Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Splitting Valentines Day Between My Girlfriend and My Mistress

In my last blog, Valentines Day and Cheating on Your Girlfriend, I promised to a personal anecdote about splitting Valentines Day between two women.

A while back I was dating two women simultaneously, my trademark. One was my girlfriend. The other one thought she would be my girlfriend and was aligning herself to assume that role, unknowing of the fact that position had been filled long before she ever came along.

For ease of story we’ll name my girlfriend in this story Jenny, and my wannabe girlfriend Katilynn. Now, I debated for some time to break up with Katilynn before Valentines Day ever came along, but I was fond of her so I wanted to keep her for a while longer.

This was against my usual standard operating procedure. Usually I make it a explicit rule that I only have one girl around Valentines Day, but against my better judgment I decided to try to split V day between the two of them.

At this point a little back story is necessary for you to have full grasp of the situation. Jenny lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I had been living as well. After we got together and were dating for a while I moved back to Los Angeles. We decided to try and maintain the long distance relationship, which was pretty sweet for me since she couldn’t really keep an eye on me. Which meant I could freelance all I wanted without any repercussions, a cheaters dream scenario.

Then I met Katilynn in LA and in no time we hooked up as well. I happened to like her more than I usually like a secondary woman, which turned out to be my mistake. Fast forward to Valentines Day… I had two women with equal anticipation that I would be their one and only Valentines Day sweetheart in two different cities 500+ miles apart.

They both expected something special from me and I was intent on delivering for both of them.You’re starting to feel my dilemma now, huh? But, for some inane reason I assumed I could pull this off, pretty arrogant, but that’s just the way I roll sometimes. One of these days I will learn my lesson I’m sure.

My only saving grace was that V Day fell on weekday, meaning a work day. Plus, it was also a pretty safe scenario since the dates would take place in cities great distances apart, so there would be no chance of getting seen by anyone that could expose me. That’s what put it over the top, no worries of getting caught, I could make both women happy, and I would be the Casanova of the year for this one, or so I thought.

I told Katilynn I would take her out Valentines evening, while I planned to fly up to the bay and see Jenny during the day. I told Jenny I would take the day off and fly up the night before so I could spend the special day with her. I wanted to make it sound more extravagant distract her from thinking about why I’d be missing Valentines night.

Our Valentines Day together in San Francisco which went off without a hitch, it was a wonderful day between two lovers.

Here’s where the drama ensues…

My flight back to LA left at 6 pm, so I assumed I’d be back by 7:45 at the latest. It was an hour flight which gave me enough time to get home, change and pick up Katilynn for our 8:45 reservation.

The flight was late. Each minute of the delay I was silently cursing the airline and my luck for foiling my plans. Instead I should have been cursing myself for getting into that predicament in the first place.

I got back to LA 8:30. I hadn’t been able to call Katilynn all day since I was with Jenny. No doubt she was worried and angry… that was her personality. She was really volatile sometimes, that’s what attracted me to her in the first place, but it’s a double edged sword when you mess up, which I had… big time.

I had to go straight from the airport to Katilynn’s house, unable to change or pick up her gift at my house. By the time I knocked on her door it was 9 pm. Katilynn was pissed that I hadn’t called and that we missed our reservation, not to mention I showed up with no flowers or gift.

Her fury was in its full splendor that night. At the height of her anger I was dodging a glass vase and some ceramic plates. She was so pissed she mistook some paper plates in her anger for real plates and threw those at me too, pretty damned funny. In retrospect I shouldn’t have laughed at that openly… that’s what prompted the vase.

I really had no solid explanation for my absence and tardiness. She just kept calling me an asshole for neglecting her on that day. What could I say, really that would rectify the situation? I was with my real girlfriend in San Francisco? Nah, that wouldn’t fly too well, she would have probably getting out the steak knives.

I didn’t plan ahead. I had to make up some poor conceived lie about having to help out a friend that was stuck in San Diego and needed a ride back to LA. It was all bullshit and she knew it but she was so angry it never dawned on her what other reasons I might have had for missing Valentines Day.

