Friday, August 24, 2007

Keep Your Dates With Your Mistress Unofficial

I have to apologize for the absence of my blog in the last couple of weeks. I have been very busy lately recruiting a new stable of women and cycling out the existing ones. I like to make this purge every few months to keep everything fresh. Usually I try to weed them out individually over an extended period of time, sort of stagger it out. But his particular time it all hit at once, sometimes it’s unavoidable.

With that said…

In this the seventh and final installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series, I wanted to make sure you don’t do anything that might have a public or official record kept of it.

By official record I mean don’t sign any type of joint documents, take pictures with anything that can establish a time & date on it, sign birthday cards, make videos, make any type significant joint purchase and above all else stay away from getting arrested. That’s a good idea in case, but especially when you’re out with your mistress. It’ll be kind of difficult to explain away why you got arrested for fighting because you were trying to defend your mistress’s honor.

Some of these might be harder to avoid than others, taking photos and things of that nature, but try the best you can. Especially at clubs since promoters like to publish the photos they take of partygoers on their web sites.

Make sure that if you pay with a credit card you throw away the receipt immediately and make sure that you file away your monthly credit card statement before your girlfriend can “accidentally” glance at it.

The less evidence you generate, the less there is to hide and lie about later.

I hope you enjoyed the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series, even in its prolonged state. The How to Cheat On Your Girlfriend and Not Get Caught Blog will return normal schedule from here on out. I appreciate your patience.

Take Care,

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Friday, August 3, 2007

Checklist for Cheaters

In this the sixth installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series, I want to provide you with a checklist that every cheater should employ during and after a date with his girlfriend, mistress, or any other woman that happens his way.

1. Keep your cell phone on silent, off, or on vibrate.

2. Never check to see who is calling you, keep the phone in your pocket. If you pull it out to see it opens up the opportunity for whichever woman you are with to ask; “who is calling you?” If one of your other women calls you, let it go to voice mail and call back later. If it’s urgent then excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and call from there, or use the text messaging feature on your cell phone.

3. Don’t assign any photos of your women to their phone numbers in your cell phone. It’s too easy for your girl to catch a glimpse of the picture as you check your phone to realize it’s another woman calling you. Sometimes that’s all they need to start questioning your loyalty.

4. Remove any personal articles from your wallet, car, house, jacket pocket, pertaining to your girlfriend. Don’t forget to hide any and all pictures, jewelry, notes, and things of sentimental value tying you to any woman.

5. Avoid hugging or holding onto your secondary women in public in case someone sees you. That way you can maintain the argument that it was only a friend.

6. Try to wear your hair differently with different women to diminish the chance of easily being identified by someone you have only met once, like say the dreaded coworker. Wear a hat, beanie, or different style of clothes that you normally wouldn’t wear around your girlfriend to give you a different appearance.

7. Always throw the clothes you wore from your dates right into the laundry hamper. Make sure to dispose of any ticket stubs and receipts from the dates as well. Wash off any hand stamps you might have been branded with at a nightclub, bar, or event.

8. Roll down all your windows to air out your car on the ride home to eliminate hair strands and scent of the woman’s perfume.

Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.

Take Care,


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