Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentines Day and Cheating on Your Girlfriend Revisited

Since this is probably the most significant day in the year for cheaters I thought I would re-post this blog from a couple of weeks ago in case any of you missed it.

The ominous day fast approaches… fellow cheaters. It’s the worst day in the year for anyone cheating on their girlfriend or dating multiple women… Valentines Day.

February 14th!

This is a busy time of year for every man regardless. But it’s an especially frustrating and busy time for cheating on your girlfriend. As a cheater you now have to make a decision, for this is one day, an occasion that cannot be split in half to accommodate two women.This day has been built up by retailers of flowers, candy, jewelers and everything else gift related towards women, as HER special day.

It has been engrained in women that this is THEIR SPECIAL DAY, and unfortunately there is no way around this.

You only have a finite amount of time during the Valentines Day season, and a secondary woman will encroach upon that tremendously.

As a cheater you have to make a choice, period.That’s why I am writing this blog concerning Valentines Day two weeks in advance, so you have time to plan out your strategy and make a decision.On holidays, especially Valentines Day, you have to be remorseless towards the secondary women in your life. No matter how much they whine (which they will), cry, make a blatant attempt to guilt you, get angry, threaten, and yell at you, do not give in.

As I mentioned before you can only have one woman on Valentines Day, so you will need to either break up with your secondary women, or come up with one hell of an excuse why you can’t spend Valentines Day with her.But under no circumstances should you try to get out of spending Valentines Day with your girlfriend in favor of another woman, this is a certain tip off that you have something going on behind her back.

Not to mention, she will be tremendously upset with you, and making up for it will entail weeks of work. This usually forces unnecessary strain on your relationship with your girlfriend which would have never existed if you weren’t dating other women, so I strongly recommend against it. At times like this I suggest you pick your girlfriend, the other woman can always be replaced.

The best option at this time of year is to cut your secondary women loose before Valentines Day begins, preferably before February starts. This will allow you to concentrate on only your girlfriend without any of the ancillary problems created by additional women in your life.

Don’t ever forget that you’re using these secondary women for only physical reasons, but you have an emotional attachment to your girlfriend. She comes first. You can always find more like them, but you cannot find another like your girlfriend.

I urge you to initiate your break up with your secondary women as soon as possible, so all the drama and heartache can play out a couple of weeks before Valentines Day. There is nothing worse than an emotional, spurned woman a day before Valentines Day. With all the hoopla and build up on TV and in the stores it will only contribute to her disappointment and anger. That’s something you should definitely avoid.


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Unknown said...

This is digusting and pisses me off!

Anonymous said...

this post that has been made available to us all is only should be taken extremely seriously by cheaters male and or females as some of us do tell the other women this is all i can offer and they say they understand and agree it usually does not play out this way because for some reason they want more because they cannot have. only to be reminded later, some agree and both are very happy. so enjoy who makes us happy...

IVYOWL said...

If this guy doesn't see me for Valentine's day I am done. Strangely enough, I am taking your advice.And I did so today before I found this article This is the 1st of Feb and I cut it off with him tonight. I cancelled my plans to see him. He knows it would be over but I suspose he just wants to get more shags in before that happens. I am very disapointed. I always hope on some level he'd care about us more then this. I couldn't sleep with him without that illusion though. 0n some level these things have to be maintained, Valentine's day is a good thing though it hurts, because on that day, we get cut loose. We cut ourselves loose more actually, and it is then we know the truth. And that is not a bad thing. The guy I was with told me he might be out of town that day and he doesn't know what he is doing yet but I should go ahead and make other plans. He said he told me he was no good for me. I suspect at this point he is more like the surfer, and nobody is special right now. It's good to know that, like I said. He's just going to let me go.