Thursday, October 2, 2008

Your Slutty Mistress

In my previous blogs I was addressing the issue of choosing women by personality types. I discussed the Oblivious, Trusting, and Scandelous personality traits to look for in women you plan to cheat on your girlfriend with and how they can be beneficial when choosing a mistress.

Today I will continue with another personality feature in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways; The Slut.

The slut is the one that all of us have come across from time to time. This type is essentially out only for the sex, whatever her reason might be.

Maybe she receives the emotional sustenance that's missing from her life, maybe she is a sex addict, or maybe she thinks this is the way to a man's heart. It doesn't matter, she's offering and you should be taking.

The slut type is easily identified by her actions, her reputation, and by the way she flirts incessantly with any man that gives her the time of day.

She’ll have a tendency to sleep with a high volume of men, but never really have a good reason for doing so. She won’t be able to explain to herself, or her friends why she gave it up to some guy she met earlier that afternoon at the gas station.

She’ll go from guy to guy like a butterfly from flower to flower, until some sucker weds her for a lifetime of heartbreak and infidelity since her behavior will continue well into matrimony.

Don’t be that guy.

Be the guy that beds her not the one that weds her.

This, again, is the type you want to relegate to a booty call. Definitely under no circumstances do you consider this one as you girlfriend, and if you currently have a girlfriend that fits this description, then by all means give her the boot.

Or better yet, get a real girlfriend and keep this one just for the sex, and when she cheats on you, she’s not really cheating on you.

But you want to be careful, if it gets around that you frequent sluts it will cast you in a bad light. If you’re seen having drinks with a girl that's a notorious slut it will be hard to explain away that she is only a friend to anyone that might see you.

By her very reputation you will be associated with her in a sexual regard, and therefore if your girlfriend gets wind of it, she will surely assume you two did the deed, which you probably did.

There is one more personality that you should look for, the Indifferent type, and we’ll cover this in my next blog.

Stay Tuned.
A. C.

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Anonymous said...

Oh should So not be dishing advice when you know so little. Bed her don't wed Her?


Are you insane. You find a her...if you can catch her. Cause then you are MARRIED to someone who will do you...your friends....their friends. And...think with the big brain for a second....yep.....You get to Do her friends.....without guilt...cause She GETS you. She Thinks like you. Have to be one dumb azz to find a slut...a real one.....and pass on that life. By all means Fool go worship at the little pass it out on your birthday chick....and wonder why you unhappy and wanna mistress...

So your thinking that a girl who hates sex and "never" wants to Have sex is more valuable as a life partner...then one who has put all that aside and like sex and I am going to enjoy myself. Ok...if thats your plan....good luck to you. (Oh...your big brain getting no blood cause its always pooled in your cob webby relief no action....See if you were getting some on a regular basis....both brains work together and make better plans)

you are one of those guy who wants to Drive a new Nissan dorkabox instead of an Aston Martin convertable. (you want an engine you can count on to be waiting in your garage rain or shine....cause nobody would want to steal it.....cause you know...convertables...they for guys......hehe...oh me.......)

Anonymous said...

You two guys are both nucking futs okay. What kind of person actually cheats on a regular basis. Why would you wanna do that. If you wanna hurt your girlfriend all the time just dump her. No you have no balls to do that your both very idiotic and stupid. What if you had a girl that you was so in love with or whatever and she went and did that kind of shit to you. Put yourself in their position. I bet the guy that put up the comment before me was looking for porn because his girl was out (shopping) and when I say shopping I mean spreading her legs and looking like a pretzel for the next fool that treats her like a queen and shes just using your ass for the cash you rolling in. I'm not sure why you would want a hobby to actually cheat. Do you guys have a heart or just your dick is telling you "Destroy this girls life". I man that will cheat all the time isn't a man, He's not even worth getting called anything other then just piece of shit. thats all I gotta say. Burn in hell jerks.