Although the phone can be a huge liability, you can learn to use it to your advantage.
Multiple Cell Phones
The best advice I can give you is to get a second cell phone. They are relatively affordable these days and defiantly worth it. Make sure that it’s a different carrier than what you currently use so there is no mix up with the bills. Get paperless statements or use an alternate address where the monthly statements are sent to (P.O. Box, or work address if applicable). Us his alternate cell phone to communicate with all your secondary women, thus separating your phone communications entirely. Keep the phone in your car, or leave it at work (if you live with your girlfriend), or some place where she won’t accidentally find it.
Home Phones vs. Cell Phones
Only give out your cell number, never your home number. The cell phone you can control, it's always in your possession where as the home phone you leave unattended quite frequently when you are out, at work, or at school. Second you don't want to walk in with your girlfriend, click on the answering machine and hear another girl talking about your date last night when you were supposed to be at your “family function”.
Use Aliases
Subsequently, keep your secondary women's phone numbers on your cell phone under an alias, preferribly a male alias. Never use their real names, use initials if you have to just as long as there is no evidence for the snooping girlfriend.This is better than making the numbers secret (some phones have that function) for the simple fact that it will arouse suspicion on why that particular number would be classified as such.
Family Phone Number
Do not give out your family's home number to anyone, not even your girlfriend. This would greatly weaken your most powerful alibi if she had the option to call and ask to talk to you, thus verifying whether you are there or not.
Work Phone
Don’t give out your work phone number to either your girlfriend or your mistresses. If they need to get in touch with you during the work day impress upon them that they need to do it using your cell phone(s). Tell them that your employer frowns upon employees using their phones for personal calls. This serves as a protective barrier in multiple ways shielding you from emotionally clingy women, as well preserves any work related alibi/excuse you use with any of your women. If they can’t call to check on you then they can’t shoot holes in your stories.
If you text with your women (girlfriend or mistresses), make it a standard operating procedure to erase all you stored received text messages, sent text, and saved draft messages in your phone. You can either selectively erase just the ones from your mistresses but I suggest you erase everything and if anyone of them asks you tell them you do it to save memory on your phone.
If you have any phone tips for the readers, feel free to post them in the comments section. We’re always open to new and innovative ideas.
Take Care,