Recently I had a phone conversation with my girlfriend that reinforced how sensitive women are to the slightest aberration in your demeanor or approach to them, and how quickly they can spot that subtle change.
It was the slightest divergence from my usual tone on the phone, something that would escape the male psyche as irrelevant, yet my girl managed to pick up on it.
When she calls I usually answer the phone in a boisterous “what’s up” just for fun as well as to emphasize that I’m happy to hear from her (little things like that go along way to keep women content in a relationship).
This particular time when I answered her call my “what’s up” was less enthusiastic and a little muted. Instantly she asked, without saying hello or anything of the sort, “are you at your parents house?”
I was taken aback at her insight, which I presumed was derived from my low-key salutation but I quizzed her to be sure.
“Why you ask that,” I inquired.
To which she replied “You always have less excited hello when you answer your cell at your parent’s house, like you’re not supposed to be on the phone or something.”
I laughed and then I explained to her “that I try to be a bit more respectful when I’m at the parent’s, that’s why I tone it down a bit.”
After I got off the phone with her I started to think about how effectively she identified the situation and was able to determine the slightest change in my tone and realize that things were out of the norm.
This led me to think about all the other subtle changes that women could be detecting especially when one is trying to hide their infidelity.
Small reminders such as this are great motivational tools to keep you on your game, to let you know that most women are extremely in tune with their men and can sense the slightest abnormality in their demeanor or daily habits.
Make sure you keep your game tight, don’t deviate from your normal routine so they don’t have anything to notice.
Take Care,