Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Women Notice The Slightest Changes

Recently I had a phone conversation with my girlfriend that reinforced how sensitive women are to the slightest aberration in your demeanor or approach to them, and how quickly they can spot that subtle change.

It was the slightest divergence from my usual tone on the phone, something that would escape the male psyche as irrelevant, yet my girl managed to pick up on it.

When she calls I usually answer the phone in a boisterous “what’s up” just for fun as well as to emphasize that I’m happy to hear from her (little things like that go along way to keep women content in a relationship).

This particular time when I answered her call my “what’s up” was less enthusiastic and a little muted. Instantly she asked, without saying hello or anything of the sort, “are you at your parents house?”

I was taken aback at her insight, which I presumed was derived from my low-key salutation but I quizzed her to be sure.

“Why you ask that,” I inquired.

To which she replied “You always have less excited hello when you answer your cell at your parent’s house, like you’re not supposed to be on the phone or something.”
I laughed and then I explained to her “that I try to be a bit more respectful when I’m at the parent’s, that’s why I tone it down a bit.”

After I got off the phone with her I started to think about how effectively she identified the situation and was able to determine the slightest change in my tone and realize that things were out of the norm.

This led me to think about all the other subtle changes that women could be detecting especially when one is trying to hide their infidelity.

Small reminders such as this are great motivational tools to keep you on your game, to let you know that most women are extremely in tune with their men and can sense the slightest abnormality in their demeanor or daily habits.

Make sure you keep your game tight, don’t deviate from your normal routine so they don’t have anything to notice.

Take Care,

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Vacation Infidelity Part II

I'm back from vacation and as promised here is the second installment of the Vacation Infidelity Series... enjoy.

Hooking up with multiple girls while on vacation is a likely opportunity that will present itself. You just have to know how to take advantage of it. There are a few things to consider which will help guide you along your path. Once you hook up with a girl who is also on vacation you will probably exchange hotel contact info and things of that nature. Keep this with you but only use it in case you're having bad luck hooking up with a new girl the following night. After all, you already had your fun with the woman from the night before; there is no reason to spend much more of your precious vacation time with her. Also, try to find out where she is going to go party the night following your initial encounter and try to schedule a different venue to ensure she doesn't catch you hooking up with a new girl. Even on vacation women are very possessive and hate it with a passion when they are screwed over for another girl.

Remember you have no need for a vacation girlfriend. We’ve all known the guy that hooked up with a girl on the first night of the vacation and spent the rest of the week with her, ignoring his friends and all the other available women. Leaving him with a sad heart when the vacation romance ends and the girl eventually goes back home, as well as a sketchy story to his girlfriend back home about why he is in hardly any of the vacation photos. You are there to have fun, sample different women, and not to settle down with a vacation girlfriend, stick to that idea.

Try to make sure you do not hook up with women that live in the same general geographical area as you. This could lead these women to attempt to seek out a relationship with you after the vacation is over in your home area. If you feel that you have to pursue a girl that lives two blocks away from you, simply lie and say you're from somewhere else, making your life much easier in the long run.

If you take pictures with women that you hook up with, always try to use your camera, allowing you total control of the film and negatives. You can tell these women you’ll email them copies, which you have no intention of doing. Don't ever let one of your buddies carelessly take pictures of you hanging out with these vacation women, since you never know how or where these photos might end up. Maybe your buddy’s girlfriend will accidentally show them to your girlfriend at a social function in the future. To be safe, use your own camera and that way you won't have any questions down the road. If the vacation women take pictures they will most likely want to send you copies so have them email it to one of your non existent email accounts.

Vacation Infidelity Tips

1. If one of your vacation honeys gives you a parting gift that seems like a token of affection you would only receive from a woman, ditch it before you get off the plane. It will save you the headache of trying to explain to your girlfriend why you have teddy bear that says "I'll miss you” in your luggage. If for some reason you neglect to rid yourself of this paraphernalia, just tell your girlfriend you bought it for her, if it’s applicable.

2. Always dispose of any condoms and other sexual paraphernalia before you get off the plane. Also when packing for your trip, remember to pack your condoms after your girlfriend has finished helping you pack, for obvious reasons.

3. Don't come back with any marks on your body such as scratches on your back, etc.

4. Make sure that everyone on the trip who knows you had a romantic encounter understands that silence is golden, and know not to say anything to their own girlfriends. This rule is vital to uphold, since women have this need to divulge information to one another, most often to their buddies’ girlfriend about the indiscretions that might have occurred on a given vacation.

Take Care,

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Vacation Infidelity

With the vacation season fast approaching (summer vacation for colleges and high schools, fun in the sun for working folks) I thought I’d get you ready for summer with a few vacation infidelity tips for you to think about.

