Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How to Meet Women Who You Can Cheat On Your Girlfriend With

Meeting women is probably the easiest part of cheating on your girlfriend. There are a multitude of resources you can explore in making the acquaintances of new women. I suggest, like a good investment portfolio, you diversify. Try incorporating various methods to keep a good mix, and to keep you out of the same social circles. The less you are remembered or known, the less likely you are to be discovered.

With the internet taking the forefront in personal interaction you would have to be a fool not to take advantage of it. It provides a plethora of opportunities to meet women quickly with minimum effort. Not to mention that by using online methods you can remain far more inconspicuous allowing you more discretion.

Today I will be discussing the benefits of online personal or dating sites, here’s why:

Online Personals Ads/Dating Sites
Online dating sites are an excellent source to meet women that you can safely approach without much worry of getting caught. Sometimes there is a stigma attached to meeting people through personal ads but you should disregard that. That might have been the case during the early days of online dating, but now online personals are an accepted way for busy, ambitious, highly motivated singles to meet. You can search through these online ads for free, find out what the women look like, where they are from, and what they are looking for. But to contact them you need to set up your own personal ad and pay a monthly fee, something nominal ranging from $20 to $25 a month, this is very affordable in comparison to the alternative. If you calculate that going to a club or a bar you would usually spend that much in a cover charge and a drink and most likely meet only one or two women, this is a great way to get a bang for your buck, pun intended. Just remember that you need to make your personal ads hidden or designate them un-searchable since you never know which one of your girlfriend's co-workers, friends, or family members might be browsing through this service as well.

There are two online dating/personals web sites I recommend, Yahoo ( and Match ( These two services give you the widest variety of women in your particular area; you can narrow your search down by your ZIP Code, as well as a multitude of other of wide ranging search criteria that you can customize. Contacting women from these online dating services doesn't take much effort as long as you have a good initial introduction and a recent photo of yourself that gives them an accurate portrayal of what you look like. You need to be eloquent, charming, and come off sounding intelligent. Always give a small compliment about the woman's appearance, something along the lines of a pretty smile or beautiful eyes, and then leave it alone after that. Guys that fawn over a woman telling them in extensive prose how beautiful she is come off looking either desperate or just interested in her looks only, thus equated with looking only for sex. Neither perception will get you too many replies.

It’s important to keep in mind that most of the women on these dating sites are usually looking for one of two things; either a committed relationship, or a man that they can casually date with no strings attached (have sex with). You need to tailor your introduction towards whichever category they fall into. Tell them what caught your attention in their profile and that you were impressed by that. Mention that you are looking for the same thing(s) establishing a common bond between the two of you. Then spend a paragraph telling her a little bit about yourself, things that you didn't include in your profile. Then include a couple of questions that show your interest in getting to know her better, which also might provoke a response just to provide the answers, finish off with a 'looking forward to hearing from you," and you're done. You will usually receive a response within the next week. If not, then just leave it alone and move to the next woman, don't bother them with repeated emails. This will separate you from the rest of the men lacking the proper online etiquette that send multiple responses. Once a woman responds, you will more than likely trade emails for while before she decides to trust you with her phone number. You might spend a few days to a week talking on the phone before you should ask her to meet you. This is always a little awkward since you have gotten to know each other over the phone, but have never seen each other in person. Both of you will wonder whether you will find the other attractive physically since all you know of their looks are the photos they have provided. To overcome this initial awkwardness always schedule a fast first meeting like a lunch or coffee which allows for both parties to escape quickly after an hour or so if one doesn’t find the other person enticing.

After the initial meeting you can follow the usual methods that you are using, now that you have meet and the first time awkwardness has been conquered it becomes a normal relationship.

I will continue this series on how to meet women that you can cheat on your girlfriend with in my next blog when I address social networking sites such as MySpace and Friendster… Stay Tuned!


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Jesus said...

Good stuff. I made a list of links of sites that teach this type of stuff in depth.

And better yet, some of the articles and ebooks teach you to date multiple girls at once while being honest about it.

I'm dating 2 right now and they both know I'm sleeping with other girls and are ok with it.

Check out what I've learned:

Anonymous said...

Nice cheating tips man! Check out some of my celebrity cheating stories at Aaron's Affair Stories. I just posted one about Angelina Jolie!

Anonymous said...

as a woman, i think that you guys are ABSOLUTELY pathetic!!!! i find it actually hilarious that you need to read tips on how to cheat on your girlfriend..why dont you all keep your penis's in your pant and consider seeping with your girlfriends! i can see if you CANT get a girlfriend, then thats okay to try and meet a girl, bottom line........GUYSSSSSSSSS ARE PIGS! THANK YOU BYE!

Arden said...

If you're going to cheat - at least be sneaky about it and don't get caught. I'm looking for someone to cheat with - so I joined a cheater website. You got to find someone with as much to lose as you have! Married But Looking If you find someone married (i.e. happily) - they dont' want to get caught either. Think your every move through CAREFULLY! remember there are stupid video cameras everywhere!