It’s the first day after Christmas Day and you still haven’t cut it off with your mistress.
Even after I warned you to give all your secondary women the boot after Thanksgiving and concentrate on only your girlfriend, you still hung in there.
You bought the extra presents and went through the additional hassle of the gift exchanges, maybe even showed up to their holiday parties, and now you have the whole New Year’s conundrum to deal with.
Multiple women want to spend New Year’s Eve with you, and only one of you to go around.
If you were smart then you had already planted a seed weeks ago letting your mistress know that you wouldn’t be available for New Years night. Maybe you told her you were going out of town with you friends, or you had plans made months ago that didn’t involve her.
If you you’re not such a forward thinker and you’re just coming to the realization that you’re in somewhat of a crisis, then you got problems.
The following solutions might help alleviate some of your concerns:
You shouldn’t use your family as an excuse for New Year’s Eve, she’ll either think you’re lying (which you are) or ask to come along so she can spend it with you and your family. In woman’s mind this escalates the relationship to the next level, which it would since bringing a girl to the family New Year’s Eve party means that you are serious about her. If you don’t invite her then she’ll be twice as angry or disappointed, since she won’t be able to ring in the New Year with you, and she could not secure an invite to the family party.
If you do decide to use the family party excuse, ensure that she doesn’t know which family member is hosting the party and that you tell her that it’s not at your house. I’m assuming since this is your mistress, she hasn’t met your parents and doesn’t know where they live, but if for some foolish reason she does you’ll be covered by using another relative’s residence for the imaginary shindig.
Don’t try to split your New Year’s Eve between your women either. It will just arouse suspicion from both of them. One will wonder why you only showed up an hour before midnight, while the other will be curious why you had to leave before you could kiss her at midnight. They both will have to explain why their man wasn’t with them for the entire night to their friends with enquiring minds, making for two unhappy and skeptical women in your life.
Most likely you will have to pick one of them (preferably your girlfriend, since she is your number one) and spend New Year’s with only her. If you haven’t done so already, then inform your mistress as soon as possible that you won’t be spending the night with her, that way she can hopefully make other plans. You want your mistress to have enough time to make alternate plans with her friends so she won’t be by herself, fuming at you. You never know what that might lead to, and you especially don’t want to leave her alone all night planning to check up on you to make sure you’re not out with another woman, which you are. You want her distracted, enjoying herself as best she can without you. On that note, you should not make any plans at your residence so you can avoid any unanticipated, angry women that might stop by.
Once you have made your decision concerning which woman you’ll be partying the night away with, you’ll have to come up with a very good excuse for the other one.
This is the hard part, this is why you’re reading this blog right now, hoping I can pull a rabbit out of a hat for you that will save your ass.
Nothing like that exists. You had your opportunity to get out of this mess a month ago. You didn’t want to, you procrastinated, or you were hoping for a miracle. You made your bed now you have to sleep in it.
Any excuse you use now will sound like a cop out, which it is, unless you have a doctor’s note and a stay in the hospital to prove otherwise.
Tell your mistress that you decided to party with your buddies instead, which will work, but she’ll probably be very pissed at you. She’ll want to come along, at which point you’ll have to turn her down and that’s when the hurt feelings will come into play. This will put a strain on your relationship that you’ll have to work hard to mend, unless you’re hoping it leads to a break up which most often times it does. The same result could have been accomplished weeks earlier had you manned up and broke up with her in the first place.
Be vague and non committal about what your plans for the night entail, giving her several options that you and you friends might engage in so she can’t pin you down on anything in particular. This is for your benefit so she can’t “accidentally” show up at the same bar you’re supposed to be at.
If this blog applied to you in any way, then you definitely have your New Year’s resolution already made out for you. A good cheater always thinks and plans far in advance to eliminate any last minute complications.
You New Years Resolution will be to ALWAYS PLAN AHEAD, when cheating on your girlfriend.
Take Care and have GREAT NEW YEAR.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Infidelity on New Year’s Eve!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Reassuring Your Suspicious Girlfriend
In my last couple of blogs I answered a few of frequently asked questions from my readers, which prompted more questions.
One particular reader asked a couple of questions that I’m sure the majority of cheaters have experienced in their exploits, so I decided to share my answers to him with all the devoted readers of this blog.
If your girlfriend suspects you of cheating, how do you reassure her that you aren't?
If your girl suspects you of cheating then you've done something to give her that idea. Left clues, changed your behavior, changed you usual schedule or activities, in short you slipped up somewhere.
Figuring it out (if you don't already know) might be worthwhile, so you don’t commit the same mistake in the future. But this might prove be difficult undertaking for sometimes women just get a feeling, you know women’s intuition. But usually that intuition is sparked by something that is not right about you, or about your relationship, hence a small change in your demeanor that should go unnoticed might be the catalyst for her intuition.
If you can’t figure out what tipped her off, don’t waste too much time on it and spend your efforts on reassuring her nothing is wrong.
Start by curtailing your cheating for a few weeks, tell the mistress that you'll be busy for a while, you’ve picked up side job, or that you have some family issues to work out and you’ll be unavailable for the next couple of weeks.
Take this time away from your other women to rekindle the relationship with your girl before you started cheating, to reassure her that she is over reacting. Once your woman has calmed down and the turbulence has passed you can get back to your mistress, but more carefully this time.
What are good lies to tell your girlfriend about were you will be on a given night?
Always use excuses that she can't readily verify on her own. Here are few tried and true excuses you can start with and then tailor them to your own specific life.
Use your family. This is the most abundant resource you have available to you. When you need an excuse to get away from your girlfriend to spend time with your #2 or #3 women, do not hesitate to depend on your family, after all that's what they are there for. For multiple reasons this is you best excuse. One, your significant other cannot try to convince you to get out of it, or change your plans since this is your family and they take precedence. Second, since you put such a high importance on your "family activities" it makes you seem family oriented, which makes you look more attractive to women, since you are now seen as family oriented. Your girlfriend can’t question the amount of time you spend with your family so if particular “family function” happens to drag on longer than expected, she won’t break your balls with an interrogation.
You need to have a couple of friends that you can use as an excuse. Make sure that these two specially selected friends can keep quiet about what you’re doing, especially to their own significant others. Also, always inform these friends if you’re going to use them as an excuse BEFORE you do, so you can get your stories straight upfront eliminating the scramble later on when your girlfriend is asking questions.
Using your place of employment might seem like a great excuse to create some time to cheat; telling your girlfriend your working late, that you will be in an extended meeting, and the most daring one of all; that you’ll be away on a business trip. But there is an inherent problem with these types of alibis, unless you work at a small company consisting of your friends, you will have no one who will lie for you. Sure you can get a buddy to cover for you in the office in case your girlfriend calls in to check on you, but what if the receptionist answers the call, or the call gets forwarded to your boss? Will they lie for you? Then you have to tell them why you are avoiding your own girlfriend, an uncomfortable scenario at the very least. What if your girlfriend is suspicious to the point where she shows up, or poses as your sister or mother on the phone to verify your whereabouts? There are just too many intangibles to use your job as safe alibi. If this is the best you can come up with, then at least use it sparingly.