The second half of that Valentines Day was totally ruined by my ambitious plans. I felt Katilynn’s wrath for a couple of weeks thereafter, and I had to work pretty hard to get back into her good graces. I had to orchestrate a makeup Valentines Day date which cost me considerably more than what a regular V day date would cost, so you know it was pricey.

I learned a lesson that I already knew, never try to split Valentines Day between two women. Hopefully you can learn from my mistake.

Just to update everyone for present times, I am no longer seeing either Jenny or Katilynn. Both of those relationships ended a while back.

However, on a positive note Katilynn and I do hook up a booty call every now and then… for old times sake.


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Monday, January 29, 2007

Valentines Day and Cheating on Your Girlfriend

The ominous day fast approaches… fellow cheaters. It’s the worst day in the year for anyone cheating on their girlfriend or dating multiple women… Valentines Day.

February 14th!

This is a busy time of year for every man regardless. But it’s an especially frustrating and busy time for cheating on your girlfriend. As a cheater you now have to make a decision, for this is one day, an occasion that cannot be split in half to accommodate two women.

This day has been built up by retailers of flowers, candy, jewelers and everything else gift related towards women, as HER special day.

It has been engrained in women that this is THEIR SPECIAL DAY, and unfortunately there is no way around this.

You only have a finite amount of time during the Valentines Day season, and a secondary woman will encroach upon that tremendously.

As a cheater you have to make a choice, period.

That’s why I am writing this blog concerning Valentines Day two weeks in advance, so you have time to plan out your strategy and make a decision.On holidays, especially Valentines Day, you have to be remorseless towards the secondary women in your life. No matter how much they whine (which they will), cry, make a blatant attempt to guilt you, get angry, threaten, and yell at you, do not give in.

As I mentioned before you can only have one woman on Valentines Day, so you will need to either break up with your secondary women, or come up with one hell of an excuse why you can’t spend Valentines Day with her.But under no circumstances should you try to get out of spending Valentines Day with your girlfriend in favor of another woman, this is a certain tip off that you have something going on behind her back. Not to mention, she will be tremendously upset with you, and making up for it will entail weeks of work. This usually forces unnecessary strain on your relationship with your girlfriend which would have never existed if you weren’t dating other women, so I strongly recommend against it. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.

The best option at this time of year is to cut your secondary women loose before Valentines Day begins, preferably before February starts. This will allow you to concentrate on only your girlfriend without any of the ancillary problems created by additional women in your life.

Don’t ever forget that you’re using these secondary women for only physical reasons, but you have an emotional attachment to your girlfriend. She comes first. You can always find more like them, but you cannot find another like your girlfriend.

I urge you to initiate your break up with your secondary women as soon as possible, so all the drama and heartache can play out a couple of weeks before Valentines Day. There is nothing worse than an emotional, spurned woman a day before Valentines Day. With all the hoopla and build up on TV and in the stores it will only contribute to her disappointment and anger. That’s something you should definitely avoid.

Coming Up:
In my next blog, I’ll detail a personal anecdote when I tried to split a Valentines Day between two women, and you’ll see why it’s not a very good idea. Hopefully you can learn from my experience and avoid this fiasco.


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Friday, January 26, 2007

Choosing Women by Personality Types Part 3

In my previous blogs (Choosing Women by Personality Types Part 1 and Part 2) I discussed the Oblivious and Trusting as well as the Scandalous and Slut personality traits to look for in women that you plan to cheat on your girlfriend with.Today I will continue with the last personality features in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways, the Indifferent.

Last but not least, the one that just doesn't care, and one of my personal favorites. This type is probably trying to kill time until her boyfriend or husband gets out of jail, gets back from an extended business trip, or is generally disillusioned with relationships at her present moment in time. She could just as easily take it or leave it, no big deal either way to her.

