Friday, June 29, 2007

Avoid Going To The Movies With Your Mistress

In the third installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will address the movies, a venue that on the surface looks like a safe haven to take your secondary women, but could serve as a precarious trap just as easily.

Everyone goes to the movies and you’ll never know whom you might run into, and once you encounter this unexpected third party you can be sure that they’ll be glancing at you throughout the movie, you’ll be trapped there for the duration of the movie with curious eyes watching you.

If your secondary woman gets amorous that’s sure to be noticed. The level of problems this might cause depends on who this third party is. If its one of your acquaintances, then you can manage that situation by filtering this third party from any activities involving your girlfriend. If it’s one your girlfriend’s acquaintances, well then you’ll have some explaining to do. Catching a flick should be viewed with great hesitancy when on a date with your #2 or #3.

In fact if you can avoid movies altogether by making up some sort of excuse like you hate the crowds or the movies bothers your eyes you'd be better off entirely. But in most circumstances the women won't go for it, so you will have to figure out a way around it.

If you date a girl from outside of the immediate area you should always try to go to a theatre in her vicinity. If you have no such luck, then you will have to try and convince your dates to go to movie theatres out of the surrounding area. Make up some excuse like you got in an argument with the manager at the local movie theatre and you feel uncomfortable going there. Otherwise you will have to press your luck and hope no one who can recognize you will be at the movies at the same time. Try going to later shows or an early matinee when the crowds are not as thick.

Movies are an anomaly (kind of like coworkers). It’s hard to predict who will be at the movie theatre since there are so many different types of movies playing at the same time. There are action films, romantic comedies, dramas, thrillers, etc. For each one of these movies there is a different demographic segment that enjoys watching them, which brings together many various groups of people that would not normally attend the same function. Thus, you’ll increase the likelihood that you’ll run into people you would otherwise would not have anything in common with, which in turn exposes you to a higher chance of getting caught by your girlfriend’s great aunt who just happened to be there to watch the new Disney animation film with her grand daughter.Your best solution if you must go to the movies, is to take your secondary women to another city or town where the chances of you bumping into someone that recognizes you are greatly diminished.

Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.

Take Care,


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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Avoid Meeting Your Girlfriend’s Coworkers

In the second installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will discuss an overlooked way of getting nabbed; by your girlfriend’s coworker.

Your girlfriend’s coworker is someone you disregard as soon as you’re finished being introduced to them. They have little, if entirely no relevance to your life except for those few excruciating hours that you’re forced to engage in small talk at a company function.

But that’s where you’re mistaken; it might appear they have only a passing role in your life, as immaterial as a stoplight, but if you’re not careful they can play a major role in the relationship between you and your girlfriend.

Here’s why…

There is no fun like getting a call from your woman during the work day and having her bust your balls about someone from her office seeing you out with another woman on Friday night when you were supposed to be shooting pool with your buddies. You might be able to talk your way out of this since most likely the coworker cannot be sure since you two only met briefly at a company Christmas party, but you certainly could do without the drama, inconvenience, and air of suspicion being raised.

If you can avoid meeting the coworkers that would be an ideal scenario, for it would remove a pesky nuisance that you cannot calculate for. There is something that you must realize about the coworker factor. Coworkers, unlike family and friends cannot be grouped easily. They have no particular bond, or anything that ties them in common besides their jobs. Coworkers are in fact an anomaly that is extremely hard to account for, or predict. This means that the coworker faction will encompass every type of individual, male, female, old, young, lover of classic music or gangster rap, etc. Very diverse indeed, meaning you can't avoid them as a whole; you just have to hope they don't recognize you.

The difference between your girlfriend’s friends and coworkers is that you can categorize her friends since they have similar interests. For instance if your girlfriend likes alternative music most likely so will her friends, which means you want to stay away from bars with live rock bands in her city. This, on the other hand, would make a hip hop club a viable option to take your secondary women. However, you can’t successfully apply this line of reasoning to her coworkers since they have only that one unifying bond; a common place of employment. Meaning they could be lurking about in some venue that you’re girlfriend would never attend, and what seems like a safe haven to take your other woman.

The best advice I can give you is try your best to avoid any work type functions that your girlfriend wants you to accompany her to, and definitely don’t take any women to any of your job functions.If you can’t avoid this predicament, then make sure you’re as nondescript and unremarkable at that company function as possible. The duller and more unmemorable you are, the easier and faster they will forget you (in the same manner you will discard them from your memories as soon as possible).

Simply said, beware of meeting any co-workers, if you can.

Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.

Take Care,


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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Number 1 Way To Get Caught Cheating While On a Date With Your Mistress

In the first installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I will discuss the top manner in which you might get caught; while in public.

This is obvious at first glance, also as obvious is that this is part of your infidelity is almost unavoidable. There is only a finite amount of things you can do with your secondary women that don’t involve going out into the world. Sooner or later you’ll have to bite the bullet and take one of them out to eat, a movie, or some other type of pass time.

Make sure that you plan your excursions out of your immediate area, and even more importantly out of your girlfriend’s area of proximity. Sure you’ll have to drive further to get something to eat or catch a movie but the effort will be worth it when you can relax and enjoy yourself, rather than having to constantly look over your shoulder to see if you know the couple that just walked into the same restaurant you’re having dinner in.