Random, disposable excuses that you only use once work very well. They leave no discernable pattern, which means no matching variables for your girlfriend to dissect. If it’s a one time only excuse there is nothing to compare it to, meaning no anomalies to exploit. But you have to use these sparingly and during different time frames (i.e. don’t use different random excuses for the same time, on the same day of the week) otherwise that inherently negates the “randomness” of the excuse since certain facts remain similar. Stick to different excuses, on different days, during different windows of time (when you’re with your other women) and you’ll trigger far fewer women’s intuition alarm bells.
The key is to ensure she can't check up on what you're supposed to be doing.
Happy Holidays
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Friday, December 7, 2007
Why Stay With Your Girlfriend & Cheat on Her, Rather Than Break Up and Date Other Women Freely?
Continuing with the theme from last week, I going to answer another one of frequently asked questions/offered suggestions from readers.
Don’t cheat on your girlfriend, just do the honorable thing and break up with her and be single if you want to date multiple women.
This is easier said than done. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that it’s not quite that easy to break up with someone, let alone someone that you care about and have feelings for.
At this point I always get the response “How can you say that you care about someone if you’re cheating on him/her?” That’s an entirely different discussion which I have addressed frequently and will again, but not in this blog.
For the sake of this discussion we will assume that if you’re in a relationship with someone you have some sort of feelings for that person and care about them to a certain extent.
So why not break up, and pursue other women without any restrictions?
Like I mentioned before, you might have feelings for your girlfriend and want to stay with her, but at the same time want to be with other women sexually. That’s probably the most common reason for men. We don’t want to break up with our women, we just want to have our cake and eat it too, after all what good is the cake if you can’t eat it?
Perhaps you have a certain tie to your girlfriend that doesn’t allow for a quick, easy breakup.
-You live with your girlfriend.
-You and your girlfriend have children together.
-You have financial ties to her that make a breakup an unviable option.
There are some guys just don’t know how to break up with their women and are scared of the confrontation. So they figure if they get caught dating another woman, their girlfriend might do them a favor and leave them. Not saying I endorse this method, but if this is the only way you can get out of your relationship then maybe it might be worth it for you.
For some people these reasons probably don’t seem all that strong or legitimate enough to deceive their significant other and cheat on them. But for others, it does. Remember it’s easy to judge and make painless decisions when you don’t have any skin in the game. You have to have walked in the other person’s shoes before you can understand the full scope of issues and emotions they are dealing with.
If any of you can have other reasons why you rather stay with your girlfriend and cheat on her, rather than break up and date other women freely, feel free to comment.
Take Care,
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Why Cheat on Your Girlfriend? Instead Establish an Open Relationship with Her and be Honest.
One of the most frequent questions/suggestions I get from readers continues to be some variation of the following;
1. Why cheat on your girlfriend? Instead establish an open relationship with her and be honest.
2. Don’t cheat on your girlfriend, just do the honorable thing and break up with her and be single if you want to date multiple women.
These two ideals are always easily suggested and like most easy solutions to any problem they sound quite reasonable in theory. But applying them to a real life scenario is entirely different. Let’s tackle both of these reader comments/questions individually.
Why cheat on your girlfriend? Instead establish an open relationship with her and be honest.
This solution has multiple problems that need to be addressed before it can be practically implemented as it stands.
First, once you establish an exclusive relationship with a woman having her agree to an open relationship afterwards is increasingly difficult as time goes on, if not impossible altogether. To most women an exclusive relationship is what they strive for, to find that one special guy, and to keep him forever. That’s why women are so infatuated with marriage and finding their one true love. So once they have an exclusive relationship with a man, asking them to revert to an open relationship would be viewed as a step backwards in their eyes. After all she has spent all this time dating her man trying to become his only woman. Now you want her to go back to the dating pool and be equal with all the other women available. I doubt that would fall on receptive ears, why would she agree to be relegated to a lower status after attaining exclusivity?
It’s the inverse of the old marketing philosophy; you can start at a higher price for your product and lower the price, but very rarely can you start at a lower price, raise prices. Once the public has gotten used to a certain price, they won’t be too receptive to a raise in prices. Same is true of a exclusive relationship from a woman’s point of view; once she has been exclusive she wont be too receptive of being cast back with all the other women in the dating pool.
Second, once you propose this to your woman most likely she’ll want to end the relationship with you out of frustration thinking you’re not worth the effort, or guilt you into rethinking your position. If you agree to drop the whole thing then you have already played your hand and she knows you’re thinking about dating other women and she’ll be scrutinizing your actions far more closely adding extra strain on your relationship as well as your ability to date other women on the low.
Third, honestly how many women can this actually work with? I mean come on, 95% of the women won’t go for this scenario. I haven’t come across too many women who thought this was a viable scenario, and I have run it by quite a few of women in committed relationships. The women who suggest this are always unattached when they have no feelings for any guy so it’s an easy fix. But I’d like to get some opinion from these same women once they have a boyfriend for a couple of months and see what they say.
Fourth, if you’re woman does agree to it, are you comfortable enough with her dating other guys? Because you can be sure that after you just downgraded her, and she knows you’re going to be dating other women, that she’ll be going out on dates as well, maybe just to spite you.
In the next blog, I’ll address the second question/suggestion from readers:
Don’t cheat on your girlfriend, just do the honorable thing and break up with her and be single if you want to date multiple women.
Take Care,
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Friday, November 16, 2007
Getting Caught Cheating on Your Girlfriend by Your Friends
So what’s the big deal with getting caught by your friends? This is often overlooked and its significance underappreciated, but its effect can be far reaching.
Caught by Your FriendsWhen you get caught by your friend you’re assuming that this person is your friend; you have nothing to worry about right? Wrong. You need to asses very quickly what type of friend this person is. A close trustworthy friend that you know can keep a secret, even from his significant other, or will he/she quickly blab their new found information to their mate? If it’s the latter, you have to reason impress upon them not to share their newfound information with their significant other. However, you’ll have to assume that this knowledge is too juicy for them to keep bottled up permanently, and sooner or later their mate will know about your indiscretion. Thus you have to ensure that you don’t bring your girlfriend to any social occasion where your friend will bring his/her significant other, at least until you switch girlfriends, or your friend switches significant others.
Another aspect of friendship that you have to keep an eye is whether if any of your friends have a soft spot for your girlfriend, whether it be a friendship or aspirations for something romantic. If you think this friend of yours wants to get with your girlfriend, he might use this information to try and break up your relationship. If you feel this is the case, then you have to keep your girlfriend away when you interact with your friend. Make sure that your buddy doesn’t have a way to get in touch with your girlfriend (i.e. her employment information, email, cell phone, etc.). Make sure that you never mass email your girlfriend and friends since he could pluck her email from the list. If you do make sure to hide everyone’s email from all the recipients (a best practices tip).
A final derivative of your friend catching you cheating scenario is something of an anecdote, but should be taken as a cautionary tale…
A few years back I started hanging out with this guy who I met through a friend. He seemed cool and we had some good times going to bars/clubs pickin up on chicks together (full disclosure; I had a girlfriend at the time which he knew about). At the same time he was intimately involved with his best friend (who was female) while she was dating one of his close friends. A few times we went out together where we both brought our women along, and they struck up an artificial friendship. His “girl” and my girl exchanged numbers and emails, much to my chagrin. We hung out together a few times but not on a regular basis.