Regardless these types of women are good to stick in your rotation for a few weeks. Since she doesn’t have much vested interest in your relationship besides the entertainment value and sex, she will not become a big burden in your life. Keep her as one of your secondary women or relegate her to booty cal status and you’ll be just fine.

Hope you enjoyed my series on female personality types that enable Cheating On Your Girlfriend and Not Getting Caught. If you know of any more that I might have missed feel free to comment or contact me.

A. C.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Choosing Women by Personality Types Part 2

In my previous blog (Choosing Women by Personality Types Part 1) I discussed theOblivious and Trusting personality traits to look for in women you plan to cheat on your girlfriend with.Today I will continue with two more personality features in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways. They are the Scandalous and the Slut.

This personality type can encompass a wide variety of women; married, with or with out boyfriends, dating multiple partners like yourself, and even some that are accepting of the fact that you have a girlfriend. Usually you will want to keep this type as one of your secondary women, or maybe even just a booty call. They do not make good girlfriend material, but they make excellent cheating on your girlfriend material.

The scandalous ones that already come with a husband or a boyfriend, yet manage to find their way into your bedroom speak for themselves on why you wouldn't want them as your number one. If they have a significant other, usually they will be more paranoid about getting caught than you are, so they will make it incredibly easy for you. It will usually entail discrete visits to your house or you to their home while their significant other is not around. Yes, women do cheat as well; you'd be surprised at how many. Don’t question it, just to learn to take advantage of them when they come your way.

The women that are unattached but know you have a girlfriend, are the ones that you have to filter a little more carefully. They can be broken down into two distinct types. The first kind just want have their fun with another woman's man. But the second you have to be more wary of since they entertain notions of stealing another woman's man. The first of this category is what you want to shoot for. They are only looking to have a good time and have sex with a man they find attractive with no strings attached. They realize ahead of time that they are getting into something that will lead nowhere, and they are obviously fine with that. The second of the two are focused on causing you problems for their own personal benefit, by intending to break up your main relationship. You can weed these out with just a few conversations to figure out if they are more into you than just a good time. Ask them questions about how they feel about you having a girlfriend, and more importantly how they feel about you. If you start getting some long and detailed responses about how they wish you didn't have a girl and they eventually want to be your lady, wash your hands of them as quickly as possible.

The slut is the one that all of us have come across from time to time. This type is essentially out only for the sex, whatever her reason might be. Maybe she receives the emotional sustenance that's missing from her life, maybe she is a sex addict, or maybe she thinks this is the way to a man's heart. It doesn't matter, she's offering and you should be taking. This, again, is the type you want to relegate to a booty call. Definitely under no circumstances your number one, and if you currently have a number one that fits this description, then by all means give her the boot.

The slut type is easily identified by her actions, her reputation, and by the way she flirts incessantly with any man that gives her the time of day. Be careful, if it gets around that you frequent these types of women it will cast you in a bad light. If you’re seen having drinks with a girl that's a notorious slut it will be hard to explain away that she is only a friend to anyone that might see you. By her very reputation you will be associated with her in a sexual regard.

There is one more personality that you should look for, the Indifferent type, and we’ll cover this in my next blog.

Stay Tuned.

A. C.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Choosing Women by Personality Types

In my previous blog (Identify The Types of Women You Want To Cheat On Your Girlfriend With) I discussed the two important determining factors in choosing women to cheat on your girlfriend with. One of them was personality, which should be one of the important factors when choosing your women. There are many different personality types; most are detrimental to infidelity.

However, there a few traits that can be exploited. Let’s explore a couple of those which I have named the Oblivious and the Trusting in the next few paragraphs.

The Oblivious Type:
The oblivious personality is pretty self-explanatory. She is too preoccupied with herself, her career, family, or hobby to even consider the fact that her man might be cheating on her. The more time her man doesn't spend with her allows her more time to concentrate on herself and her activities of choice. If you are involved with a woman of this type, she will make it very easy to cheat on her. You probably want this woman to play the role of your #2 girl since she has no clue of what's going on, but is still under the assumption that you and she are exclusive. She wouldn’t consider you her boyfriend, but would in most cases consider the two of you dating. She will give you a lot of leeway due to her distraction with her personal issues which you will be able to take advantage of, just don’t get overconfident or sloppy.

