Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The First Unbreakable Rule of How To Cheat On Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught

Rule #1 is the most important rule of all, that’s why it’s the first rule.


It’s also the most important rule of How to Cheat on Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught. Obviously the less people know about your indiscretions the better chance you have at getting away with it, it’s elementary really.However this is the way most people get caught, because they run their mouth about their exploits.Let’s face it; infidelity is one of the juiciest topics out there. Whenever we find out about someone cheating on their girlfriend or boyfriend it’s an instant attention grabber. Most often times you just want to find someone to tell that you can discuss it with; after all it’s no fun only knowing by yourself. But who to tell is the question? It’s always best when you share it with someone that either knows, or has knowledge of the people involved in the scandal. It obviously escalates the shock factor upon initial revelation and helps propel the conversation to new heights. We have all been part of this conversation, and had the urge to go and tell someone new our salacious little secret.

This is exactly the problem that you create for yourself when you talk about cheating on your girlfriend. People always want to share your secret until it is no longer a secret, and that my friends, is how you get caught.

It’s a shame really, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Learn to control your impulse to tell people about your infidelity and you’ll reduce your chances of getting caught tremendously.

But soooo tempting, and if you can tell someone then it makes it much more fun. I understand, trust me, I‘ve been there more often than I can count.

So what do you do?

1. You’ll have to confide in only a couple of close friends, no more than that. It’s probably best to keep it at just one.

2. Choose your confidants carefully. You could have a best friend that you trust explicitly but if he blabs everything you say to his girlfriend then you can’t trust him in this scenario, here’s why:

-His girlfriend will automatically try to curtail his activities with you upon finding out you’re a cheater. Obviously she doesn’t want you influencing him down the same path.

-His girlfriend might let something slip “accidentally” to your girlfriend at a party or social function.

3. Never confide in a co-worker. If they mention it to anyone else, the entire company will know by the end of the week (depending on the number of employees). As everyone knows infidelity rumors run wild at the office where people need things to fill their time other then their dull job functions.

4. Never under any circumstances tell anyone in your family. That relative might feel it necessary to reveal your infidelity to your girlfriend because of their relationship. Also family can be very vindictive, especially a spiteful brother or sister.

In conclusion I can’t emphasize this enough, follow the most important rule on How to Cheat on Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught:


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1 comment:

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