In the interest of expediency I will fast forward the story a few months. Apparently, unknown to me, I had done something to hurt this guy’s feelings (should have known since he acted like a little pussy at times) so we had stopped hangin out as much. I didn’t notice since I was busy with other things, I just thought so was he. Not the case, he was pissed and it was building from day to day, especially that I didn’t call him and acknowledge it. Somewhere along the way my girlfriend called his “best friend” to get his number to set up a group function. Once she called him, he made sure to tell her about the times he and I had gone out (that my girl didn’t know about) and even made up some stories about me having another girl on the side (I did, but he never knew about that, exactly the reason why I don’t tell my friends about my infidelities.). Nevertheless, my girl came to me upset crying and angry demanding an explanation. Since he had no specifics about any of my “supposed” other women his story was easy to dispute and dismiss. But the he did rat me out about lying to her about the bars and clubs. That cost me a couple of days of tantrums from my girlfriend, but eventually it all resolved itself.
However, your lesson from that story is to pick your friends carefully, and if any of them ever have any incriminating story that could cost you your relationship with your girlfriend, make sure their interaction is limited and well supervised. Don’t ever let your girl become friends with one of your friends or their significant other because you’ll never know when it will come back to haunt you.
Most people are your friend only as long as it is convenient for them (with rare exceptions), when they turn on you everything you trusted them with will become a weapon, if they chose to use it. Be careful how well you arm them.
Hope you have found this series about how to handle getting caught cheating on your girlfriend useful. I will have one final note on this topic in my next blog.
Take Care,
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tell Your Mistress “Thanks for the Memories” this Thanksgiving
With the holiday season fast approaching it’s time to start eliminating the complications in your life. By complications I mean the rotation of women you have collected the last few months.
As you know, the holiday season is a busy time of year for everyone regardless. But it’s an especially frustrating and busy time for cheating on your girlfriend. As a cheater you now have to worry about duplicates for everything; buying multiple Christmas presents, disposing of multiple gift receipts, keeping track of what you bought for whom, going to multiple holiday parties, trying to avoid all the holiday photos that might get you caught, etc.
Not to mention the upcoming New Year’s Eve conundrum of which woman you will spend it with, you obviously cannot be with more than one woman, so a choice has to be made. One of them will be disappointed greatly and be very upset with you. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.
This is why I’m calling your attention to this early. To give yourself a relaxing (as relaxing as any holiday season can be) enjoyable holiday season, you should start planning on how you’re going to cut you secondary women loose. You can wait until after Thanksgiving, but don’t let it drift too far into December since then you might feel obligated to keep them around for Christmas which eventually leads into New Years and you’re right where I warned you not to be in the first few paragraphs of this blog.
Set a date a few days after Thanksgiving and stick to that plan. Then spend the holiday season with your girlfriend, and start the whole rotation with brand new women for the New Year.
Take Care,
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Getting Caught Cheating by Your Family
Another likelihood is that you might inadvertently get caught cheating by someone in your own family. Whether this person is part of your immediate family or more of a distant relative will determine how you approach this situation. In either case you have quite a bit of room and leverage here.
Caught by Your Family
Since this person in most cases is loyal to only you and probably views your girlfriend as someone passing through in your life, thus they don’t feel the need to form an attachment to her.
First, make sure you keep her away from this relative and don't attend functions when you know this family member will be present. You don’t want your Aunt to get to chatty with your girlfriend a few months down the road at a holiday party and let slip that she saw the two of you together at a restaurant, but it wasn’t really the you and your girlfriend, it was you and one of your other women. After a few drinks your Aunt probably won’t be able to remember who she saw you with, just that it was a female and most likely it was your girlfriend. However your girlfriend will have no such disillusions with her memory, then you’ll have some explaining to do.
Second, talk to this relative and ask him/her to keep quiet about the matter since you are family, and that you will handle it personally. Once this discussion has been had the relative will know to keep this topic discreet, and even if they gab about it, it should only stay within the family circles.
I will continue the If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend series with a scenario that is often overlooked and underestimated; getting caught cheating by one of YOUR friends.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
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Friday, November 2, 2007
Getting Caught Cheating by Your Mistres
The woman you were hiding from your girlfriend is the one that found out about your “other woman.” You got caught by the wrong woman, which is just right for you. She doesn’t know it but this puts you in the drivers seat, and does most of the work for you.
Caught by Your Mistress
If you get caught by one of your secondary women you really haven't lost all that much. In fact they might have actually done you a favor since it gives them a reason to leave you. Since you were going to get rid of them eventually anyway, there is no real harm done.
But there are some important things to keep in mind just so it doesn't get ugly. Try to pretend that you're genuinely remorseful about what happened and admit that you did a horrible thing.
Make it look like you cared about her and that she was more important to you than she actually was. Don’t act indifferent or nonchalant. This is important because it will make her feel like she mattered to you, it will keep her in a more somber state of mind rather than angry and vengeful. You don’t want to treat her as if she never mattered (irregardless of the truth) since it will create the second set of emotions I just described, and it will induce her to try to get revenge. That becomes a very dangerous proposition; especially you are trying to keep this from your main girlfriend.
Also, never tell any secondary woman that the girl they found out about is your #1 girl. This might prompt your mistress on seek out your girlfriend and ruin that relationship to settle the score. Try to end your relationship with your mistress amicably. Let her yell at you, let her vent, and make sure you apologize profusely as if she was your #1 girl. In the end most likely she'll say she doesn’t want to ever see you again, which is what you want. You should tell her that you will miss her, and let her walk out the door feeling empowered that she left a no good cheater like you behind… just like you wanted.
In the end no harm will really come of this, if you play your cards right.
I will continue the If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend series, sometimes getting caught can work to your advantage as long as you’re slick enough to exploit the situation.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Getting Caught Cheating by Your Girlfriend’s Coworker
The coworker scenario rears its ugly head once again. If you had followed my advice and avoided your girlfriend’s work functions then you wouldn’t be in this dilemma. Well hindsight’s 20/20 right? What you want to know is how to handle this problem, read on then.
Caught by Your Girlfriend’s Co-workerIf a co-worker catches you, then you have more options at your disposal than with the previously mentioned scenarios.
More than likely your girlfriend has already told you her involvement with this coworker at the office when giving you background on them before or during the introduction at that fateful office function you attended.
Armed with this knowledge you should have a good idea of how closely this coworker interacts with your girlfriend.
If you have a pretty good feeling that the coworker who caught you doesn’t have a close relationship with your girlfriend then you can act casual about the whole incident since they probably don’t know your girlfriend’s personal situation very well. Make it appear as if nothing is wrong making them assume that you and your girlfriend are no longer dating (this will help explain it to the woman your with as well) and speak of your girlfriend in the past tense. Once everyone has gone their separate ways, wait to see if your girlfriend ever mentions that her coworker saw you. If not then your little rouse worked and the coworker assumed you two were no longer together. Under no circumstances should you even mention that you saw one of her coworkers, this will lead her to ask that coworker questions which will result in the truth coming out. Stay quiet and you should be able to get out of this without any problems.
If the coworker is close with your girlfriend, then you’ll have to be contrite and tell the coworker that you know what you did was wrong, and to allow you a chance to tell your girlfriend personally, since you think it should come from you rather than someone else. This will allow you to spin the story in whatever direction you think will save your relationship. Make sure you tell your girlfriend in the following two days, that’s about the window of opportunity that you’ll have before the coworker spills the beans for you.
