In my previous blogs I was addressing the issue of choosing women by personality types. I discussed the Oblivious and Trusting personality traits to look for in women you plan to cheat on your girlfriend with and how they can be beneficial when choosing a mistress.
Today I will continue with another personality feature in women that you can exploit for your cheating ways; The Scandalous.
Scandalous Type:
This personality type can encompass a wide variety of women; married, with or with out boyfriends, dating multiple partners like yourself, and even some that are accepting of the fact that you have a girlfriend.
Usually you will want to keep this type as one of your secondary women, or maybe even just a booty call. They do not make good girlfriend material by nature, but they make excellent cheating on your girlfriend material.
The scandalous ones that already come with a husband or a boyfriend, yet manage to find their way into your bedroom speak for themselves on why you wouldn't want them as your number one.
If she does have a significant other, usually she will be more paranoid about getting caught than you are, so she will make it incredibly easy for you.
It will usually entail discrete visits to your house or you to her location of choice (friend’s house or apartment, parents house, ect.) while their significant other is not around.
Yes, women do cheat as well; you'd be surprised at how many. Don’t question it, just learn to take advantage of it when they come your way.
The scandalous women that don’t have a significant other, but know you have a girlfriend, are the ones that you have to filter a little more carefully. They can be broken down into two distinct types.
The first kind just want have their fun with another woman's man.
This is the type that you want to shoot for. They are only looking to have a good time and have sex with a man they find attractive with no strings attached. They realize ahead of time that they are getting into something that will lead nowhere, and they are obviously fine with that.
But the second you have to be more wary of, since they entertain notions of stealing another woman's man.
This type focuses on causing you problems for their own personal benefit, by intending to break up your main relationship. You can weed these out with just a few conversations to figure out if they are more into you than just a good time. Ask them questions about how they feel about you having a girlfriend, and more importantly how they feel about you. If you start getting some long and detailed responses about how they wish you didn't have a girl and they eventually want to be your lady, wash your hands of them as quickly as possible.
Essentially the Scandalous type just likes the thrill of doing something that they know is not proper, just for the fun of it. Sleeping with another woman’s boyfriend is ample fun in that regard. Once you realize that all they want to do is break social boundaries and not really engage in any type of long term relationship, take advantage of it while you can.
In the next blog, everyone’s favorite… The Slut.
Stay tuned
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Your Scandalous Mistress
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Trusting Type
In my last blog we began to discuss the personality types in women that you can exploit for your infidelity. Some women are dominated by certain personality traits that make them easy to cheat on, and identifying those traits can be key to making your infidelity easier to hide and to help you avoid getting caught.
Today, we will look at the trusting type of woman, a wonderful characteristic in both friendship and romantic relationships. However, it also a something that can be exploited to the benefit of the cheater when properly manipulated.
The Trusting Type:
The trusting type is easily taken advantage of, a sad truth. The quality that is valued greatly in a monogamous relationship is the one that can be exploited exceptionally well when being unfaithful.
This character trait in woman will led them to trust their man because that's what they are used to. What their man tells them is the truth and there is usually not much debate.
This type of girl most often avoids conflict at all costs to avoid having to initiate interrogations and awkward confrontations. Even if there are obvious clues, sometimes this type of woman will tend to ignore them on the basis of her blind trust.
As with the Oblivious Type, don't get sloppy and you won't have too many problems in this situation. You can get this type of woman to fill the #2 role in your rotation quite easily, just remember that she will most likely think that she is your girlfriend so you will have to spend more time with her than a normal mistress.
In my next blog we will discuss the next set of personality traits that you can exploit in women for your cheating ways, they will be: The Scandalous Type.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Oblivious Mistress
An important determining factor in choosing women to cheat on your girlfriend with is personality. This is paramount since personality cannot be changed or altered in most cases. There are many different personality types; most are detrimental to infidelity. However, there a few traits that can be exploited. Let’s explore one that will allow you to cheat more freely, the Oblivious.
The Oblivious Type:
The oblivious personality is pretty self-explanatory. She is too preoccupied with herself, her career, family, or hobby to even consider the fact that her man might be cheating on her.
The more time her man doesn't spend with her allows her more time to concentrate on herself and her activities of choice. If you are involved with a woman of this type, she will make it very easy to cheat on her. She is to wrapped up in herself to notice that she is neglecting your needs and providing you ample opportunity to stray.
You probably want this woman to play the role of your #2 girl since she has no clue of what's going on, but is still probably under the assumption that you and she are exclusive.
She wouldn’t consider you her boyfriend, but would in most cases consider the two of you dating. She will give you a lot of leeway due to her distraction with her personal issues which you should take advantage of, just don’t get overconfident or sloppy.
In my next blog we will discuss another personality trait that you can exploit in women for your cheating ways: the trusting type.
Stay tuned.