Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Workaholic Lifestyle Makes Any Woman Easy To Cheat On.

As I discussed in my previous blog, Lifestyle Choices Women Make Can Make Them an Attractive Option for Infidelity, you can take advantage of a woman's, if you so choose, and be very successful at cheating on her.

Unfair advantage or not, capitalizing on such conditions can make for really easy prospects to expand your infidelity. You just have to be able realize these opportunities when they appear, and I am here to point them out to you.

Whether it’s their own choice, or if their career dictates it, when they spend too much time at the office that directly plays to your hand. Any woman who falls into this category will make an excellent secondary woman.

The reasons are self-evident and parallel to those of the single mothers; their time is committed to something other than their boyfriends. This, however, does not exclude them from seeking out a relationship, but it has to be on their terms. Meaning that the man they date has to be willing to tailor his time around her work schedule, which the shrewd player should turn to his advantage.

Since her work schedule will usually be predictable, you can easily weave a couple of other relationships around women who are engrossed in their careers. You just have to show up when they have time for their relationship and most likely they will want to dive right into the affections that have eluded them.

Another benefit of the workaholic is that their careers often take them out of town, allowing for more time to spend with your other women, as well as reducing the chances of accidentally bumping into them when you’re out on the town with one of your aforementioned women.

A workaholic is an ideal woman to cheat on. Her time is frequently allocated to her career, out of town often, and a predictable schedule will allow a copious amount of free time to pursue other avenues of interest.

Stay tuned we will continue the Lifestyle Series in my next blog.


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