Sometimes, depending on how close this co-worker is with your girlfriend you can even be as bold to ask them not say anything and to please keep the matter just between the two of you. Sometimes they will agree to this just to avoid the embarrassment of having to tell their co-worker, your girlfriend, about having seen her boyfriend cheating on her.
I will continue the If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend series, but as you can see most of the time your options are limited and not very good. If you can employ my techniques on how not to get caught, hopefully you’ll never have a reason to use any of the tactics in this particular series.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Getting Caught Cheating by Your Girlfriend’s Family
In the last edition we discussed what to do if you get caught by your girlfriend’s friend. In this edition we discuss getting caught by her family, a much more volatile situation.
Caught by Your Girlfriend’s Family
If you get caught by one of your girlfriend’s family members, as always, it all depends on who catches you.
If it’s a distant cousin, uncle, or an in law then you have an opportunity to reason with them in the same way as if you were caught by one of her friends. They probably don’t really want to deal with the whole situation, having to tell your girlfriend the bad news. So you might be able to get away with one there by promising to tell your girlfriend yourself and then simply not following through. Hopefully the next time your girlfriend will see this family member will be so far in the future that it will be a moot point, or the family member has forgotten. Just make sure you don’t show up to your girlfriend’s family functions for a while, so you don’t provide an opportunity for that distant cousin to remember. You know what they say, out of sight out of mind.
But if it’s her immediate family such as her Mother, Father, Sister or Brother then most likely they will be so upset with you that they won't give you the opportunity to explain yourself. They will go straight to your girlfriend and tell her what they know right after they let you know exactly what they think of you.
Getting caught this way is particularly bad since this person is in her family, and every time your girlfriend looks at this relative she will be reminded of your indiscretion. So the chance of her forgiving and forgetting, and moving on with your relationship will be very difficult.
Plus, gossip in within family spreads like wild fire and soon most relatives will know what you did. Since family always sticks together you just have made a gang of new enemies. Imagine how this might feel at a Christmas party with her family present, not a very inviting scene.
If you have been caught by your girlfriend’s family, let us know what happened and how you managed the situation.
I will continue the If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend series with circumstances that offer a greater opportunity for you save your relationship with your girl.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
Friday, October 12, 2007
Getting Caught Cheating by Your Girlfriend’s Friend
In the last edition we discussed what to do if you get caught by your girlfriend, that’s obviously the worst that could happen. If you get caught by someone else you have some options available to you. From here on out things get easier, in comparison to the aforementioned predicament.
As always, it all depends on who catches you. Today we will discuss how to handle one of your girlfriend’s friends getting wise to your infidelity.
Caught by Your Girlfriend’s Friends
If a friend of your girlfriend’s catches you, your woman will know by the end of the day, thus it’s imperative that you act quickly and decisively. If you know that you have been caught, you can try to reason with this friend but it‘ll most likely fall upon deaf ears since her allegiance is to your girlfriend, not to you. You can tell the friend that you know what you did was wrong, and to allow you a chance to tell your girlfriend personally, since you think it should come from you rather than someone else. To certain people this might actually make you seem somewhat contrite and hopefully they will grant you this favor, and save them the awkward situation of having to reveal this information themselves.
But how is this any different than the friend telling your girlfriend, after all she will find out either way, right? Well, right and wrong. Yes, she will find out, but it if you want to have any hopes of salvaging your relationship then it is far more important that it comes from you. Somehow there is some sort of virtuous feeling involved if you take it upon yourself, plus most women would rather find out from their significant other rather than from a third party. Finally, and most importantly, this will allow you to spin the story in whatever direction you need to save your relationship.
By personally confessing your sins to your girlfriend you will catch her off guard and you will have a chance to tell her your "story" while she is still in shock and disbelief. But if she finds out from a third party, by the time she gets to you she will have had plenty of time to build up her anger and she will be seeking to release that on you. She won't care what you have to say since she will be far too upset to listen.
Also, if YOU tell her, it will save her the public embarrassment of having someone else tell her, giving the situation an air of discretion.
Remember as long as you control the information you can soften the blow by selectively revealing and camouflaging aspects of your indiscretions, as opposed to your girlfriend getting the gory embellished details from her friend. By the time it gets discussed between the two of them the focus will be on your girlfriend’s pain and healing rather than what actually happened, which can make the difference in saving your relationship.
All your girlfriend needs to know is that you were unfaithful, the details can and should be minimized by you. Damage control, take the initiative and tell her yourself, but only tell her what you want her to know.
I will continue the If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend series with circumstances that offer a greater opportunity for you save your relationship with your girl.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
Friday, October 5, 2007
If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend Part 1
All right, worst-case scenario: you get caught. I have two words for you; crisis management. What you’ll have to do (and quickly I might add) is to minimize the crisis as much as possible.
I know this is a situation that you probably don’t even want to think about, let alone plan for. But any good player knows they must have a contingency plan in place for the most unfortunate of circumstances. You should be prepared for the worst and if that never comes to fruition, then you can consider yourself lucky that you weathered the storm.
Chances are the more you cheat, the more the odds will stack up against you. You're better off mentally preparing yourself for the inevitable, as well as having a plan to fall back on, instead of standing there with you mouth agape, flushed with embarrassment with an inability to say anything in your defense.
At this point information is your best friend. You’ll have to find out how you got caught, who saw you, how much they saw, how much they know, and most importantly whether your girlfriend knows about it yet.
First things first, it all depends on who catches you. This might seem immaterial since the truth of the matter is that you have been exposed, but you have some options depending on whom you are discovered by.
Caught by Your Girlfriend
This is again, obviously the worst-case scenario, that’s why I am addressing it first. If your girlfriend catches you, in most instances you are screwed and your relationship is over. However, it depends on the degree to which you are caught with your pants down, if you will. If she only finds traces of another girl, perhaps some panties or a romantic letter, then you might be able to deceive her into believing that those are left over from a previous relationship that you kept as a memento.
You might be able to fast talk her out of leaving you since she does not have irrefutable evidence that you actually slept with someone else, therefore she does not have the graphic image of you engaging in a sexual act with another woman. That is very important since the mental image of you with another woman will live with her forever.
If previous relationship memento leftover lie does not apply, then you can try and own up to some of your infidelity by admitting that some new girl had been showing you interest and somehow managed to catch your attention. But you realized that it was wrong and have put a stop to it, and that you were trying to find the right time to talk about it. This will still keep the door open, however slightly, to reconciliation and perhaps your girlfriend’s forgiveness.
But if your girlfriend finds a used condom or walks in on you engaging in sexual activity with another girl, it’s over. She will have that image in her mind and it will forever burn in her memory making it unbearable for her to remain in a relationship with you. You might as well save yourself the time and indignity of groveling for her forgiveness; accept that you made a mistake and move on.
As for the girl you got caught with, if she doesn't know you have a girlfriend, you can kiss her goodbye as well. You cheated on your girlfriend with her, making her feel like a home wrecker, so why would she want a relationship with you after that? You already demonstrated your unfaithfulness to your girlfriend, why would she think you would be true to her?
With the doomsday scenario addressed, I will continue the If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Girlfriend series with circumstances that offer a greater opportunity for you save your relationship with your girl.
Stay Tuned.
Take Care,
Friday, September 28, 2007
Infidelity Phone Tips
Although the phone can be a huge liability, you can learn to use it to your advantage.