The Trusting Type:
The trusting type is easily taken advantage of, a sad truth. The quality that is valued greatly in a monogamous relationship is the one that can be exploited exceptionally well when being unfaithful. This type of woman will trust her man because that's what she is used to. What her man tells her is the truth and there is usually not much debate. This type of girl most often avoids conflict at all costs to avoid interrogations and awkward confrontations. Even if there are obvious clues, sometimes this type of woman will tend to ignore them on the basis of her blind trust. As before, don't get sloppy and you won't have too many problems here. You can get this type of girl to fill the #2 role in your rotation quite easily, just remember that she will most likely think that she is your girlfriend so you will have to spend more time with her than the others.

In my next blog we will discuss the next set of personality traits that you can exploit in women for your cheating ways, they will be the: Scandalous and the Slut.

Stay tuned.


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Friday, January 19, 2007

Identify The Types of Women You Want To Cheat On Your Girlfriend With

Distinguishing between the different the types of women is vital to success. Understanding what personality and lifestyle features fit best to play the role of the other woman, and more importantly which characteristics in women signal red flags that are better left alone.

You should study the different types of women that you like and get to know their psychological tendencies as well as the personality traits they have in common.

First you have to break down what type of women you're attracted to, which inherently decides the type of women, you will be incorporating in your infidelity.

We all are partial to certain types of women and it’s important to cater to your own tastes. I'm not talking about certain aesthetic body parts like a big ass, or voluptuous breasts.

I mean more important determining factors, like personality and their lifestyle. These two specific traits should never be overlooked and must be considered above all else before choosing a woman to get involved with.

A woman’s personality and lifestyle are the key indicators whether she will be a good woman to cheat on your girlfriend with, or whether she will cause you more problems than the sex might be worth.

In the next few blogs I will address these issues in more detail, providing you a more intricate view on what to look for when choosing your mistress.


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Monday, January 15, 2007

Never Underestimate Her Intelligence When Cheating On Her

Underestimating your women’s intelligence is one of the biggest mistakes that men make, and it usually becomes their downfall.

When you assume that your women won’t be able to figure out your cheating on them, you become sloppy and arrogant.

In my experience I have encountered more men getting caught for this reason than any other. It is extremely important that you never commit this mistake; otherwise you are exposing yourself to careless blunders that will surely return to haunt you.

Always assume that the women you are trying to fool are as smart or even smarter then you are. This will make you more careful, eliminate sloppiness, and take your game to a higher level. As in any sport, if your opponent is more skilled than you are, then you will have to raise your game that much higher to win.

The same rule applies here. If you assume your women to be more intelligent than you are, whether true or not, then you will have to come up with more intelligent solutions to fool them. Not only will this help you accomplish your goal, but also it will make you that much better playing this game in the long run.

If it turns out they were beneath you on the IQ level, you haven’t really lost anything, and you improved your skills. But if she towers above you with her intellectual capacity, you’ll still be able to deceive her because you calculated for it.

No matter how talented you are, when you underestimate your opponent, you open yourself up to defeat.


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Friday, January 12, 2007

To Be A Good Cheater You Have To Be A Good Liar

To successfully carry off your exploits, you will have to become a liar, or at least a better liar than you are now. You have to be able to look all your women in the eye, including your girlfriend, and execute a bold face lie without hesitation. This comes with the territory, you cannot be a cheater without being a good liar, it goes hand in hand.

If you feel uneasy with this concept then you will have to find a way to come to terms with it, or forget cheating altogether. Initially it might feel dreadful to tell lies to your girlfriend, and maybe even to the other women who you are knowingly misleading. This will be especially difficult if you are accustomed to being forthright and honest with people. The good news, however, is with each lie it becomes easier, and easier until your conscience becomes comfortable, and eventually you won't feel any discomfort at all. It will almost become second nature, a part of your every day routine.