Another way to reduce the chances of being recognized by someone in public, avoid meeting any friends or family of your #2 and #3 women, especially since you have no real social obligations to either of them. However, the longer you keep a girl in your rotation the more likely you will meet of some of her friends, family, and acquaintances.

This escalates the odds of eventually encountering someone you have met through your mistresses in public. This alone is a good reason to periodically freshen up your rotation to make everything new and distant again with your secondary women.

Obviously, you can’t utilize this strategy with your girlfriend. With her, you have probably already met most of her important family members, friends, and coworkers. There is not much you can do about this, your social obligation is to be by your girlfriend’s side and under those circumstances you have to socialize, and therefore you end up meeting people that might recognize you later. That’s where taking your secondary women to more remote locations for dates reduces the chances that you’ll run into your girlfriend’s parents or cousins.

Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.

Take Care,


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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Avoid Getting Caught Cheating On Your Dates

This is the part that is obviously the most fun. Once you have done all the prep work of selecting and meeting the women you will be dating, your reward comes in an even more dangerous undertaking; the date itself.

The experiences of the dates are what you strive for; it’s what you lay all the groundwork and foundation for. But at the same time you have to be aware that it’s also the most dangerous time for a cheater.

The easiest way to get caught cheating is when you're on a date. You're exposed, out in the open for the entire world to see. You’re immersed in the mood and atmosphere of the encounter, and thus distracted. You’re focusing on the beautiful and exciting woman on your arm, probably a woman that isn’t your girlfriend, which alone heightens the exhilaration. You’re not focused on what’s going on around you, or who might be watching you, but you should be.

This is when you’re most vulnerable and have to be most careful, since a family member, a friend, or even a coworker might discover you.

Worst of all, you might not even realize that you been caught until the next day or even later on down the road when your girlfriend tells you about her friend who saw you kissing some girl. That’s one of the interesting aspects of getting caught, it’s usually not instantaneous. Very rarely will your girlfriend walk in on you while you’re engaged in questionable behavior with another woman (unless you’re completely careless or clueless). More often than not, she will find out indirectly sometimes days or even months after incident of infidelity transpired.

That’s why I have built a new seven part series to minimize your chances of getting caught on your dates, with the following installments of this blog highlighting the more dangerous locations and activities of dating that you should carefully consider beforehand.

Take Care,


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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Women In Your Rotation Run In Cycles

Women, like most things, have a tendency to run in cycles, especially your #2 and #3 girls in your rotation. Once your secondary women realize that the relationship is not growing, not leading to anything serious as they had hoped, they will eventually lose interest and fall out of your rotation.

This is good if you're looking to change up your rotation.

This is bad if it happens with your main girlfriend; remember it works both ways, so don’t forget to lavish enough attention on her to keep her content with your relationship.

Once your rotation comes full circle, you will notice that your #2 and #3 women will most likely exit your rotation around the same time throughout the cycle. Expect this to happen; don't be surprised by it, and make sure to plan for it. After all you aren't giving these women what they are looking for, so naturally they will search for a more enriching relationship elsewhere.

Once this scenario reveals itself you have two options; count your lucky stars that your girlfriend didn’t catch you, and retire from cheating with the self satisfaction that you managed to carry off a feat that most men only dream of, let alone have the fortitude to even attempt. Or, you might like the excitement that you set up another rotation and tempt fate again. It's your call, you will get better with each new rotation you set up, but your odds of eventually getting caught will increase as well.

I've had numerous Three-Girl rotations that worked out perfectly due to the fact that the arithmetic made it easy (three women, seven days in the week). But I was once ambitious too, and thought I could manage four women at one time. Hell, I thought, what's one more date, what's one more lie, what's one more night of sex.

Well one more date is more money out of your pocket, more time spent away from your main girlfriend leaving her at home wondering where you are. One more lie adds up exponentially in your flimsy house of cards you have built on all your false truths. Don't forget, lies are harder to remember and regurgitate upon demand because they never happened. You have to think about who you told it to, and when you told it.

What you really end up doing is tiring yourself out, and eventually getting your lies mixed up. The latter never happened to me, but the first definitely did. After four days of dating four different women I needed a break to just relax and hang out with my friends. But that day off never came because by the fifth day my main girlfriend was demanding to see me, and if I didn't oblige there would be complications.

Always keep in mind that spending time with women is never easy due to their emotional nature. One evening spent with a woman can wear a man down both mentally and physically (depending on your activities of the evening). If you have an argument (and we all know this will eventually happen) and have to spend the evening trying to console her and get back in her good graces, it might tire you out for the next day. If you spend a night romping around in the sack till four in the morning, you will be exhausted the next day, especially if you work a nine to five.
So after about two weeks of dating four women I quickly realized that this was a path leading directly towards failure, forcing me to cut the fourth woman loose.

And you know what, I didn't even miss her. In fact I valued my day off and my sanity so much that I have never attempted dating more than three women simultaneously again.
Please take it under advisement from someone with wide-ranging experience with the rotation ... three girls should be every man’s limit.

I know there are some of you out there that manage to date more than three women at the same time; my hats off to all of ya’ll. Send me some comments to let all my readers know how you manage your time and how you’re able to handle your ladies’ demands.


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