Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holiday Season... and Cheating

This is a busy time of year for everyone regardless. But it’s an especially frustrating and busy time for cheating on your girlfriend. As a cheater you now have to worry about duplicates for everything; buying multiple Christmas presents, disposing of multiple gift receipts, keeping track of what you bought for whom, going to multiple holiday parties, trying to avoid all the holiday photos that might get you caught, etc.

Not to mention the upcoming New Year’s Eve conundrum of which woman you will spend it with, you obviously cannot be with more than one woman, so a choice has to be made. One of them will be disappointed greatly and be very upset with you. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.

It’s a stressful time for a cheater, I know I been there. The best option at this time of year is to cut your secondary women loose before the Holiday Season begins, preferably before Thanksgiving. This will allow you to concentrate on only your girlfriend without any of the ancillary problems created by additional women in your life.

You only have a finite amount of time during the holiday season, and a secondary woman will encroach upon that tremendously.If you’ve navigated through the Christmas minefield with multiple women without getting caught, now is the time where you must make a bold move… New Year’s Eve. Use whatever legitimate excuse you can to disappoint your secondary women, in fact if you can break up with the temporarily that would be the best option since that would provide you an inherent excuse to avoid her for that night. But if you want to keep her, try to use an all guys poker party or a friend that lives some distance away who is having a get together as an excuse.But if you were smart, which you should be to play this game, you would have devised an action plan for this event weeks ago.

But remember whatever you do, try not to go to a public party at a club, restaurant, bar, and so on since everyone is out that night and your chances of getting recognized increase dramatically.

Happy New Year… Cheaters!

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Setting up a Home Field Advantage

The right environment is critical for success in any endeavor, and cheating on a girlfriend is no different. Creating the right climate both physically and mentally will provide a huge home field advantage. It’s a lifestyle forged for the sole purpose of propagating your infidelity. It will significantly decrease the amount of stress that might accompany your infidelity, as well as reducing the chances of being discovered.

Unexpected VisitsYour first objective should be to eliminate unexpected visits by any of your women. This is one of the most common ways of getting caught, for obvious reasons. If your girlfriend drops by unexpectedly while you’re with another woman there is no real way of escaping the situation. Obviously this is something you want to avoid at all costs. Feeling safe in your own home is paramount, and you can never quite achieve that feeling unless you have terminated the unexpected visits, especially when you’re in the business of having girls visit you frequently.

Create Generic Domestic EnvironmentNow that you feel comfortable enough to bring a woman into your home, make sure your house and room are as generic as possible. By this I mean eliminate all belongings, pictures, and memoirs of any women in your life. If you didn’t have a picture out for display then you wouldn’t have that predicament.

Remove EvidenceWomen leave incidental evidence wherever they go; strands of hair, tissues in the wastebasket, and more. Right now there is probably a plethora of evidence casually left lying around your domicile by your woman, which could become your downfall if you don’t keep an eye out for it. Lipstick on the glass they drink out of, pieces of paper they might make a note on with female penmanship, clothing, and leaving behind anything cute for you to find that lets you know they are thinking of you. It might be a nice gesture, but to you it’s just another way to get caught.

Important NoteOne piece of advice that I left to the end to emphasize its importance. I want it to stay with you: never under any circumstances give any of your women the key to your house or apartment. You cannot allow them unrestricted access to your home environment or to you.
Sure it’s a little bit of work, but creating and maintaining this home field advantage will go a long way in keeping your girlfriend oblivious to your cheating ways.

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Third Unbreakable Rule of How To Cheat On Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught


If you’re girlfriend accuses you of cheating never under any circumstances admit to it. Make her provide you with some concrete proof, something that indicts you without a shadow of a doubt that she has caught you. This is significant because some women will test you when their “women’s intuition” kicks in even though they have no other reason to suspect you.

They usually accuse you directly first telling you they “know” something is going on, or they have “proof” that you’re cheating on them.

Then they usually try to soften the initial shock by saying something ridiculous like “Just tell me, be honest with me and we can work through it.”

This is bullshit! When have you seen a woman actually follow through on that promise? They use this approach in trying to get information out of you in other areas of the relationship, and what happens when you admit to it? They explode relentlessly, only using the information you provided them in their assault, never once revealing what they already supposedly knew.

Why? Because they had nothing to begin with, just a feeling which proves nothing.