Going on vacation without your girlfriend can and should be considered a free for all, for the very reason that you are without supervision with an abundance of opportunity all around you. The women you will meet on your holiday will have their guard down, looking for a good time, and be far less scrutinizing of the guy they hook up with. This is a direct contradiction to normal circumstances under which women are far more protective and hesitant to go just with the flow.

Women on vacation will be much more prone to engage in questionable activity due to the fact that they are in a vacation mindset. You will be meeting ladies that you will, in all honesty, never see again after your vacation is over, making it far easier to cheat than when you are at home.

However, there are a few items that should be discussed before you taste this guiltless fruit.

1. Avoid giving the women you hook up with your contact information, but if for some reason you do, make sure it’s one of your ancillary email addresses that your girlfriend has no idea exists. This allows you to strictly filter your correspondences with these women without fear of discovery.

2. Whenever possible ask for their contact information first making it appear as if you're genuinely interested in contacting them, which will lead them to wait to receive your contact information when you “supposedly” will call or email them in the future.

3. Under no circumstances should you give out your address since you never know when you're girlfriend will decide to help you with the mail. Do not to give out your phone number since most of the women you meet will probably be from different geographical regions than you, meaning different time zones. This is important because different time zones could result in odd hour phone calls that might make your girlfriend wonder why all of a sudden you’re getting calls at strange hours or why unfamiliar area codes are showing up on your caller I.D.

There’s more, but I will be on vacation starting Tuesday of this week, and I’ll be back in the middle of next week sometime. I wanted to leave you guys a little vacation themed infidelity advice, in fact it will be a two parter, so look for the second installment when I get back.

Take Care,

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Three Girl Rotation for Infidelity

In all my experience, setting up a rotation of women has proven to be the most viable and effective tool to juggle multiple relationships simultaneously.

Like a Major League Baseball manager sets up a rotation of his pitching staff, setting up a rotation of your women will allow you to establish predictability in an otherwise unstable formula. Not to mention, it will enable you to realize your hierarchy of women in case your feelings ever get in the way and you forget whichone is the most important. Your main girlfriend is your Ace, and all the other women follow her in the rotation

Each day the manager starts a different starting pitcher, and each day you should be seeing a different woman.

This repertoire should include no more than three women at any one given point. Why not four or five? Well, we all fantasize about being players of extraordinary proportions with the ability to handle every woman that comes our way. But if you are just starting out, my advice to you is to stick with two or three until you’ve mastered the basics.

Splitting time between two women is difficult enough but every time you add another woman into the mix, you exponentially increase your chances of getting caught. In fact you might be setting yourself up for failure and embarrassment before you ever begin. Do not let your ambition get the better of you, stay within yourself and you will be well rewarded using the Three-Girl Rotation

The Three-Girl Rotation
Cheating is a lot like the odds at Las Vegas. You can only play for so long before fate inevitably turns against you. It's simple arithmetic, follow along and I’ll explain.

You have to realize that women need attention from their man. For every woman you have, you need to allocate a certain amount of time to spend with them, easy enough right? Well here is where it gets tricky. Women simply cannot wait patiently for more than a certain amount of time without seeing their man, that’s just how they are wired.

This issue leaves open only a limited window of opportunity for you to immerse yourself in other women.

But what is that amount of time, that’s the million dollar question? It depends on the individual woman; you will have to determine that for yourself. However, there is a simple equation I’ll share with you that works pretty well as a rule of thumb. If all things are normal (meaning no special days like birthdays, holidays, or events) a woman will seek out her man a minimum of every third day, sometimes even more frequently depending on her personality. Consequently the Three-Girl rotation comes into play.

Say you go out with your girlfriend on Monday; visit your number 2 girl on Tuesday, and your number 3 on Wednesday. Inevitably your girlfriend, who by the way you've been neglecting to see for the last couple of days, is pining away for your attention and getting somewhat impatient. She can wait one day, maybe even two days, but asking her to wait more than that is just trouble. Either she will get so frustrated with you that she'll start an argument, refuse to talk to you (which might not be all that bad depending on your woman), or just show up unexpectedly to surprise you and possibly catch you in the middle one of your dates.

So two days in between seeing any woman is probably the maximum amount of time you can safely allocate. It’s really not worth jeopardizing your relationship for one extra girl (day) in your rotation. Remember, you can always drop one of the existing secondary women if someone new and more tantalizing appears on the horizon.

I suggest you stick to this system when starting out and if you feel like you have the talent to expand your operations than by all means do so, but carefully, adding only one woman at a time. The reason for the Three-Girl rotation is to reduce the chances of getting caught while allowing you freedom and piece of mind. Dating numerous women is very difficult and exhausting.

Keeping track of who you are going out with, where you’ve been, and what lies you have told is quite a demanding task. Not to mention the many other commitments you might have including work, family, and friends that also significantly impose on your personal time. You need to schedule yourself a little down time to clear your mind. The three-girl rotation will allow you just enough of time to stay on top of your game.

Take Care,

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