your girlfriend, and execute a bold face lie without hesitation. This comes with the territory, you cannot be a cheater without being a good liar, it goes hand in hand.

If you feel uneasy with this concept then you will have to find a way to come to terms with it, or forget cheating altogether. Initially it might feel dreadful to tell lies to your girlfriend, and maybe even to the other women who you are knowingly misleading. This will be especially difficult if you are accustomed to being forthright and honest with people. The good news, however, is with each lie it becomes easier, and easier until your conscience becomes comfortable, and eventually you won't feel any discomfort at all. It will almost become second nature, a part of your every day routine.

Lying is not an easy proposition, especially if you are not accustomed to it. Society preaches that lying is inherently wrong. Yet we all practice this form of deception in our daily lives to get out of things we don’t want to do, to land a job, to make someone like us, and to evade punishment. Think of how many people you know that have bragged about their harmless lies that have helped them get out of a traffic citation. No one likes a liar, but 99.9% of us are hypocrites since we all participate in some form of deception, especially when it plays to our advantage.

To carry out your infidelity you will have to lie, and that is just the nature of the beast. If you do not have the stomach for it then you shouldn’t even attempt to cheat on your girlfriend. Lying to your woman and to others around you will become an integral skill that you will have to master to survive in this game. If you want to become proficient at dating multiple women and not get caught there is no way around it.


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ishkay said...

you also have to lie if you date several women without having a gf: women want you to get more invested in the relationship to let you have more sex and it's not easy to find reasons not to...any clues there? In other words, how do you lie to her by letting her imagine that some commitment is not impossible, but never actually make any?
Also tips on dumping annoying women after the sex/friendship has lost its interest would be interesting (as it's easy to get this wrong and hurt feelings unnecessarily).

A.C. said...

Thanks for the comment.

The best way to make them think that a commitment is not impossible is to hint at it with little comments inserted in conversation that women can read into, which they naturally will. If you talk to them about what you two should name the kids, in joking manner of course by choosing a outrageous baby name that you can both laugh at, or make allude to how you would go out whenever you wanted if the two of you were living together, again in jest only. This would give her the illusion that you are contemplating a longer commitment than you actually are, because they will be thinking that you’re talking about those issues and not afraid of commitment.

Eventually they will call you out on it and then you can say you were just joking around. Since you addressed all those issues when you two were having a good time playing around then she will have to realize she read too much into it, which at that point you should emphasize.

This method is in no way a permanent solution but it will buy extra time without actually having to say the words that lead to an exclusive, long term relationship. It’s worked for me.
