Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Day After Valentines Day. A Relief For Cheaters

The day after Valentines Day brings relief to most men. The frustration of frantic last minute buying of chocolates and roses at outrageous prices aimed at taking advantage of our wait to the last second mentality dissipates into soft gentle blur of last night.

If you heeded my advice about relinquishing you unnecessary relationships before the 14th , then you’re V-Day date probably went off without any major complications and the only hurt you’re left with is the one in your wallet.

But if you tried to make two women your Valentines then most likely your morning isn’t quite as relaxed. Nevertheless, if you managed to pull it off; much kudos to you. But it probably entailed an exurban amount of effort and work to enable you to make two women happy and you must be exhausted.

Or if you managed to push one of the Valentines Day celebrations to one of the following days, then it looks like you’re still on the hook, good luck.

However, if you’re finished with Valentines Day, then you can take a breather for a few months. V-Day is the last day in the turbulent hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season for Cheaters. I have added V-Day to the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years since its very close to the real holiday season in time frame.

Starting with Thanksgiving and ending with Valentines Day there is this dreaded 3 and a half month block of time when life becomes extremely complicated for men in regards to their relationship with their woman, or women. This becomes exponentially so for anyone who is dating multiple women simultaneously. You have to multiply everything by the number of women you are dating; gifts, time dedicated to researching and buying gifts, parties, excuses, lies, at times it seems endless.

That is why I always recommend ending any extra relationships during that time and focusing only on your main girlfriend. The other women are not worth all the additional complications and frustration that accompany it.

So after the 14th of February a welcome sense of relief and downtime is well deserved.

Take the rest of February to relax and collect yourself before diving back into the pool of infidelity. From here on out there should be smooth sailing until November with only a couple of hiccups (Memorial Day, July 4th) but those days don’t require that much investment in time and effort as the past few months.

Congratulations if you made it through this Holiday Season unscathed. But if you got caught due to your over ambitious plans then you learned your lesson.

Either way the relative future will be the prime time to expand your repertoire of women and your infidelity.


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