Multiple Cell Phones
The best advice I can give you is to get a second cell phone. They are relatively affordable these days and defiantly worth it. Make sure that it’s a different carrier than what you currently use so there is no mix up with the bills. Get paperless statements or use an alternate address where the monthly statements are sent to (P.O. Box, or work address if applicable). Us his alternate cell phone to communicate with all your secondary women, thus separating your phone communications entirely. Keep the phone in your car, or leave it at work (if you live with your girlfriend), or some place where she won’t accidentally find it.
Home Phones vs. Cell Phones
Only give out your cell number, never your home number. The cell phone you can control, it's always in your possession where as the home phone you leave unattended quite frequently when you are out, at work, or at school. Second you don't want to walk in with your girlfriend, click on the answering machine and hear another girl talking about your date last night when you were supposed to be at your “family function”.
Use Aliases
Subsequently, keep your secondary women's phone numbers on your cell phone under an alias, preferribly a male alias. Never use their real names, use initials if you have to just as long as there is no evidence for the snooping girlfriend.This is better than making the numbers secret (some phones have that function) for the simple fact that it will arouse suspicion on why that particular number would be classified as such.
Family Phone Number
Do not give out your family's home number to anyone, not even your girlfriend. This would greatly weaken your most powerful alibi if she had the option to call and ask to talk to you, thus verifying whether you are there or not.
Work Phone
Don’t give out your work phone number to either your girlfriend or your mistresses. If they need to get in touch with you during the work day impress upon them that they need to do it using your cell phone(s). Tell them that your employer frowns upon employees using their phones for personal calls. This serves as a protective barrier in multiple ways shielding you from emotionally clingy women, as well preserves any work related alibi/excuse you use with any of your women. If they can’t call to check on you then they can’t shoot holes in your stories.
If you text with your women (girlfriend or mistresses), make it a standard operating procedure to erase all you stored received text messages, sent text, and saved draft messages in your phone. You can either selectively erase just the ones from your mistresses but I suggest you erase everything and if anyone of them asks you tell them you do it to save memory on your phone.
If you have any phone tips for the readers, feel free to post them in the comments section. We’re always open to new and innovative ideas.
Take Care,
Friday, September 21, 2007
Cheating on Your Live In Girlfriend
A lot of guys who live with their girlfriends secretly yearn for the opportunity to get with another woman on the side. As you can imagine this situation provides unique barriers to cheating on your girlfriend. It’s far more difficult to catch some trim on the side with your girlfriend aware of most of your on goings on a daily basis.
It can be done, there’s no doubt about that. Anything can be done, you just have to realize that you’re working with a huge handicap, and even more so a far better chance of getting caught. Once you have accepted those to fundamental principles of your lifestyle then you can take the next step.
Establish a Plausible Reason That Gets You Out of the House
This is crucial to getting time away from your woman, and you have to come up with something that she does not want to tag along for. Pick up a hobby that she despises that requires ample amount of time, like model airplane flying, fishing, or golf. Tell her you and some guys from the office are starting a business which requires your skills for a certain amount of hours per week.
Ensure your Mistress has her own place
Avoid women that live with their parents. Obviously you can’t take her to your place and going to a hotel leaves behind too much evidence on credit card statements, receipts, etc. Plus always going to a motel is going to lead the Mistress to wondering why she can’t go to your place.
Rent a Room
Rent a RoomIf you’re planning to make this a regular thing, rent a room from someone you don’t know, and only use it when you’re with your other women. I don’t mean a motel either. I’m referring to a monthly rental, like an apartment sublet, or someone renting a room in their house. Always pay in cash and try not to leave too much of a trail, don’t tell you’re new roommate about what you’re doing either.
Make Sure Your Mistress Lives in a Different Town
Preferably two or three towns apart makes it even better. This is always a standard course of action, but especially important if you live with your girlfriend. You don’t want to be running into your mistress at the local Blockbuster.
Pack a Change of Clothes
Make sure you pack a change of clothes that you can switch into for your dates with your mistress, then change back before you go home. This eliminates her perfume/scent, makeup, hair on your clothes that your girlfriend might find. Your girlfriend has access to your laundry so she can snoop through it anytime she wants.
Clean Up before You Go Home
Find a bathroom that you can use either at the gym, the association pool/club house, the park or anywhere else accessible. After you change out of your date clothes, wipe yourself down with a wet towel to remove any perfume/scent, makeup, hair that you might have incidentally picked up on your date. Air out your car on the way home roll down all the windows in your car to, and check to see if your mistress left anything behind.
Prepare a Lie for Your Girlfriend
She’s probably eagerly anticipating your arrival, wanting what you did all day playing golf, how many fish you caught, or what projects you accomplished at the side business. So you better think of something before you walk through the door.
Hope this was helpful. If there are any guys out there in this exact situation and have some good tips for the readers, feel free to pass them along in the comments section.
Take Care,
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Excuses to Facilitate Your Infidelity
When you’re dating multiple women simultaneously, you often need to find excuses to slip away from your girlfriend to spend time with your other women. This can become a problem if your ability to create excuses is not well developed.
With this in mind I decided to categorize my most rock solid, best excuses that I have battle tested, and feel confident in using. These are not specific excuses, but certain types that you can use as long as you customize them to your particular situation.
Use your family. This is the most abundant resource you have available to you. When you need an excuse to get away from your girlfriend to spend time with your #2 or #3 women, do not hesitate to depend on your family, after all that's what they are there for. For multiple reasons this is you best excuse. One, your significant other cannot try to convince you to get out of it, or change your plans since this is your family and they take precedence. Second, since you put such a high importance on your "family activities" it makes you seem family oriented, which makes you look more attractive to women, since you are now seen as family oriented. Your girlfriend can’t question the amount of time you spend with your family so if particular “family function” happens to drag on longer than expected, she won’t break your balls with an interrogation.
You need to have a couple of friends that you can use as an excuse. Make sure that these two specially selected friends can keep quiet about what you’re doing, especially to their own significant others. Also, always inform these friends if you’re going to use them as an excuse BEFORE you do, so you can get your stories straight upfront eliminating the scramble later on when your girlfriend is asking questions.
Using your place of employment might seem like a great excuse to create some time to cheat; telling your girlfriend your working late, that you will be in an extended meeting, and the most daring one of all; that you’ll be away on a business trip. But there is an inherent problem with these types of alibis, unless you work at a small company consisting of your friends, you will have no one who will lie for you. Sure you can get a buddy to cover for you in the office in case your girlfriend calls in to check on you, but what if the receptionist answers the call, or the call gets forwarded to your boss? Will they lie for you? Then you have to tell them why you are avoiding your own girlfriend, an uncomfortable scenario at the very least. What if your girlfriend is suspicious to the point where she shows up, or poses as your sister or mother on the phone to verify your whereabouts? There are just too many intangibles to use your job as safe alibi. If this is the best you can come up with, then at least use it sparingly.
Random, disposable excuses that you only use once work very well. They leave no discernable pattern, which means no matching variables for your girlfriend to dissect. If it’s a one time only excuse there is nothing to compare it to, meaning no anomalies to exploit. But you have to use these sparingly and during different time frames (i.e. don’t use different random excuses for the same time, on the same day of the week) otherwise that inherently negates the “randomness” of the excuse since certain facts remain similar. Stick to different excuses, on different days, during different windows of time (when you’re with your other women) and you’ll trigger far fewer women’s intuition alarm bells.
