Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Having Sex with Another Woman, Does Not Mean You Don't Love Your Girlfriend… Explained

In response to the readers that disagreed with me and called for an explanation of my last blog (Having Sex with Another Woman, Does Not Mean You Don't Love Your Girlfriend!), you got your wish.

For this to work you have to view things, including the love for your girlfriend rationally.

Nothing in life is exclusive, especially when it comes to feelings. You can love something, and like something different at the same time without sacrificing your feelings for one or the other.

You can like apple pie without having to dislike every other pie, thus allowing you to enjoy peach cobbler every now and then.

You can love baseball, but that doesn’t mean you can’t immerse yourself in a good football or basketball game occasionally.

Along those same lines, you can love your girlfriend, and still get with another woman without it detracting from your feelings for your girlfriend.

In most cases, not all, when a man cheats on his girlfriend that he loves, it usually has nothing to do with feelings or emotions. Most often times the man just has a physical attraction to another woman and yearns to fulfill his sexual desires with that woman only. Afterwards his feelings for his girlfriend will be of the same magnitude as before his infidelity.

As with many things in life it you have to accept that you’re going to like multiple things in the same category. Women are no different. Just because you have love for a particular woman, doesn’t mean enjoying the company of a different woman will diminish your love for the first woman.

Your love for a Ferrari will not be diminished by taking a Lamborghini for test drive, will it?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see your point. But most women will not.