In the third installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will address the movies, a venue that on the surface looks like a safe haven to take your secondary women, but could serve as a precarious trap just as easily.
Everyone goes to the movies and you’ll never know whom you might run into, and once you encounter this unexpected third party you can be sure that they’ll be glancing at you throughout the movie, you’ll be trapped there for the duration of the movie with curious eyes watching you.
If your secondary woman gets amorous that’s sure to be noticed. The level of problems this might cause depends on who this third party is. If its one of your acquaintances, then you can manage that situation by filtering this third party from any activities involving your girlfriend. If it’s one your girlfriend’s acquaintances, well then you’ll have some explaining to do. Catching a flick should be viewed with great hesitancy when on a date with your #2 or #3.
In fact if you can avoid movies altogether by making up some sort of excuse like you hate the crowds or the movies bothers your eyes you'd be better off entirely. But in most circumstances the women won't go for it, so you will have to figure out a way around it.
If you date a girl from outside of the immediate area you should always try to go to a theatre in her vicinity. If you have no such luck, then you will have to try and convince your dates to go to movie theatres out of the surrounding area. Make up some excuse like you got in an argument with the manager at the local movie theatre and you feel uncomfortable going there. Otherwise you will have to press your luck and hope no one who can recognize you will be at the movies at the same time. Try going to later shows or an early matinee when the crowds are not as thick.
Movies are an anomaly (kind of like coworkers). It’s hard to predict who will be at the movie theatre since there are so many different types of movies playing at the same time. There are action films, romantic comedies, dramas, thrillers, etc. For each one of these movies there is a different demographic segment that enjoys watching them, which brings together many various groups of people that would not normally attend the same function. Thus, you’ll increase the likelihood that you’ll run into people you would otherwise would not have anything in common with, which in turn exposes you to a higher chance of getting caught by your girlfriend’s great aunt who just happened to be there to watch the new Disney animation film with her grand daughter.Your best solution if you must go to the movies, is to take your secondary women to another city or town where the chances of you bumping into someone that recognizes you are greatly diminished.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,