If you have some good excuses that you’ve used in the past, or revolving ones that you currently use and think it could benefit someone else, then do us all a favor and tell us about in the comments section. After all, every new excuse is an opportunity to cheat on our girlfriends.
Take Care,
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Don’t Waste Your Time With Craigslist
The past few weeks I have been doing some research on the Craigslist personals section, to see whether it’s a fertile environment to find women to cheat on your girlfriend with. I had done this a year earlier and come up with a resounding “NO!” I figured I’d give it a year and revisit the site to see if it had improved any.
Friends and coworkers occasionally mention it so I thought it was gaining traction in the online dating arena, hopefully becoming more legitimate.
But after my latest two week foray into the Craigslist personals I can whole honestly say that it’s a waste of your time. But this goes not only for cheaters but for any guy looking to meet a woman period.
The Craigslist personals are a breeding ground for spammers, men posing as women, overweight unattractive women (my bad Big Beautiful Women or BBW) demanding the moon, and in some cases even blatant offers of prostitution.
Here is the breakdown:
65 % Spammers
They put up posts/ads posing to be women in order for you to write back so they can acquire your email address. Then they reply with either a fake email asking you to go to some online dating website where you can continue the conversation. Or they just email you links to porn sites… and not very good ones either, I know I’ve checked, it’s called research, he he he.
15% Guys Posing as Women
Guys put up fake posts posing as women as a joke to see how many men reply, or they do it with a picture of their ex to get even.
15% Big Beautiful Women (BBW)
BBW 's love to put up posts/ads demanding unrealistic expectations. Here’s a clue ladies; if you’re not getting it in the real world posting an ad is not going to get you a date with Brad Pitt. You need to lower your expectations and stop wasting everyone’s time with your unfulfilled fantasies.
5% Prostitutes
I was as surprised to find this type of posts/ads on Craigslist Personals. I thought they would better monitor this type of activity. Usually they aren’t asking for payment in Dollars, they ask for it in Roses. But you think a little bit and you’ll realize 1 Rose = 1 Dollar, you do the math. Also there are quite a lot of ads for women looking to be companions of affluent older men, can you say escort service?
I spent most of my time on the Women Seeking Men, and the Casual Encounters sections. I did delve a little bit into the Strictly Plutonic section, but found that the demands of the “women” there were even more outrageous than those of the BBW’s? They want to be taken out, wined and dined, have presents bought for them, taken on lavish trips or concerts but refuse to put out and they let you know about that ahead of time. So I didn’t even waste my time in that section, nor should you.
In the end the title of this blog says it all… Don’t Waste Your Time With Craigslist.
Take Care,
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Keep Your Dates With Your Mistress Unofficial
I have to apologize for the absence of my blog in the last couple of weeks. I have been very busy lately recruiting a new stable of women and cycling out the existing ones. I like to make this purge every few months to keep everything fresh. Usually I try to weed them out individually over an extended period of time, sort of stagger it out. But his particular time it all hit at once, sometimes it’s unavoidable.
With that said…
In this the seventh and final installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series, I wanted to make sure you don’t do anything that might have a public or official record kept of it.
By official record I mean don’t sign any type of joint documents, take pictures with anything that can establish a time & date on it, sign birthday cards, make videos, make any type significant joint purchase and above all else stay away from getting arrested. That’s a good idea in case, but especially when you’re out with your mistress. It’ll be kind of difficult to explain away why you got arrested for fighting because you were trying to defend your mistress’s honor.
Some of these might be harder to avoid than others, taking photos and things of that nature, but try the best you can. Especially at clubs since promoters like to publish the photos they take of partygoers on their web sites.
Make sure that if you pay with a credit card you throw away the receipt immediately and make sure that you file away your monthly credit card statement before your girlfriend can “accidentally” glance at it.
The less evidence you generate, the less there is to hide and lie about later.
I hope you enjoyed the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series, even in its prolonged state. The How to Cheat On Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught Blog will return normal schedule from here on out. I appreciate your patience.
Take Care,
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Checklist for Cheaters
In this the sixth installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series, I want to provide you with a checklist that every cheater should employ during and after a date with his girlfriend, mistress, or any other woman that happens his way.
1. Keep your cell phone on silent, off, or on vibrate.
2. Never check to see who is calling you, keep the phone in your pocket. If you pull it out to see it opens up the opportunity for whichever woman you are with to ask; “who is calling you?” If one of your other women calls you, let it go to voice mail and call back later. If it’s urgent then excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and call from there, or use the text messaging feature on your cell phone.
3. Don’t assign any photos of your women to their phone numbers in your cell phone. It’s too easy for your girl to catch a glimpse of the picture as you check your phone to realize it’s another woman calling you. Sometimes that’s all they need to start questioning your loyalty.
4. Remove any personal articles from your wallet, car, house, jacket pocket, pertaining to your girlfriend. Don’t forget to hide any and all pictures, jewelry, notes, and things of sentimental value tying you to any woman.
5. Avoid hugging or holding onto your secondary women in public in case someone sees you. That way you can maintain the argument that it was only a friend.
6. Try to wear your hair differently with different women to diminish the chance of easily being identified by someone you have only met once, like say the dreaded coworker. Wear a hat, beanie, or different style of clothes that you normally wouldn’t wear around your girlfriend to give you a different appearance.
7. Always throw the clothes you wore from your dates right into the laundry hamper. Make sure to dispose of any ticket stubs and receipts from the dates as well. Wash off any hand stamps you might have been branded with at a nightclub, bar, or event.
8. Roll down all your windows to air out your car on the ride home to eliminate hair strands and scent of the woman’s perfume.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sex on Your Dates
In this the fifth installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I’m going to discuss the perils of engaging in sex and the pitfalls that you should be aware of.
If you're going to engage in sexual activity, and of course you will, always push for the venue to be at her place rather than your own. This radically reduces the chances of any evidence left behind at your house. If you choose to get down in your vehicle remember to search it thoroughly when you're finished, air it out, and try to vacuum the carpet and upholstery to eliminate those annoying strands of hair that women leave behind.
Under no circumstances are you to let any of your secondary women spend the night at your house. This leads to extended time spent in your bed, which means a lot of added work finding and removing evidence left behind. Regardless whether she spends the night, you'll have to change and wash your sheets, blankets comforters to get the girl’s scent out. Also, when any woman spends the night, they will linger in the morning causing delays with communicating with your girlfriend. You can’t exactly call your girlfriend while you still have the girl from the night before lounging around in your bed.
Remember your girlfriend probably hasn't heard from you since you started your date the night before, so if you lag in giving her a call in the morning because one of your secondary women is still there, she'll start to get annoyed. What’s worse is if you make this a habit she will start to get suspicious. For the same reason, try to avoid spending the night at your secondary women's houses, but this is still far better alternative than your residence. If you spend the night, make up an excuse the night before why you have to leave early in the morning and set your alarm. Try to target a time that allows you wake up, go home and call your girlfriend before she wakes up.
Also you want to keep an eye on the type of sexual activity you partake in and make sure that there are no marks on your body that might give away your indiscretion. Stay away from hickeys and make sure all your women know and fully adhere to this policy. Just say you find them childish and disgusting and that you'd rather not have them. Then make sure you don't give them either. If any of your women scratch your back during sex, then you will have to tell them to stop. This is a dead give away.