They are using this tactic to only to make you think they will be understanding, but they won’t be, they never are.

Another way they will try to squeeze you is by saying “Is there anything you want to tell me, before we talk,” or “Is there anything I should know, before…” Those two are their favorites and actually quite effective since they both imply that they have some knowledge and are using it to leverage it to get a confession out of you. These two are usually used in association with “It will be a lot easier if you tell me first,” trying to lull you into a false sense of security by making it seem like they will be understanding if you tell them before they reveal their secret information they have on you.

Your answer to any of these veiled interrogations should be a “ Hell No, I don’t have anything to tell you,” or a more articulate version of the same sentiment.

The reason is very simple, if they had any real proof about your infidelities, they would have already been yelling, screaming, and crying. This is not the movies or a soap opera; in real life women are too emotional to set up a scenario of a big dramatic scene to see if you will lie to them after they already know you’re cheating on them. Granted there might be small percentage that might get some satisfaction out of doing that, but the majority of the women will be so pissed off at you that they will forgo the theatrics so they can have a chance to yell at you.

In all my experience, the few women that had the slightest notion that something was going on behind their backs usually couldn’t prove a damn thing. That is, if you’re clever at covering you’re tracks (which we will get into in future installments). If you’re confidant in your abilities to hide your extracurricular adventures from your girlfriend, then you’ll know that this is just an attempt to fish for information. If you’re dumb enough to fall for it and admit something then you’ll just have to learn from that lesson. But I’m here to help you avoid that pitfall.

Ok, so what if she does have proof, and you lie? Then she’ll put her cards on the table and you’ll see what she has. If its something insignificant like she saw a girls number in your cell phone then you can try to explain that away as something casual (we’ll get into excuses another day).

If it’s more potent like photos or emails with you recounting a sexcapade from a previous romp then you’re caught. But the difference is that SHE CAUGHT you, instead of admitting something and CATCHING YOURSELF.

If you’re girlfriend has proof of you cheating more often than not, she will leave you regardless of whether you admit to her before she tells you of the proof. The result will be the same, so why not make her show you what she’s got, before you go admitting to something she is only guessing at.

This is much like poker, she is bluffing. It’s up to you to be disciplined enough to call her bluff, and not fall for her strategy like a chump.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Second Unbreakable Rule of How To Cheat On Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught


This is actually a good rule of thumb in general, but especially vital when you’re cheating on your girlfriend.Adhering to this rule is imperative for multiple reasons, but none as important as the following:Any female you work with has access to you for eight hours a day, minimum. You’re trapped at work, thus you are trapped along with her. She has access to the people who work next to you who can overhear telephone conversations, and if she is sneaky enough she can have access to your emails. Also, if you want to go on a lunch date with another woman it will be much harder to get away. If you receive any special cards for you birthday or one of your other women decides to stop by your work to "surprise" you this could lead to an ugly altercation could easily have been prevented.

I been there personally, trust me it’s not worth it to no matter how hot she is. A little trim is not worth the 40+ hours of headaches a woman can cause you at work, and that’s just taking into account normal relationship ups and downs.

Now imagine if she caught you cheating on her… you might as well quit.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The First Unbreakable Rule of How To Cheat On Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught

Rule #1 is the most important rule of all, that’s why it’s the first rule.


It’s also the most important rule of How to Cheat on Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught. Obviously the less people know about your indiscretions the better chance you have at getting away with it, it’s elementary really.However this is the way most people get caught, because they run their mouth about their exploits.Let’s face it; infidelity is one of the juiciest topics out there. Whenever we find out about someone cheating on their girlfriend or boyfriend it’s an instant attention grabber. Most often times you just want to find someone to tell that you can discuss it with; after all it’s no fun only knowing by yourself. But who to tell is the question? It’s always best when you share it with someone that either knows, or has knowledge of the people involved in the scandal. It obviously escalates the shock factor upon initial revelation and helps propel the conversation to new heights. We have all been part of this conversation, and had the urge to go and tell someone new our salacious little secret.

This is exactly the problem that you create for yourself when you talk about cheating on your girlfriend. People always want to share your secret until it is no longer a secret, and that my friends, is how you get caught.

It’s a shame really, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Learn to control your impulse to tell people about your infidelity and you’ll reduce your chances of getting caught tremendously.

