Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Postponing the Inevitable: The Monogamous Relationship

What if a woman wants you to get more invested in the relationship in order to continue the sexual aspect of that relationship?

Recently a reader asked me how I would handle this situation, which in fact I had already faced personally, so I had a little advice to give.

In some cases a woman will use sex to draw you further into a relationship with her. Wow, surprising huh? That woman will have an ulterior motive, imagine that.

But we can’t be mad, speaking from a male perspective, since we have our own purely selfish motives as well; sex.

Essentially men are playing offense (trying to score in a non monogamous exchange), while women are playing defense (trying to prevent you from scoring as long as possible until they get you in an exclusive relationship).

One option, which I have used personally, is letting her imagine that some type of commitment is impossible, but never actually making any.

How is this possible? Well it’s a lot like a magician’s trick; slight of the hand, slight of the impression is more accurate.

The best way to make a woman think that a commitment is not impossible is to hint at it with little comments inserted in conversation that women can read into, which they naturally will. Give her the impression that a relationship is on the horizon.

If you talk to them about what you two should name the kids, in joking manner of course by choosing a outrageous baby name that you can both laugh at, or allude to how certain aspects of your relationship would be if you two lived together such as leaving the toilet seat up, going out whenever you pleased, or who would do the laundry. This would give her the illusion that you are contemplating a longer commitment than you actually are, assuming that you’re talking about those issues for a future commitment, between the two of you.This will temporarily satiate her need to openly discuss any exclusive bond between the two of you, since she will think it’s already on your mind, resting her qualms at ease and not forcing her to rush you prematurely

But eventually she will call you on it, to which you can say you were just joking around since you addressed all those issues when you two were having a good time playing around. Then she will have to realize she read too much into it, which you should emphasize.

After this however you can be sure that conversation regarding a serious relationship will rear it’s head, do be prepared with your next course of action; either tell her you’re not interested in that and break up with her, or promise to enter a the monogamous relationship with her. Whether you uphold your end of that bargain is up to you.

The method I have just described is in no way a permanent solution, but it will buy extra time without actually having to say the words that lead to an exclusive, long term relationship. It’s worked for me. But sooner or later you will have to make a decision.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

again, you'd be better off single and doing wtf you want without risking consequences... seriously, what are you so insecure about that you don't want to be single? does it matter that much to you how others perceive you as single vs. attached? or is it just that you think you attract more chics when you have a gf?