Thursday, February 7, 2008

Text Messaging Privacy for Cheaters

Since text messaging has become an increasingly popular way to communicate with one another, this probably plays a role in your infidelity somehow. Whether its texts to your mistress or your girlfriend, you’re bound to run into a situation where texting privacy comes into play.

Here are a few tips that can vastly enhance your text messaging privacy.

1. Users of any technology issued by an employer shouldn't expect to have any privacy. Any data sent or stored is privy to those with power inside that company, so keep your personal dealings to your personal technology. Simply put use your own phone to text your girlfriend and your mistress. If you really want to play it safe, get a phone dedicated to your mistresses and one for normal usage (friends, family, girlfriend, etc.).

2. Don't ever text personal information about your infidelity to anyone, not even your closest friends. Remember, once you send that information to another person, it gets stored in their cell phone and you don't want that. You don’t know which one of your friend’s girlfriends scans their text logs.

3. Put a password on your phone to keep others from accessing your text logs or email. This will also prevent thieves from stealing information stored in your phone.

4. Many cheaters are cavalier in their texting habits and routinely forget to delete their received and sent text logs on their phones, which can leave them vulnerable to an inquisitive girlfriend or mistress. Be sure that you regularly maintain both these logs as well as the saved draft section where you can store texts that you designate for sending at a later time.

5. iPhone owners may want to change their SMS preview settings to make incoming text messaging more private.
Apple iPhone Review has very well written instructions on how to do this.

6. Don't forget to erase all your personal data before selling, recycling or donating your old phone. Many people are still under the impression that taking out your SIM card will do the trick, but that's not true. You'll need a series of codes to permanently delete stored information in one step, instead of manually.

Finally, the ultimate security of private text messages depends on the recipient and how safe they can keep the information you sent them. If you have any second thoughts or reservations, then don’t send it. Call the person instead, that way there is no record of what information you sent or what you said.

Take Care,

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Anonymous said...

DO you think that women are that stupid they wont find out that your cheating...more fool you

Anonymous said...

You're disgusting for posting this.

Harry said...

Just wanted to say cool blog and that I have recommended you in my article I wrote