But soooo tempting, and if you can tell someone then it makes it much more fun. I understand, trust me, I‘ve been there more often than I can count.

So what do you do?

1. You’ll have to confide in only a couple of close friends, no more than that. It’s probably best to keep it at just one.

2. Choose your confidants carefully. You could have a best friend that you trust explicitly but if he blabs everything you say to his girlfriend then you can’t trust him in this scenario, here’s why:

-His girlfriend will automatically try to curtail his activities with you upon finding out you’re a cheater. Obviously she doesn’t want you influencing him down the same path.

-His girlfriend might let something slip “accidentally” to your girlfriend at a party or social function.

3. Never confide in a co-worker. If they mention it to anyone else, the entire company will know by the end of the week (depending on the number of employees). As everyone knows infidelity rumors run wild at the office where people need things to fill their time other then their dull job functions.

4. Never under any circumstances tell anyone in your family. That relative might feel it necessary to reveal your infidelity to your girlfriend because of their relationship. Also family can be very vindictive, especially a spiteful brother or sister.

In conclusion I can’t emphasize this enough, follow the most important rule on How to Cheat on Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught:


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Monday, December 18, 2006

To Cheat or Not To Cheat

The first thing you need to do is decide whether infidelity is something you want to explore. It’s important to ask yourself why you are planning to cheat on your girlfriend. So what is your motivation? Is your girlfriend not quite as attractive as you would like? Does she perform poorly in the bedroom? Does she annoy you when she smacks her gum? Or do you just want a new girlfriend, but want to explore that territory with the safety net of having your existing girlfriend to fall back on?

Now we can move on to the ramifications of your decision. You are about to embark on a road where if unsuccessful you will most likely ruin your existing relationship with your girlfriend, someone you obviously care about otherwise you would have not adorned her with that status. If this is not a problem for you, then you can skip the rest of this paragraph and move on to the following one. But, if this suddenly strikes a chord with you then you better take some time to ponder whether you actually want to do this, or whether you just like to daydream about it. Consider if the heartache that might ensue for both you and your girlfriend is worth the risk. Once you start cheating, you cannot ever return to the same relationship you had previous of the act. The fact that you cheated will always be there, in your mind, in your past. Once you start cheating you will be slightly altered from the way you were before. You’ll grow colder to the needs of the women around you, since they will become more like interchangeable pieces of a puzzle, rather than people with feelings and emotions.

It will be in your best interest to keep your personal feelings separated from your endeavors. For as soon as you start developing a conscience, as soon as you begin to feel sympathy for any of the women you are dating you will lose you’re edge. Your game will suffer and you will make a mistake that will get you caught. If you start developing feelings for any other woman besides your girlfriend, I sincerely suggest you stop seeing that woman immediately. Nothing positive can come of loving two women. It will only make you miserable and confound you with confusion and guilt.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Cheating on Your Girlfriend, Why I Want To Help You Get Away With It!

Let’s be honest, this is probably one of the most volatile and salacious topics in our society today. We see it everywhere, on day time talk shows, proliferated through the celebrity gossip magazines, and daily entertainment programming. This issue even makes regular appearances on the evening news when a celebrity or political figure gets caught cheating. Infidelity is of great interest to the public since it is not only fascinating and entertaining, but something they can personally relate to. Countless people have had personal experience with infidelity, whether they were the unsuspecting victim, or the perpetrator. Everyone is interested when it happens to someone else, even amused by it, but when it hits home then it becomes a more serious affair.

Cheating was covered recently by one of the Yahoo expert’s blogs and it received 6200+ comments in a few days, definitely reinforcing this as a hot button topic. Since most people are firmly entrenched on denouncing this type of activity, I decided to become its advocate, considering my extensive personal experience in this area.

That’s why this blog might be upsetting, since it will describe in great detail how to plan, carry out, and cover up acts of infidelity. Meaning these tactics can now be used against you, by someone you care about. I want to make it clear that this blog is not written to incite cheating on one’s significant other; odds are that they would do it regardless. The information contained in this blog just explains how to go about it in a way to minimize the risk of getting caught. If someone reads this blog chances are they have already made the decision to cheat and are not using this blog for a motivational device in making that choice. Simply put, if you’re boyfriend is planning to cheat on you, he will cheat on you. He won’t need a blog to encourage him or to inspire him, but he might need this blog to get away with it.

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