In this the fifth installment of How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series I’m going to discuss the perils of engaging in sex and the pitfalls that you should be aware of.
If you're going to engage in sexual activity, and of course you will, always push for the venue to be at her place rather than your own. This radically reduces the chances of any evidence left behind at your house. If you choose to get down in your vehicle remember to search it thoroughly when you're finished, air it out, and try to vacuum the carpet and upholstery to eliminate those annoying strands of hair that women leave behind.
Under no circumstances are you to let any of your secondary women spend the night at your house. This leads to extended time spent in your bed, which means a lot of added work finding and removing evidence left behind. Regardless whether she spends the night, you'll have to change and wash your sheets, blankets comforters to get the girl’s scent out. Also, when any woman spends the night, they will linger in the morning causing delays with communicating with your girlfriend. You can’t exactly call your girlfriend while you still have the girl from the night before lounging around in your bed.
Remember your girlfriend probably hasn't heard from you since you started your date the night before, so if you lag in giving her a call in the morning because one of your secondary women is still there, she'll start to get annoyed. What’s worse is if you make this a habit she will start to get suspicious. For the same reason, try to avoid spending the night at your secondary women's houses, but this is still far better alternative than your residence. If you spend the night, make up an excuse the night before why you have to leave early in the morning and set your alarm. Try to target a time that allows you wake up, go home and call your girlfriend before she wakes up.
Also you want to keep an eye on the type of sexual activity you partake in and make sure that there are no marks on your body that might give away your indiscretion. Stay away from hickeys and make sure all your women know and fully adhere to this policy. Just say you find them childish and disgusting and that you'd rather not have them. Then make sure you don't give them either. If any of your women scratch your back during sex, then you will have to tell them to stop. This is a dead give away.
Avoid doing sexual maneuvers that you just learned from your secondary women with your girlfriend. This will make her wonder where you picked up your new moves, and a curious girlfriend is always a problem. But if you feel the overwhelming need to try it with your girl, weave it gently into the fabric of your relationship. Mention that you were talking about it with a coworker, or read about it in a men's magazine, then leave it alone for a few days. The next time you’re in the midst of passion wait for her to broach the topic of trying it out, that way it will be her idea. If she doesn’t, then you can ask initiate the idea since you had already planted the seed earlier in the week.
You should know this next one by now, but I’ll cover it here since this seems to trip up more would be players than anything else. Never call out the wrong name during sex. In fact avoid using their names altogether whenever possible. Get in the habit of calling all your women by cute little nicknames that you can rotate around like “baby doll,” “sunshine,” “beautiful,” “honey,” and so on. Once you have this established in your brain the propensity to call one of them by their actual names will greatly diminish, leading to a reduced reflex of calling out the incorrect moniker. Trust me, this will be a lifesaver, especially when one of them calls and they sound similar to your girlfriend on the phone. Now you don't have to awkwardly try to guess who it is by the conversation. With caller ID this is not as relevant as it used to be, but nevertheless its just good practice.
Stay tuned as the How to Avoid Getting Caught Cheating on Your Dates series continues.
Take Care,