Avoid doing sexual maneuvers that you just learned from your secondary women with your girlfriend. This will make her wonder where you picked up your new moves, and a curious girlfriend is always a problem. But if you feel the overwhelming need to try it with your girl, weave it gently into the fabric of your relationship. Mention that you were talking about it with a coworker, or read about it in a men's magazine, then leave it alone for a few days. The next time you’re in the midst of passion wait for her to broach the topic of trying it out, that way it will be her idea. If she doesn’t, then you can ask initiate the idea since you had already planted the seed earlier in the week.
You should know this next one by now, but I’ll cover it here since this seems to trip up more would be players than anything else. Never call out the wrong name during sex. In fact avoid using their names altogether whenever possible. Get in the habit of calling all your women by cute little nicknames that you can rotate around like “baby doll,” “sunshine,” “beautiful,” “honey,” and so on. Once you have this established in your brain the propensity to call one of them by their actual names will greatly diminish, leading to a reduced reflex of calling out the incorrect moniker. Trust me, this will be a lifesaver, especially when one of them calls and they sound similar to your girlfriend on the phone. Now you don't have to awkwardly try to guess who it is by the conversation. With caller ID this is not as relevant as it used to be, but nevertheless its just good practice.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Vary The Locations of Your Dates
In the fourth installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I’m going to discuss the benefits of using different locations and venues for your dates.
Don’t let laziness be the reason you get caught cheating. I know its a lot easier to take different women to the same venues, but it also makes it a lot easier to get caught that way.If you have a favorite coffee shop or restaurant that you frequent with your girlfriend, find another one. They are almost every corner these days, it’s not that difficult to find one a few miles down the road.
You never know when an employee of that establishment will decide to have a bonding moment with your girlfriend and let it slip that you were there yesterday with another woman.
Finding a different hang out with each girl would probably be the best-case scenario. This keeps everything segregated. But the most ideal method would be to avoid having a regular spot you frequent with your secondary women, this way no one will remember you, or make note of who you are with.
I once tested this theory; taking my girlfriend to a Peruvian restaurant one day, and then meeting up with a girl I was just starting to date at the very same restaurant the next day. Believe me, the hostess and a couple of the waitresses remembered I could tell by the quizzical looks on their faces, trying to piece together what was going on. By the end of the date their service had become somewhat abrupt bordering on rude. None of them ever said anything but I could tell I wasn’t their favorite customer.
I guess its some unwritten code with women; they get mad even when the infidelity is not being perpetrated on them. It’s probably some bond of sisterhood.
Regardless separating your date locations according to your different women is something you should do. In fact you should keep all your dates segregated as much as possible meaning you should always take your secondary women on dates outside the relative vicinity of where you go out with your girlfriend.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Infidelity On Independence Day
In honor of Independence Day tomorrow I just thought that I’d throw in this public service announcement for all my devoted cheaters as a reminder.
Even though the 4th of July is not as stressful of a holiday as Valentines Day, Christmas, a or New Year’s Eve, its still a pretty difficult day for the gentlemen player who is juggling numerous women at the same time.
With multiple balls in the air you have to be quick to make sure you don’t drop the ball with any of your women during this summer holiday.
Like I mentioned earlier the 4th allows you some leeway in making choices regarding which women you will spend time with, as opposed to the other aforementioned holidays that every woman will demand to spend with her man.
With that said, your women will all still try to plan something with you on Independence Day so you have to calculate accordingly.
First you have to decide what you actually want to do and which one of them you want to do it with (if any of them at all). After all you can always just have a barbecue at your buddy’s house or what not.
But if you decide to have a girl along for the ride on the 4th make sure you have a viable excuse for you other women. If it’s your girlfriend that you’re planning to hang with then your excuses can be family related since you shouldn’t be bringing your secondary women around your family anyways, so you can use that. Just tell them that your family spends every 4th of July together and it’s just the immediate family, which should get you out of any obligations with any women where the relationship is just casual.
But if you’re trying to shake your girlfriend to spend time with another woman then you better have a good alibi that you set up in advance of the 4th. Then know exactly what you’re girlfriend is doing and make sure your plans are in the opposite direction. Nothing worse than running into your girl at the fireworks show when you’re with your other woman… that will definitely lead to some pyrotechnics.
Sloppiness on a lesser holiday such as Independence Day has tripped up many would be players who didn’t give his game enough forethought.
Remember to stay disciplined, plan ahead for any holidays, and to keep your game tight.
This is nothing you didn't already know, but a reminder can't hurt.
Stay tuned the How o Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
Friday, June 29, 2007
Avoid Going To The Movies With Your Mistress
In the third installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will address the movies, a venue that on the surface looks like a safe haven to take your secondary women, but could serve as a precarious trap just as easily.
Everyone goes to the movies and you’ll never know whom you might run into, and once you encounter this unexpected third party you can be sure that they’ll be glancing at you throughout the movie, you’ll be trapped there for the duration of the movie with curious eyes watching you.
If your secondary woman gets amorous that’s sure to be noticed. The level of problems this might cause depends on who this third party is. If its one of your acquaintances, then you can manage that situation by filtering this third party from any activities involving your girlfriend. If it’s one your girlfriend’s acquaintances, well then you’ll have some explaining to do. Catching a flick should be viewed with great hesitancy when on a date with your #2 or #3.
In fact if you can avoid movies altogether by making up some sort of excuse like you hate the crowds or the movies bothers your eyes you'd be better off entirely. But in most circumstances the women won't go for it, so you will have to figure out a way around it.
If you date a girl from outside of the immediate area you should always try to go to a theatre in her vicinity. If you have no such luck, then you will have to try and convince your dates to go to movie theatres out of the surrounding area. Make up some excuse like you got in an argument with the manager at the local movie theatre and you feel uncomfortable going there. Otherwise you will have to press your luck and hope no one who can recognize you will be at the movies at the same time. Try going to later shows or an early matinee when the crowds are not as thick.
Movies are an anomaly (kind of like coworkers). It’s hard to predict who will be at the movie theatre since there are so many different types of movies playing at the same time. There are action films, romantic comedies, dramas, thrillers, etc. For each one of these movies there is a different demographic segment that enjoys watching them, which brings together many various groups of people that would not normally attend the same function. Thus, you’ll increase the likelihood that you’ll run into people you would otherwise would not have anything in common with, which in turn exposes you to a higher chance of getting caught by your girlfriend’s great aunt who just happened to be there to watch the new Disney animation film with her grand daughter.Your best solution if you must go to the movies, is to take your secondary women to another city or town where the chances of you bumping into someone that recognizes you are greatly diminished.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Avoid Meeting Your Girlfriend’s Coworkers
In the second installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will discuss an overlooked way of getting nabbed; by your girlfriend’s coworker.
Your girlfriend’s coworker is someone you disregard as soon as you’re finished being introduced to them. They have little, if entirely no relevance to your life except for those few excruciating hours that you’re forced to engage in small talk at a company function.
But that’s where you’re mistaken; it might appear they have only a passing role in your life, as immaterial as a stoplight, but if you’re not careful they can play a major role in the relationship between you and your girlfriend.
Here’s why…
There is no fun like getting a call from your woman during the work day and having her bust your balls about someone from her office seeing you out with another woman on Friday night when you were supposed to be shooting pool with your buddies. You might be able to talk your way out of this since most likely the coworker cannot be sure since you two only met briefly at a company Christmas party, but you certainly could do without the drama, inconvenience, and air of suspicion being raised.
