Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Number 1 Way To Get Caught Cheating While On a Date With Your Mistress

In the first installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will discuss the top manner in which you might get caught; while in public.

This is obvious at first glance, also as obvious is that this is part of your infidelity is almost unavoidable. There is only a finite amount of things you can do with your secondary women that don’t involve going out into the world. Sooner or later you’ll have to bite the bullet and take one of them out to eat, a movie, or some other type of pass time.

Make sure that you plan your excursions out of your immediate area, and even more importantly out of your girlfriend’s area of proximity. Sure you’ll have to drive further to get something to eat or catch a movie but the effort will be worth it when you can relax and enjoy yourself, rather than having to constantly look over your shoulder to see if you know the couple that just walked into the same restaurant you’re having dinner in.

Another way to reduce the chances of being recognized by someone in public, avoid meeting any friends or family of your #2 and #3 women, especially since you have no real social obligations to either of them. However, the longer you keep a girl in your rotation the more likely you will meet of some of her friends, family, and acquaintances.

This escalates the odds of eventually encountering someone you have met through your mistresses in public. This alone is a good reason to periodically freshen up your rotation to make everything new and distant again with your secondary women.

Obviously, you can’t utilize this strategy with your girlfriend. With her, you have probably already met most of her important family members, friends, and coworkers. There is not much you can do about this, your social obligation is to be by your girlfriend’s side and under those circumstances you have to socialize, and therefore you end up meeting people that might recognize you later. That’s where taking your secondary women to more remote locations for dates reduces the chances that you’ll run into your girlfriend’s parents or cousins.

Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.

Take Care,


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok another thing i came up with is getting a second cell phone. It costs like $20 a month extra. Well worth the money and your girlfriend not getting suspicions about u always keeping ur cell phone away from her.(this is how i got caught last time). Get the second cell phone or if possible just another cell phone plan and just change sim cards. The only persons that will be calling the second phone is the other women so no big deal. Tell her you're busy and let her leave messages. Also DONT KEEP ANY RECEIPTS IN THE CAR!!!! Go to Tim Hortons on your way home and spend 5 mins and throw out all the garbage folks. Also inspect if she may have purposely left a smudge of lipstick on the passenger visor mirror awaiting your girlfriend's eyes!!! Women are vindictive man. They do little things that they know us stupid men won't pay attention to and later we get caught. A.J. from Windsor Ontario