Lying is not an easy proposition, especially if you are not accustomed to it. Society preaches that lying is inherently wrong. Yet we all practice this form of deception in our daily lives to get out of things we don’t want to do, to land a job, to make someone like us, and to evade punishment. Think of how many people you know that have bragged about their harmless lies that have helped them get out of a traffic citation. No one likes a liar, but 99.9% of us are hypocrites since we all participate in some form of deception, especially when it plays to our advantage.

To carry out your infidelity you will have to lie, and that is just the nature of the beast. If you do not have the stomach for it then you shouldn’t even attempt to cheat on your girlfriend. Lying to your woman and to others around you will become an integral skill that you will have to master to survive in this game. If you want to become proficient at dating multiple women and not get caught there is no way around it.


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Thursday, January 11, 2007


The 4th Unbreakable Rule of Cheating on Your Girlfriend


That’s just asking for trouble. Most women cannot keep a secret, that’s a fact. Now you’re asking them to conceal one of the juiciest secrets in existence.Besides that, there are other reasons to consider. Have you ever thought about why a friend of your girl’s might want to sleep with you? Is it since you’re so charming, handsome and alluring that she just can’t help herself? Maybe, if you’re in that 1% of the male population.

More than likely her friend is doing it as revenge/get even/screw your girlfriend over maneuver. Women are cruel this way and you are just a tool for her to get back at your girlfriend. Obviously this can only work if you girlfriend finds out about it, and guess who is going to tell her? That’s right, the friend that you hooked up with.

A different scenario might be that the friend was in a distraught emotional condition and needed someone to be comforted by (you) and she just got caught up in the moment emotionally and had sex with you because you were there for her. When she comes to her senses and realizes this she will feel even worse than before. Now she has this guilt hanging over her, which will eventually spill out to your girlfriend. Most women cannot keep guilty feelings like that bottled up, so hooking up in this scenario is a recipe to get caught.

A third motive could very well be that your girlfriend’s friend is trying to break up your relationship for her own selfish reasons. Whether that be to get you to be her boyfriend (which is poor judgment since you already proved to her that you aren’t the faithful type, but women still try this method anyway), or because she doesn’t like you dating her friend and doesn’t want you around. She can always tell your girlfriend that she was drunk and you took advantage of her to try and preserve their friendship but still get you out of the picture. Not as a viable motive as getting you for herself, but I have seen it on occasion, either way you still get caught, that’s the main point.

There is really nothing that positive that can come out of this situation. If the friend somehow is able to keep the secret, then every social occasion that she is present for along with you and your girlfriend will be under a fog of anxiety and awkwardness for the two of you trying to pretend nothing happened. This isn’t a pleasant situation, as you can imagine.

So my best advice to you is not to cheat with one of your girlfriend’s friends. There are plenty of complete strangers out there that you can hookup with, without the rigmarole that accompanies this situation.


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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Having Sex with Another Woman, Does Not Mean You Don't Love Your Girlfriend… Explained

In response to the readers that disagreed with me and called for an explanation of my last blog (Having Sex with Another Woman, Does Not Mean You Don't Love Your Girlfriend!), you got your wish.

For this to work you have to view things, including the love for your girlfriend rationally.

Nothing in life is exclusive, especially when it comes to feelings. You can love something, and like something different at the same time without sacrificing your feelings for one or the other.

You can like apple pie without having to dislike every other pie, thus allowing you to enjoy peach cobbler every now and then.

You can love baseball, but that doesn’t mean you can’t immerse yourself in a good football or basketball game occasionally.

Along those same lines, you can love your girlfriend, and still get with another woman without it detracting from your feelings for your girlfriend.

