Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How To Meet Women In Chat Rooms

In my last blog I addressed How To Meet Women on MySpace and other Social Networking Sites.

The series continues with this installment covering an old favorite of mine, Chat Rooms.

Chat Rooms
Chat rooms were once the hottest and hippest way to connect online since they are readily accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. But with the advent of online dating and the social networking sites discussed in previous blogs, chat rooms have lost their luster in the eyes of the online dating crowd crowd. Pay no attention to that, chat rooms are still a very fertile ground for meeting women; you just need to find the right venue.

You should find a local chat room near your area and explore it. I recommend MySpace (www. MySpace.com) chat rooms as well as Yahoo (www.Yahoo.com) for this since they have set up an extensive chat network covering all areas of the US and overseas where you can narrow down your chatting to your nearest metropolitan city such as Los Angeles or New York.

What you should do is set up two chat identities, one to go into the chat rooms and browse the selection of women, and one to actually chat with. The reason for this is your browsing identity will only have the basics of the profile information filled out, with no picture, since anyone in the chat room can view it. You want to do this since you never know which one of your girlfriend's friends, co-workers, or family members could be in that same chat room and recognize you by looking at your profile. The second identity you set up, will be used to chat with women whose profiles you have found attractive, whose photo’s you have seen (note: never waste your time on a girl with no picture, usually there is a reason for that), and identified as a potential candidate of interest.

This second identity will have all your vital profile information filled out with a photo, giving the women a chance to be dazzled by your good looks. When you get into a chat room take your time and search through all the profiles to select the girl(s) you might be interested in. Contact these women with a private message using that second profile identity we discussed and engage them in a conversation.

Keep an eye on the main chat screen while you’re engaged in your private conversation. Do this to determine which girls are regulars in this room. You want to know who the regulars are because there are some women that spend an inordinate amount of time in these chat rooms and develop an extensive network of chat friends. If you end up talking to one of these women the entire chat room will know by the end of the day that you are trying to hook up with her. These women are best left avoided since gossip runs rampant in chat rooms, and the last thing you need is an entire room full of regulars talking about you and some chat room chick. The way to determine if a female chatter is a regular is to watch the conversations in the main chat room. If she seems to know more than three people in that room she qualifies. Another identifying trait is if she is involved in discussions about personal issues that the other chatters seem to have intimate knowledge of. Now you know who to stay away from.

Also there are different types of women in these rooms at different times during the day. You might want to be aware of this since it will provide you with different opportunities. During the day you have slightly older women, mid twenties and up, they are professionals and are bored at work. You also have students who are home from class, and unemployed women who hang out at home. At night you have a mixed bag of every age and economic condition, and usually more women to choose from as well, many of them like to spend their time chatting on their off hours.

Meeting women this way is very easy, you should private message the ones you're interested in giving them a simple compliment on their pretty smile and referring to something in their profiles. This will show your interest in more than just a conversation but not make you seem like a stalker. Don’t come off too strong just make it very casual, since the average chat room guy has the charm and finesse of a toilet seat, this approach will make you stand out on its own. They will usually thank you and then you can follow that up with some pleasant chatter showing your charm and wit, which is sorely lacking in the rest of the men she has been chatting with. If the conversation has gone well but is winding down you will have the urge to ask for her phone number, don't do this the first time you talk. Every chat room guy she has already spoken with that day has asked for her number, so you want to differentiate yourself. Just ask her politely if you can add her to your friend list and that you hope you can talk to her again some time. This way you can talk to her on another occasion when she comes online in the future, as well as monitor her chat habits. By the fourth or fifth time you talk to her, she will be freely offering her number to you wondering when you will call. Once you two are talking on the phone you can follow your usual routine on setting up a date.

I will continue this series on how to meet women that you can cheat on your girlfriend with in my next blog when I cover the traditional bar and club scene.

Let me know if I missed anything vital, feel free to email me.

Take Care,


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Anonymous said...

What an ass!

Wife said...
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Wife said...

Speaking of how to meet women you can cheat on your GF with, you should break with tradition and try to come up with advice for women on how to cheat on their man.
I've gotten in on all the women networks going on about it, andall of the different strategies, tricks, ruses, etc. but...I'd like a fresh perspective. A guy's.

If you think about it, it helps you and others like you because it'll free up more "strange" for you to get at.

And it'll make for less boring reading for the rest of us.

I'm just saying.

DatingAvatar said...

I think the days of pure chat rooms are more or less over and even the chatting sites are adapting with more nifty features to compete with dating site with chat rooms , but even then both online dating and networking is incomplete without chat.