If you can avoid meeting the coworkers that would be an ideal scenario, for it would remove a pesky nuisance that you cannot calculate for. There is something that you must realize about the coworker factor. Coworkers, unlike family and friends cannot be grouped easily. They have no particular bond, or anything that ties them in common besides their jobs. Coworkers are in fact an anomaly that is extremely hard to account for, or predict. This means that the coworker faction will encompass every type of individual, male, female, old, young, lover of classic music or gangster rap, etc. Very diverse indeed, meaning you can't avoid them as a whole; you just have to hope they don't recognize you.
The difference between your girlfriend’s friends and coworkers is that you can categorize her friends since they have similar interests. For instance if your girlfriend likes alternative music most likely so will her friends, which means you want to stay away from bars with live rock bands in her city. This, on the other hand, would make a hip hop club a viable option to take your secondary women. However, you can’t successfully apply this line of reasoning to her coworkers since they have only that one unifying bond; a common place of employment. Meaning they could be lurking about in some venue that you’re girlfriend would never attend, and what seems like a safe haven to take your other woman.
The best advice I can give you is try your best to avoid any work type functions that your girlfriend wants you to accompany her to, and definitely don’t take any women to any of your job functions.If you can’t avoid this predicament, then make sure you’re as nondescript and unremarkable at that company function as possible. The duller and more unmemorable you are, the easier and faster they will forget you (in the same manner you will discard them from your memories as soon as possible).
Simply said, beware of meeting any co-workers, if you can.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Number 1 Way To Get Caught Cheating While On a Date With Your Mistress
In the first installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will discuss the top manner in which you might get caught; while in public.
This is obvious at first glance, also as obvious is that this is part of your infidelity is almost unavoidable. There is only a finite amount of things you can do with your secondary women that don’t involve going out into the world. Sooner or later you’ll have to bite the bullet and take one of them out to eat, a movie, or some other type of pass time.
Make sure that you plan your excursions out of your immediate area, and even more importantly out of your girlfriend’s area of proximity. Sure you’ll have to drive further to get something to eat or catch a movie but the effort will be worth it when you can relax and enjoy yourself, rather than having to constantly look over your shoulder to see if you know the couple that just walked into the same restaurant you’re having dinner in.
Another way to reduce the chances of being recognized by someone in public, avoid meeting any friends or family of your #2 and #3 women, especially since you have no real social obligations to either of them. However, the longer you keep a girl in your rotation the more likely you will meet of some of her friends, family, and acquaintances.
This escalates the odds of eventually encountering someone you have met through your mistresses in public. This alone is a good reason to periodically freshen up your rotation to make everything new and distant again with your secondary women.
Obviously, you can’t utilize this strategy with your girlfriend. With her, you have probably already met most of her important family members, friends, and coworkers. There is not much you can do about this, your social obligation is to be by your girlfriend’s side and under those circumstances you have to socialize, and therefore you end up meeting people that might recognize you later. That’s where taking your secondary women to more remote locations for dates reduces the chances that you’ll run into your girlfriend’s parents or cousins.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Avoid Getting Caught Cheating On Your Dates
This is the part that is obviously the most fun. Once you have done all the prep work of selecting and meeting the women you will be dating, your reward comes in an even more dangerous undertaking; the date itself.
The experiences of the dates are what you strive for; it’s what you lay all the groundwork and foundation for. But at the same time you have to be aware that it’s also the most dangerous time for a cheater.
The easiest way to get caught cheating is when you're on a date. You're exposed, out in the open for the entire world to see. You’re immersed in the mood and atmosphere of the encounter, and thus distracted. You’re focusing on the beautiful and exciting woman on your arm, probably a woman that isn’t your girlfriend, which alone heightens the exhilaration. You’re not focused on what’s going on around you, or who might be watching you, but you should be.
This is when you’re most vulnerable and have to be most careful, since a family member, a friend, or even a coworker might discover you.
Worst of all, you might not even realize that you been caught until the next day or even later on down the road when your girlfriend tells you about her friend who saw you kissing some girl. That’s one of the interesting aspects of getting caught, it’s usually not instantaneous. Very rarely will your girlfriend walk in on you while you’re engaged in questionable behavior with another woman (unless you’re completely careless or clueless). More often than not, she will find out indirectly sometimes days or even months after incident of infidelity transpired.
That’s why I have built a new seven part series to minimize your chances of getting caught on your dates, with the following installments of this blog highlighting the more dangerous locations and activities of dating that you should carefully consider beforehand.
Take Care,
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Women In Your Rotation Run In Cycles
Women, like most things, have a tendency to run in cycles, especially your #2 and #3 girls in your rotation. Once your secondary women realize that the relationship is not growing, not leading to anything serious as they had hoped, they will eventually lose interest and fall out of your rotation.
This is good if you're looking to change up your rotation.
This is bad if it happens with your main girlfriend; remember it works both ways, so don’t forget to lavish enough attention on her to keep her content with your relationship.
Once your rotation comes full circle, you will notice that your #2 and #3 women will most likely exit your rotation around the same time throughout the cycle. Expect this to happen; don't be surprised by it, and make sure to plan for it. After all you aren't giving these women what they are looking for, so naturally they will search for a more enriching relationship elsewhere.
Once this scenario reveals itself you have two options; count your lucky stars that your girlfriend didn’t catch you, and retire from cheating with the self satisfaction that you managed to carry off a feat that most men only dream of, let alone have the fortitude to even attempt. Or, you might like the excitement that you set up another rotation and tempt fate again. It's your call, you will get better with each new rotation you set up, but your odds of eventually getting caught will increase as well.
I've had numerous Three-Girl rotations that worked out perfectly due to the fact that the arithmetic made it easy (three women, seven days in the week). But I was once ambitious too, and thought I could manage four women at one time. Hell, I thought, what's one more date, what's one more lie, what's one more night of sex.
Well one more date is more money out of your pocket, more time spent away from your main girlfriend leaving her at home wondering where you are. One more lie adds up exponentially in your flimsy house of cards you have built on all your false truths. Don't forget, lies are harder to remember and regurgitate upon demand because they never happened. You have to think about who you told it to, and when you told it.
What you really end up doing is tiring yourself out, and eventually getting your lies mixed up. The latter never happened to me, but the first definitely did. After four days of dating four different women I needed a break to just relax and hang out with my friends. But that day off never came because by the fifth day my main girlfriend was demanding to see me, and if I didn't oblige there would be complications.
Always keep in mind that spending time with women is never easy due to their emotional nature. One evening spent with a woman can wear a man down both mentally and physically (depending on your activities of the evening). If you have an argument (and we all know this will eventually happen) and have to spend the evening trying to console her and get back in her good graces, it might tire you out for the next day. If you spend a night romping around in the sack till four in the morning, you will be exhausted the next day, especially if you work a nine to five.
So after about two weeks of dating four women I quickly realized that this was a path leading directly towards failure, forcing me to cut the fourth woman loose.
And you know what, I didn't even miss her. In fact I valued my day off and my sanity so much that I have never attempted dating more than three women simultaneously again.
Please take it under advisement from someone with wide-ranging experience with the rotation ... three girls should be every man’s limit.
I know there are some of you out there that manage to date more than three women at the same time; my hats off to all of ya’ll. Send me some comments to let all my readers know how you manage your time and how you’re able to handle your ladies’ demands.
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