In most cases, not all, when a man cheats on his girlfriend that he loves, it usually has nothing to do with feelings or emotions. Most often times the man just has a physical attraction to another woman and yearns to fulfill his sexual desires with that woman only. Afterwards his feelings for his girlfriend will be of the same magnitude as before his infidelity.

As with many things in life it you have to accept that you’re going to like multiple things in the same category. Women are no different. Just because you have love for a particular woman, doesn’t mean enjoying the company of a different woman will diminish your love for the first woman.

Your love for a Ferrari will not be diminished by taking a Lamborghini for test drive, will it?


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Monday, January 8, 2007

Having Sex with Another Woman, Does Not Mean You Don't Love Your Girlfriend!

Having sex with another woman, does not mean you do not truly love your girlfriend.

Remember what we just discussed in my last blog; Never Confuse Love With Sex.

Sex and love are two separate issues. You can completely be in love with your girlfriend, and still cheat on her without it affecting your feelings for her.

It is easy for society to say “that if you are having sex with someone besides your significant other then you don’t truly love that significant other.” That’s a nice blanket statement which sounds quite profound and accurate upon face value. But when examined a little deeper that idea holds very little water.

To fully comprehend this point of view you must first accept the theory that sex and love are two different yet coexisting animals in the same jungle, as stated in my aforementioned blog. Otherwise, what I am about to discuss will fundamentally be foreign to your way of thinking, and you will have trouble accepting it.

In its most simplistic and vulgar form it comes down to this: If you’re fucking another woman besides your girlfriend, that’s exactly what you are doing… fucking her.

You are not making love, you are not romancing, and sure as hell you’re not looking to start a relationship with her. You are using her, in its most rudimentary form.

You are using her body as a vehicle to satisfy your sexual desires and needs. When you are finished, you leave, you have no more need for her or the service that she provides until your sexual urges return.

On the other hand, this exact same activity with your girlfriend is different. After you are finished having sex with your girl, you still need her for emotional nourishment, to spend time with, and to share your life with.

Some people would probably tell you that this not the healthiest way of looking at it, since you are separating two things that they feel should always be interlaced. But in this case, separation of these two ideas is by far the best method to employ.

If you have already had sex with another woman while you were in a committed relationship, you surely noticed the fundamentally different emotions and feelings that you were experiencing. It was far more loving, passionate, and meaningful with your girlfriend, in comparison to just the sexual and emotionless physical act with the other woman.

Keep in mind that all those sentimental feelings for your girlfriend came after a certain amount of time spent with her. You weren’t immediately in love with her after the first time you had sex with her. So why would you have all these emotional ties to a secondary woman after only engaging in a physical act with her?

It’s more natural to consider sex as just a physical act, rather than a deep-rooted emotional bond. Once you become a believer in this theory you will have more control of your emotions and feelings. This will give way to a clearer mind that can use logic to determine course of action, rather than being guided by convoluted emotional restraints.


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Friday, January 5, 2007

Never confuse love and sex as one in the same

I will put it as bluntly as possible: Never confuse love and sex as one in the same.

They are entirely two different notions in this particular realm of infidelity.

Just because you sleep with a woman, definitely does not mean you are in love with her. There might be feeling of passion and infatuation during the sexual act, and you both might say certain things during the heat of the moment, but you always have to look at the situation objectively.

Step back from what happened and think about it rationally. Yes, the sex was probably good, but that’s all that it was, sex. A physical act between two people does not equate to an emotional bond.

You will have to learn to divide sex from love, and separate them as two coexisting, yet very different entities.

If you’re like most men then you already do this according to your social programming and through the gender role imposed upon you. However, there are a percentage of men that equate sex with a strong emotional bond and commitment with their partner. That is a wonderful thing if it’s your girlfriend, your fiancĂ©, or your wife.

However, it is absolutely horrendous if it’s some woman you decided to keep on the side, or had a one-night stand with. First of all you don’t really love this secondary woman, but since you equate sex with love you now have all these emotions associated with her, which feel similar to love. These feelings will make you think you are in love with this new woman, when in reality you are not.

