Thursday, January 4, 2007

Rank The Women in Your Life According to Importance

With the New Year in full swing, is a great time for new awakenings. Usually people use this time to make resolutions about the next 12 months of their lives.

If you’re major change will be to cheat on your girlfriend, then congratulations, you’ve come to the right blog.To do it right, however, you have to make a few decisions before you can dive head first into your new found adventures.

Take inventory of your current romantic situation. Once you have examined how you stack up, you’ll be able to develop a more strategic and coherent plan of action concerning the difficult decisions that lie ahead of you.

Always stick to this original assessment because it was formed with a clear mind, before potentially developing feelings for any of the secondary women that might lead to a skewed view of importance. Once you have finished assessing your current condition you will most likely fall into one of several categories.

You Have a Girlfriend & are intending on Maintaining the Relationship
If you have a girlfriend and you’re just trying to broaden your horizons temporarily, then you definitely should assign a hierarchy to the women in your life. This will eliminate a lot of confusion and time agonizing over decisions regarding a multitude of potential circumstances. Deciding which woman takes precedence over all the others is the very first step. Obviously, it has to be your girlfriend for the very simple fact that you are intending to maintain your relationship with her.

You Have a Girlfriend, But are Looking For a Replacement
If you have a girlfriend currently but are looking for something more tantalizing for your palate, then you can afford to set your rankings a little looser. This applies only if you’re toying with the notion you might eventually leave your girlfriend if you find something more tempting. This readjustment of importance especially applies to the holidays and the significant days in your life.

You Have No Girlfriend, Just Dating Multiple Women
This is probably the easiest starting point when trying to romance multiple women simultaneously. If you get caught then you really have no particular attachment to any woman and your feelings will not be affected past the embarrassment of getting caught. If you are in this mindset it’s probably a very good idea to let some (not all, you have to be able to judge which women can handle it) of the women know that you are dating others occasionally. This way not all of the women will assume they are exclusive to you thus a lesser chance of them forming an emotional attachment which might make things more complicated when you are intending to end the relationship.

Remember to always maintain your original assessment as the principle structure for ranking the women in your life. You developed it before your feelings were diluted by any newfound emotions for your secondary women, thus its something you can always comfortably revisit if doubts ever creep into your mind.


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