You have to learn to disengage those feelings; otherwise they will eat you alive. You are in enveloped by the feelings created through the sexual chemistry that exists between the two of you. These feelings will fade in time, and that is what you must focus on. Do not act upon these feelings initially, let them subside on their own and you will realize that you did not actually fall in love.

Never confuse love and sex, period.


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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Rank The Women in Your Life According to Importance

With the New Year in full swing, is a great time for new awakenings. Usually people use this time to make resolutions about the next 12 months of their lives.

If you’re major change will be to cheat on your girlfriend, then congratulations, you’ve come to the right blog.To do it right, however, you have to make a few decisions before you can dive head first into your new found adventures.

Take inventory of your current romantic situation. Once you have examined how you stack up, you’ll be able to develop a more strategic and coherent plan of action concerning the difficult decisions that lie ahead of you.

Always stick to this original assessment because it was formed with a clear mind, before potentially developing feelings for any of the secondary women that might lead to a skewed view of importance. Once you have finished assessing your current condition you will most likely fall into one of several categories.

You Have a Girlfriend & are intending on Maintaining the Relationship
If you have a girlfriend and you’re just trying to broaden your horizons temporarily, then you definitely should assign a hierarchy to the women in your life. This will eliminate a lot of confusion and time agonizing over decisions regarding a multitude of potential circumstances. Deciding which woman takes precedence over all the others is the very first step. Obviously, it has to be your girlfriend for the very simple fact that you are intending to maintain your relationship with her.

You Have a Girlfriend, But are Looking For a Replacement
If you have a girlfriend currently but are looking for something more tantalizing for your palate, then you can afford to set your rankings a little looser. This applies only if you’re toying with the notion you might eventually leave your girlfriend if you find something more tempting. This readjustment of importance especially applies to the holidays and the significant days in your life.

You Have No Girlfriend, Just Dating Multiple Women
This is probably the easiest starting point when trying to romance multiple women simultaneously. If you get caught then you really have no particular attachment to any woman and your feelings will not be affected past the embarrassment of getting caught. If you are in this mindset it’s probably a very good idea to let some (not all, you have to be able to judge which women can handle it) of the women know that you are dating others occasionally. This way not all of the women will assume they are exclusive to you thus a lesser chance of them forming an emotional attachment which might make things more complicated when you are intending to end the relationship.

Remember to always maintain your original assessment as the principle structure for ranking the women in your life. You developed it before your feelings were diluted by any newfound emotions for your secondary women, thus its something you can always comfortably revisit if doubts ever creep into your mind.


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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The Year of the Cheater - 2007

Welcome to 2007, the year of the Cheater!!!!

Actually every year is the year of the cheater, especially since it has been going on since the beginning of time.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be part of the 10 Commandments “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.”

If it’s old enough to be in the bible then you know it’s been around for a very long time. It was going on back then and its going on right now, and will most likely continue on until man can resist the temptations of the flesh, and as the few thousand years have proven since the inception of the 10 Commandments, man cannot.

So in this New Year, instead of fighting it, I will help you get away with it. I will dedicate my blog to your expression of sexual freedom, to be able to date as many people as you want. If you have made a resolution to throw down your chains of monogamy, then I will be your guiding light to the Promised Land. Oh, you can try to make the journey by yourself, as many have tried, but more than likely you will get caught.

But if you stay on the path that I will lead, then you will be able traverse the rough waters of infidelity and emerge unscathed, ready to re-immerse yourself once again.

Many of you have emailed me pledging your support, telling me that you have multiple relationships, or have a honey on the side that your girlfriend doesn’t know about. But not only men are involved in this, and I have heard plenty from the ladies as well, and to you I say… join us. Infidelity is a two way street, it needs not to be relegated to the male species. Players of all genders are welcome here.

To all of you I say thanks. I will make this year a profound one in your with all the techniques tips and tricks that I have accumulated of my time and I will share them all with you.

Happy New Year Cheaters of 2007!!!!!!!!


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